You don't need to do my job

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Summary: Chaz brings Stolas back to a abandoned motel Striker was staying but when Striker came back seeing them both he doesn't approve because he knows IMP is going to look for Stolas.

Chaz Pov
I arrived at the motel that Striker was staying at it's really worn down I always think hes going to get hurt. I went to the trunk of my car opening it having a bird in the back.
"Hello your Majesty" I said grabbing the collar of his shirt dragging him I side. I tried opening the door but it was suck. Again. I kick the door open not seeing Striker no one was here. Perfect this will be a surprise. I threw the bird on the bed taking my phone out getting ready to call Striker.
"If I may ask why am I here?" He said as I looked at him.
"Well I wanted to do somthing nice fore a special person of mine" I said crossing my arms.
"Ah okay so you thought this was a good idea" he said as I started to get mad because I knew he was bing sarcastic.
"Well HE has been trying to track you down for so long so thought I could help him out" I said walking twords the window looking for Striker but nothing.
"Ooh seems like he's a fan of me" he said with a small giggle.
"No he hates you extremely" I said laughing as the bird stopped. I hear a horse out side I rushed to the door but Striker already fully opened the door I quickly covered his eyes when his tail was about to attack me I grabbed it with my own wrapping my free arm around him.
"Babe calm down its me" I said as he calmed down at the fact he heard my voice.
"Chaz what are yo-" I cut him off with my own voice.
"Ah I have a surprise for you" I look the arm that was around him also covering his eyes I hear a light laugh from him.
"You know I don't like surprises" he said
"Alright 1 2 3" I uncovered his eyes I see him his mouth slightly opened and eyes I pure shock.
"Hello Striker" the bird said as I hear a sigh come out of him.
"Why is. HE HERE!" Striker yelled pointing to the bird.
"Isn't this the guy you been trying to get" I said taking Strikers hands in mine.
"Yes but when is hein here!?" Striker said pulling his hands out of mine.
"Well thought you could use some help hunny" I said.
"Oh Chaz how sweet but here's the thing. You killed me." He said in a angry tone.
"Wait what" I said confused
"Well the demons that are protecting him are probably hunting me down to kill me" I looked at him in shock.
"Babe I'm sorry I didn't mean too" I said trying to look at him but he didn't want to face me.
"It's fine but I don't need you to do my job for me" he said looking at the bird.
I hear a car out side.
"Shit I'll be back if he's here I need to take him to his. Ex wife?" Striker said questioning the situation looking at the bird and he nodded as Striker opened the door I followed behind him.

3rd Person
Blitz and M&M was standing out side thinking of what could they do but they see the door open.
"STRIKER!" Blitz yelled as Striker looked at him in a expression of pure anger.
"Hey boss man" M&M look at Striker then in pure shock along with Blitz.
"CHAZ!?" the three of them yelled and Striker looked behind him seeing Chaz.
"You know them?" Both Striker and Chaz questioned each other. Millie threw a knife at Chaz but Striker caught it in his hand now bleeding. The three IMPS ran twords Striker as he kept blocking there attacks and hitting them harder with there own. Millie tried getting Chaz but Striker kick her out of the way knocking her to the ground making sure they down hurt Chaz. Striker doesn't care he gets himself hurt he's making sure Chaz is never getting hurt again. Blitz took out a pocket knife stabbing Strikers side twisting it to make it go in deeper while Moxxie ran twords Chaz who was in the door why where Stolas was but Striker used his tail to wrap around Moxxies waist throwing him out of the way. Blitz finally cought on what sriker was doing so he threw Striker to a huge rock knocking his head making it bleed. Blitz took out a pistol aiming it twords Chaz pulling the trigger when Chaz hears a bang he was expecting to get shot but nothing happened he opened his eyes seeing Striker on the ground Chaz ran to Striker quickly picking him up going to his car starting it up. Chaz quickly drove away not looking back.

Blitz POV
I watch as the car drove away and Strikers horse ran right behind it knowing to follow Striker where he gose. I walk into the motel room seeing Stolas sitting on the edge of the bed.
"What happened did he hurt you" Blitz asked Stolas but he shook his head.
"The shark brought me here but Striker didn't know I was here" I looked at Stolas surprised.
"But Blitzy I know somthing that could be useful twords you" Stolas said as I looked at him confused.
"The shark called Striker babe and hunny I think they are both together he also told he he wanted to help a special somone of his"
"Wait Chaz is dating Striker" I hear a surprised yell from behind me it was Millie.
"Seems like it we will leave Striker alone for now since he didn't do anything but when we find him we have alot of questions for him"

Chaz POV
I stoped at a small river it was beautiful I opened the passenger door and opened my trunk getting bandges going back to the passenger side sliding the saet back a little. He started opening his eyes and whice in pain.
"Chaz?" He questioned as I bandged up his wounds.
"Yes its me stay down your hurt" I said as he laid his head back.
"Are you okay tho did they do anything to you?" He questioned as I leaned into a kiss.
"No I'm fine" he sighed in relief kissing me back again.
"Thank you for protecting me" I said as Striker smiled.
"Welcome I don't want you get hurt" Striker said as I put one of my hands on the cheek of his face creasing my thumb on his cheek.
"Thank you but you need to rest I'll take care of Bombproof and find somewhere to say at. K?"I said and kissed his and he drifted to sleep.

Note: let me know if I should make a pt 2 of this story. Love yall

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