I Need Help

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This is a Chaz joiningthe IMP au and Striker gone into Ruts (Warnin: Smut)

3rd Person
Chaz was listening to Blitz taking on how to make his business go up but Moxxie was saying that Blitz idea was stupid Chaz was about to say somthing but his phone went off and he pulled it out of his pocket.
Striker: 'Hey are um busy?' It was Striker he never texted Chaz unless it was some sort of situation.
Chaz: 'No Moxxie and Blitz are arguing. But what's wrong something happen?'
Striker: 'No. It just do you remember that thing I talked about two months ago?'
Chaz looked back at the text trying to remember but then ot hit him giving a blush.
Chaz: 'Wait are you in Rust!?' I was freaking out blushingluke crazy making sure no one sees my phone or texts.
Striker: 'Y-yeah' Chaz started to blush reading the text from Striker.
Chaz Pov
"Um hey Blitz is it alright if I leave early?" I said pointing at the door getting Blitz's attention.
"Yeah go ahead" I nodded and went out the door and hit the elevator button and started to call Striker.
"Hey hun you alright?" I could feel the hea coming from the phone.
"N-no it hurts I need help please" I hear Striker say that with desperation I never heard Striker beg before besides today and just now.
"Okay look I need you to do everything I say. Okay?" I said
"Yes" I hard Striker say with a little whimper a little. I walk to my car connecting that phone to my car.
"Are you at my house or at your apartment" I said to get some confirmation.
"I'm at your place" I felt a little happy so I can help him over the phone.
"Okay good now I need you to go under my bed and grab a black box" I said with a blush and I hear some shuffling of sheets.
"O-okay I got it"
"Okay I need you too open it and use what ever you want." I said I hear him opening the box andthen gasp.
"U-um where did ya get all this?" Striker said in a stuttering tone.
"Well have to keep myself satisfied. And before you ask me yas all of them are washed" I started to drive to my house but was stuck in traffic.
"I-m not worried by that it's just I never"
"Hun it's okay if you want I'll stay on the phone till I get there" I said to keep him calm and have less stress.
"Here I'll video call you too try and help" I hung up the phone calling Striker againin and he answered.
"Holly crap is it that bad" Striker said nothing but nod the only reason I said that he was sweating and heavily breathing.
"Chaz I don't know what ta do and I don't know how to use any of this" Striker said with heavy breaths.
"Okay I'll do my best to tell you what to do" he nodded and just waited for instructions.
"Do you see a long dark blue object" I looked twords the screen of my phone.
"Yeah" he nodded.
"Okay take it out of the box and put in back under my bed there should also be remote for it" I see Striker take out a remote and put the box back under the bed.
"Okay this is gonna be weird to do on yourself but put two fingers in your mouth and cover them up in spit" he started to blush and took his fingers in his mouth wrapping his toung around his fingers covering them with his siliva.
"Okay your good now I want you too do something crazy but just take off your pants and spread your legs" he did as he was told and put his pants gently on the floor and hesitating to spread his legs.
"Good now be a good boy and I think you know what I want you too do tough guy" I said Ina seductive tone he knew where I was coming from because in put one figure up his ass.
"Mhf- Chaz" he started to move his fingers started to lay on his side started to whimper in pain.
"Oh my that looks so good for you to do that for me" he stuck his second figure in and started to move them.
"Did you find that spot yet" I said as he started move his figures a little faster and he nodded.
"Ch-Chaz please I need more" he said moaning and begging.
"Okay fine nOw I want you too grab that dildo and replace your figures with that" he just looked at it and grabbed it and taking out his figures and put the tip up against his ass.
"Take it slow you don't have to rush" he nodded he's probably being like this because he never used toys before.
Striker started to put itin fully and started to moan I was blushing surprised to hear that sound from him and did a big grin.
"Now you see that remote" he nodded again grabbing it and putting it in his hand.
"When ever your ready switch it to on and put it on level one okay" I grinned as he was blushing.
I see him turn on the remote and turn it on to level one covinghis mouth.
"Wh-at what is it doing h-ow" he questioned trying to contain his moans so I wouldn't hear it.
"It will satisfy you up until I get there whe I tell you to turn it up turn it up okay" I said as he stated to nod
"Words Striker" I did a devilish grin as he looked at the phone screen with wide eyes.
"Ye-Yes I under-stand" I put my eyes back on the road hear muffled moans and it was only on one I kinda wanted to hear more.
"Turn it up too three" he grabbed the remote and turned it up to three.
"Ah~ i-it ah~" he can't even finish his sentence droll started to escape his mouth I unbutton my pants started to palm my own.
"Turn it up too five" he did as hewas told and the only thing he could do was moan.
"Ch- please Ah~" he moaned I finally arrived home and hung up and jumped out of my car and opening the front door while closing it and locking it walking to the bedroom opening the door seeing Striker a hot mess with a combination with sweat and drool going to the bed sitting on top of him pinning his arms above his head.
"Hey sweet thing you missed me" he looked at me he was hot not like a good looking way but a tempature way I pull out the dilldo and turning it off letting him catch his breath.
"I'll be right back stay here" I smile going to the bathroom and grabbing a small rag and putting it in water rigging it out going back to Striker.
"W-what are ya doing?" Striker said still breathing heavily.
"I need to cool you off real quick so you don't pass out and be worn out" he nodded settling down and calming down a bit.
"I can tell that you had to deal with this all day I would of can home sooner if you called" I looked at Striker putting the rag on his head.
"Sorry thought you were busy so I tried to wait" he said as he was calming down but he had a wonderful smell like vanilla making me lick my lips making me just want to go all over him but he needs to cool down.
"You okay?" I wanted to reassure that he was okay or not.
"Yeah I'm alrigh" he nodded as I took the rag off his head going in for a hungry kiss as he kissed back I lifted his legs and putting them on my sides wrapping his arms around my neck.
"If you need me to stop tap my should
shoulder I don't want to hurt you" he nodded as I was undoing my pants and fully taking them off and taking off my shirt and Strikers.
I started to position myself where Strikers ass was putting the tip on the rim of his ass.
"Hm~ Chaz please" I looked down at him.
"Please what?" I questioned I wanted to make him beg its rare to hear Striker beg or be vulnerable.
"Please fuck me until this dumb cycle is over" Striker said as I went in more into Strikers ass and started to go in fully.
"OH fu~ please move" I was surprised as he said that.
"Inpatient aren't we" I smiled and I started to move at a slow and steady pace.
"Ah~ da-" before Striker could finnish his sentence he covered his mouth.
"Go ahead say it" I put a hand on his tail starting to stroke it.
"D-daddy" he said trying to cover his fa e but I grabbed both of his wrist with one hand pinning him down while still touching his tail.
"Good boy" I started to mess with his tail more going down to his neck kissing around his collar bone.
"May I Striker?" I said looking at him for a yes or a no but he nodded bitting the crook of his neck starting to move faster.
"Mfh-ah~" he bit his tongue trying to keep his noises under control but most of his moans sliped out.
"Please harder" Striker begged as I went faster and harder wanting more of him.
"Are you close?" I said with inches away from Strikers face.
"Yes" I started to move more as I was inches away from being close I started kissing him putting my toung in his mouth exploring his mouth as we both released and started to moveit out swallowing all o Strikers moans then we parted.
"Are you okay?" I said while Striker tried to catch his breath.
"I'm all good" I started to pull out while picking him up his sent was gone as I walked up both to th bath room starting the water laying him in the tub.
"I'll be right back im.a go get clothes layed out and I'll be right back" he nodded as he layed his back on the tab wall I went inside my closet grabbing me a pair of pants and boxers and also trying to find something for Striker and I found a pair of boxers that would fix him and one of my shirts.
"Okay I'm back let's get you dryed off and get dressed" I picked him up letting him sit down on the bed giving him a pair of boxers and and one of my shirts.
"Feel better?" I asked sitting next to him.
"Yeah along better" he did a wide smile as I smiled back he started to lean twords me kissing me and laying his head on my neck.
"Okay I know your tired let's lay down" I feel teeth on my neck and bitting down on it while I layed down on a pillow.
"Okay you need to rest but tomorrow I'm all yours" he nodded laying on my cheat wrapping his arms around my waist and his tail twisted around my tail.
"Good night love you" I said playing with Strikers hair.
"Lov ya too and thank you" he said while smiling.
"Glad I could help get som rest now"

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