Do You Still Love Them

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Summary: Striker has a feeling that Chaz still loves M&M and is using him for his body and feelings.

Chaz Pov:
I just got home to the apartment that me and Striker stayed at. As I walked in I see Striker sitting down on the couch crossing his arms.
"Hey babe. Something wrong?" I said walking twords him and sitting next to the snake imp.
"Nothing it's just I had a strange feeling is all" he said getting off the couch an about to walk away.
"Hun what's wrong you never act like this when I come home" I said grabbing his arm. When he turned around he had tears in his eyes I tried to hug him but all he did in return was pushing me away.
"Striker whats wrong me and you can talk about this what ever is wrong" he just looked at me he looked hurt and filled with rage.
"Why. Why me you could of just run back to them but I know that you don't care about me all you want is to use me and go back to them when ever I just turn my back on you!" Striker yelled as finally his tears I his eyes fell down his cheeks. I was surprised about what he said and I honestly had no words. Wht made him think I would ever do that to him.
"Babe what are you talking about you know I would nev-" I was cut off by Strikr trying to pull his arm away from me and he couldn't stop crying I never see him like this even when he's talking about his parents and what happened to them.
"Why are you not going to them and go back andlet me go" he was struggling his arm trying to pull it away.
"Hun who are you talking about?" I said pulling him closer to me with his arm.
"That vermen and that western girl!" He yelled and it finally hit me he was talking about moxxie and millie then I think I know where he's coming from.
"Striker" I said taking my other hand on his waist. He kept on struggling so I glad too pull him closer.
"I would never leave you nor go back to them you know wht moxxies dad almost di to me and you know how much of a phyco millie is and I would have to be really drunk or desperate to go back to them. And why would I go back when I'm happy with you and I have everything I ever wanted ever since I met you" Striker stoped and looking up at. I took my hand off Strikers wrist and putting it on his cheek wiping his tears away. He started to hug me tightly but he kept crying I sat us both down on the couch and let Striker reat his head on my chest.
"Now tell me why did you ever think of such things" I said looking down at Striker as he looked up at me as I wiped his tears away again as he was calming down.
"I kept hearing a voice saying that you hated me and you wish that you go back to them and you wish you never met me" he was crying again at the fact he kept hearing that. Ever since he failed hi last job to kill that Royal bird he kept hearing things wait could it be Stella no as long as I stay with him and make sure he's okay we both will be fine.
"I understand but you need to know I love you and only you no matter what and I care for you" I said kissing his forehead I smiled as Atriker started to calm down.
"I'm sorry I didn't what you too see me as weak" I hugged me and wrapping his arms around me.
"I never find you weak I find you cute tho" I said as I leaned in to kiss him on the lips and he started to kiss back.
"I. Thank you for being here with me Chaz" he started to smile just how I like to see him.
"No problem next time you feel this I'll make sure to be here for you." He started to sit on my lap and laying his head on my chest.
"If your tired then we can go to bed" I said but when I looked down to look at him he was asleep and he looked perfect.
'I'm glad I met you my love' I whispered as I layed down on the couch keeping his head on my chest playing with his white hair then falling asleep.

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