First Date

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Summary: Striker gose om his foster date with someone and the someone his a weird and crazy shark named Chaz.
Place or setting: There in the lust ring (Striker bever comes here unless it's for a job)

Chaz pov
I finally did it I asked Striker out on a date Verasica bet I wouldn't do it by the end of the week andi di it. At first he thought it was a joke but but now I think he got the idea Striker said he would meet me up at my house so I didn't have to drive all the way to Wrath. I see a flaming hourse out side my window and I see Striker come twords my house and before he got to knock on the door he got the chance to knock on the door I opened it. Striker face was facing my chest I always forget that this guy is short for some reason.
"Wrll you early" I said while crouching down to his face to be eye to eye with him.
"Yeah thought we could go where every we are goin early. I guess he didn't mind me crouching down to him because he didn't say a word.
"Well let's go then shall we" Striker said nothing but nod and smile. We both got into my car I put on som music as he was getting straped into the seat. I started my car and start heading to the last ring thought Striker would like it.
"So you look nice" I said trying to start up a conversation with him.
"Yeah thought this would be alright" He said looking at me as I kept my eyes on the road. He was wearing his normal pants, boots, and gloves but was wearing a black turtle neck everything I glanced twords him I couldn't help but blush.
"Hey you alr-"
"Where here!!!" I didn't let him finish by yelling that out and jumping out of the car while Striker just came out the car calmy
"Thelusy ring?" He questioned as I nodded.
"Yeah thought you would like it but I know your WANTED here so here" I toss my leather jacket twords him trying to tell him to put it on and went he did.
"Um kinda big on medont ya think?" He said looking at me yeah it was way too big I went twords him to botton and zip yp the jacket.
"It's kinda looks nice on you" I said with a smile.
"Your only saying that due to it being big on me" he's blushing!? I never thought a dangerous assassin like Striker would by like this.
"No I like it on you" I put on a pair of sun glasses on him.
"You might want to hide you tail" I said pointing at his tail as he just put his tail in his shirt.
"It'll be alright" He said shrugging at my comment.
"Okay let's go" I said holding his hand and walking twords the entrance.
"How can I help you?" The man at the front said looking at me then stareing at Striker.
"Resvervations for Chaz" I said getting Striker behind me looking at theguy as the man rolled his eyes.
"Chaz Thurman come on in" I nodded taking Strikers hand again.
"See you later good looking" the man said looking at Striker. My hand tighten on Strikers as we both kept walking to the entrance.
"Should of killed him" Striker looked at me while I said that then he held my hand tighter telling me too calm down.
"Sorry" he said nodding he's probably not talk because there was so much security around. We walked to the entrance door as u showed the guard my tickets for both me and Striker they let usboth in. As went went in there was no security around so I took off the sunglasses that was on Strikers face.
"Okay you should be good" i said walking to a empty table sitting us both down.
"So um have you ever been here before?" I said looking a Striker as he looked back at me.
"Only for jobs but nothing like dates or anything like that" I just looked a him surprised wait I have to ask.
"Have you ever been on a date before!?" I said in a questioning tone he just shook his had no.
"Wait how your like you!" I said in a yelling tone but also surprised. Someone started coming twords our table and Striker started to look down.
"Hello Gentlemen what can I help you with like drinks?" I looked at Striker because this was goingto be difficult.
"Water for the both of us please" I said looking at the lady.
"Okay I'll be right back with your drinks" she said while she walked away.
"Sorry thought that you needed help" I said while Striker started to look back to me.
"It's fine I appreciate it" he said I could feel that heat coming from my face. I hate how he has to hide but I hope by the end of the night I'll make it up to him.
"Here are your waters" the lady come back placing or water on the table.
"Do you two need any more time to think or order now?" She said looking at us.
"Need some time for the both of us" the lady just nodded and walked away I then looked at Striker and looked up at me.
"You okay?" I said looking at him his face was red like fully red.
"Yeah I just feel embarrassed" he said placing a hand on his face covering his mouth.
"And why is that" i questioned looking at him going to take off my hand from his face going to hold his hand on the table.
"It's that I never been hear for a date and you given your jacket to hide and I don't know how to feel" I looked at him keeping g both of our hands together.
"Will you should feel embarrassed for one and for two I feel how I always felt with you and my feelings are saying I care and love you" I said as he looked at me I thought I saw a shining his eyes after I said that I loved him I mean I'm not wrong.
"Uh thank you" I smiled at him and he smiled back at me. I started to hear music and see smoke going on and I hear Asmodeus voice going on coming closer.
"Hello everyone!!" Asmodeus said as he came out of the smoke and looking at everyone. I looked back at Striker to see how he was doing but he just kept his head down and I kept my hands on his.
"We can leave if you dont think you can handle being here" I said holding his hand tighter h then got up but he just sat down next to me laying his head on my shoulders.
"Don't tell me what I can't handle" he said laying there i put one of my arms around his waist and the other hand on his cheek to cup his face. I lifted hishead too look at me and we were inches away from our lip and I started to connect our lips with each other's it felt like a missing puzzle pice was gone and just came back too me. I put the hand that was on his cheek on one of his thighs.
"Okay stop" Striker saidas he was blushing. He started to puthisarms around neck and kissed m again. My eyes widen aside see a light beeming on us I pushed his face off mine and burned his in my chest and his fave was completely red.
"Aw is you little play thing embarrassed." Asmodeus starting to laugh at the both of us I looked down at Striker to see his face.
"You okay?" I saidhe just nodded his head keeping his face on my chest.
"Aw and we were all getting a show from seeing you both" I was about to get up to give Asmodeus a pice of my mind but Striker hugged me tighter and keep me in place.
"Please don't go" he said as I kept my arms around him.
"I won't let's just enjoy our night together" I said as I kissed him and he kissed back as I leaned his had back. Asmodeus was about to say somthing but I just flicked him off and kept kissing Striker.

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