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Summary: Verasika visited Striker and noticed he haven't been feeling the best so sh wanted to make a joke about him and gave him a pregnancy test the results scared Striker thinking on what Chaz would think
Verasikas pov
I came to Strikers little motel room that he rented out because of a job but ever since I came over he wasn't feeling good I had a pregnancy test in my purse it's been five minutes now but next thing I knew.
"AAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!" I hear Striker yell from the bathroom I knock on the door hearing a thud an sobbing from the other side. I opened the door seeing Striker on the floor crying.
"Striker what happened" I said as he was pointing to the edge of the sink I looked and saw the pregnancy test it's was. POSSITIVE!? But how hes a boy.
"Oh my Striker your gonna have baby" I said jumping in joy as he looked up at me crying I never seen him cry before.
"Hey its okay Striker" I said while helping him off the floor.
"No its not what will Chaz think?" Striker said as he was sitting on the edge of his bed.
"How about you call him ask him too come over and you can explain" he nodded taking his phone out of his pocket I decided to leave him alone so him and Chaz could talk.
Chaz pov
Blitz was just talking on how much a bitch moxxie was I started getting a call from Striker. Why is he calling?
"Hey. What's up?" I said as everyone in the room was looking at me.
"Is it okay that you come back please?" Striker said with just a hint of sadness.
"Yeah I'm on my way" I said as I got out of my chair telling everyone bye and left going to my car getting ready to get to Strikers motel room.
30 minutes later
I arrived at the motel Striker was staying in I got out of my car knocking on the door of Strikers room the door started to open as I opened I see Striker he had tears in his eyes refusing to let the roll down his face.
"Sriker what's wrong?" I said as I stepped inside shutting the door.
"I it's um" Striker said as he was trying to tell me the matter but more tear ran down his face I started to cup his face wiping he tears.
"Calm down one word at a time" I said as he looked at me crossing his arms on his stomach and reaching into his pocket and get it to me.
"Wait is this yours?" All he do was nod and looked down crying not wanting to look at me. I kept cupping his face but I let go going onto my knees hugging his waist putting my face onto his stomach.
"Wait your not mad?" Striker said as he looked down at me.
"What!? No who said I would be mad? I was just shocked at first but right now I'm happy excited even" I said as I stood up wiping his tears away again and kissing him.
"I can't wait I'm gonna be a dad" I said crying tears of joy along with Striker I always wanted to be a dad especially with Striker. I walked him to the bed as we both layed down cuddling each other.
"I don't want you doing any jobs till this is over with" I said as Striker just smiled and did a little laugh.
"Okay I promise I won't" Striker said he knows how much this will mean to the both of us.
"Get some rest" I said as Striker layed on my chest and I kissed his forehead as he fell asleep I put one of my hands on his stomach as I fell asleep as well.
This was a suggestion from someone andi thought it was really fun and cute to do I loved it personally. Thank you so much please give me more suggestions. ❤️


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