I Like You. Alot

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Summary: Verasika confronts Chaz for liking Striker since Striker helped him escape from the mob.

3rd Person
Verasika realized ever since Stiker help Chaz, Chaz has been looking at Stiker or trying to hang out with him but Stiker is always on jobs or just doing his own thing but Verasika sees Chaz on the couch looking at pictures of Striker and him.
"What you doing buddy" Verasika said looking a Chazs phone seeing hearts all around a phone of Striker.
"Ah Verasika!?" Chaz yelled as he jumped and freaked out a little hiding his phone.

Verasika pov
I looked at Chaz as he was freaking out a little like he kept asking me if I saw anything on his phone how long was I here and i told him the same thing for awhile.
"So you didn't answer my question" I said as he just turned back on his phone showing me pictures of Striker.
"I knew it I k ew you liked him!" I yelled.
"Shh I can't have him hear" he said as he was tryingto stay quiet.
"He isn't here you fine. So you gonna ask him out or somthing?" He crossed his arms looking away.
"Well I can't" he said as he looked back at me.
"Why I bet you have a chance" I said pointing at him.
"What if heis with somthing or he's straight!?" He said as he was freaking out I couldn't help but laugh.
"Okay one he isn't straight. Two the only person headed for or cared for him was his mother." I said trying to prove a point with Chaz.
"Know what how about we make a bet" I said smiling and putting out on figure.
"What is it!" He said
"Striker comes back in about 2 hours if you can't tell him how you feel by the endorsement the day you owe me 50 bucks but if you tell him I'll give you 50" I said with a smile I was trying to make fun of Chaz at this point.
"Know what that's a deal" he said putting out his hand to shake mine and so I did.
"You have fun" I said walking away waving him bye.

Chaz pov
WHY DID I AGREE TO THIS!? I yelled in my head questioning everything but I have two hours to get everything ready I need floweres or somthing that could attract him.
2 hours later
I got flowers that was a darker shade of red kinda like blood I didn't think it was the best idea. I was walking intk the house seeing Striker walking to the bathroom be looked all beaten up with bruises and cuts. I shut the front door and set the flowers down on the kitchen counter an walking to the bathroom Striker went too.
"Striker you all right" I said as I was knocking on the door. I see the door opening with a beaten up Striker in the door way.
"I'm fine just trying to clean up" he said I looked behind him seeing bloody peices of clothing.
"Here let me help" I picked him up and placing him on the bathroom sink. He didn't struggle nor try to move I grabbed the bandges and started to wrap his arms in bandges and putting a damp towle on one of his eyes that was swollen.
"You alright" I said leaving the towle on his eye.
"Yea" Striker said as he was closing his eyes. How was he so hot and adorable.
"Um Striker can I ask you something?" I said as hestarted to open his eyes and look at me.
"Shoot" he said
"Um have you ever wanted to be with someone?" I said as he was thinking a bit.
"Time to time yes but I don't know" he said closing his eyes again.
"Why do you ask?" Striker said as I was coming closer to his face.
"Well um" I said I was trying to find the right works for it until i let it spill out.
"I like you alot like more than a partner or a friend!" I said as he look3d at me about to laugh.
" one of your jokes again funny one" he said as I took off the towle off his eye and putting my hands on his shoulders.
"I-its not a joke I am in love with you Striker and I wanted to tell you every since you saved me from the mob!" I said I guess he got the message because his eyes stated to shine.
"O-oh um I see" he said looking at me.
"S-so how do you feel?" I questioned.
"I-I um I" he couldn't talk I thought it was a sign that he didn't like m back I was about to walk away but I felt arms around my waist I look behind me seeing Stiker blushing.
"I-I accept" Stiker said hiding his face in my back and I turned around smiling and I pulled him into a hug.
"Let's get you finished cleaning you up and we can talk okay?" Stiker said as he sat back on the sink.
A little while later
"Imma go lay down night." Striker said as he wentto his room but leaving the door open with just a crack. I wentinto the kitchen seeing Verasika.
"So you did it" she said giving me 50 bucks.
"Yeah I guess I did" I said taking off my jacket and folding it up and grabbing the flowers that I left on the counter.
"I'll talk to you later I need to do something" Verasika just nodded as I walked to Strikers room. I opened the door a little not letting the light to come in the room.
"Striker you awake?" I said shaking him lightly.
"I am now" he said rubbing his eyes.
"Sorry i just wanted to give you something" he gave me a questioning look ad I grabbed the flowers.
"Chaz why did you?" He said but I cut him off from saying anything else.
"I said that I loved you didn't I" I said to him laying the flowers beside him and hugging me.
"I heard you get cold easily because you were born and raised in Wrath and it is cold here so I thought you would like to have this" I give him my jacket starting to put it on him it's kinda big.
"Chaz I can't" he started to shake his head lighty.
"You can and you will it will be fine" I said zipping up the jacket of him he kept on looking at me then smiled.
"Now you can stay warm when om not here" he looked at me confused and I hugged him and brought him back on the bed so he could lay down.
"See. Now go back to sleep pertend om not here." He layed on my chest and I strted to wrapped my arms around him as he kept his on his chest. I kissed him on the head then we both fell asleep.

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