Stop Makeing A Scene Pt 2

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Summary: this is part two of last story
Chaz pov
I woke up from a glimpse of sun coming onto my face I started to open my eyes seeing Striker on top of my chest resting his head on my chest with his legs on both sides me and his hands are on my chest aswell. I rubbed his back with one of my hands and scratching it a little bit he started to move a little bit but I could tell he's awake but he didn't want to get up.
"You going to get up?" I said pitting a hand under his shirt well mine.
"Mmh" he said as he shifted his body not wanting to get up.
"You tired or are you just hurting" I said as he just kept his eyes clothes.
"Both" Striker said as he opened his eyes slightly.
"Well I tried to help you last night" I said pulling him tighter to me.
"Oh well thought you needed it" he said as he was looking at me with a grin I started to get up and got Striker up from my chest so he was sitting up.
"How about we get up and take a shower and we can lay in bed all day since you don't have work and I'm off for the day" I said kissing Strikers cheek he was blushing and nodded he got off of me and sat on the edge of the bed and I got off the bed standing up Striker started to stand up but he almost fell and I cached him picking him up again walking to the bathroom sitting him on the sink and went to turn on the water in the shower I started taking off my pants and boxers. I turned around to see Striker taking off his shirt I went twords him and helped him take off his boxers and picking him up again steping in the shower helping Striker on his feet so he could stand letting the water run down his back.
"You feel okay?" I said as I kept him up so he stand properly.
"Yeah but I think I can stand on my own" I nodded letting go of his waist but keeping ahold of his shoulders. The water kept running down his back and I started rubbing his back I rested my chin on the top of his hand I grabbed the soup and put it on a wash cloth and started to wash myself and hum up.
After the fact U3U
We both stepped out of the shower as i grabbed mine and Strikers towel and wrapped around his waist going to the closest grabbing some clothes and giving him some clothes that was to big for him because his clothes needed to be washed from his last job I kissed his head as we both layed down on the bed wrapping my arms around him as he kept his arms to his chest to get comfortable.
"You feeling better?" I said as he looked at me.
"Alot better excpecily when I'm right here" he said smiling he was relaxed probably first time in awhile he wasn't tense he was just calm.
"I'm glad we need to do this more often" I said putting the covers over us.
"Maybe when we don't have work" he said as he started to get warm.
"It's rare for the both of us not having work or a job" he just smiled and laughed a little he was cute so I laughed with him relaxing and stay like this for the rest of the day.

Chaz x Striker Where stories live. Discover now