Chapter 16

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As John walked out of the high-end restaurant, he felt a sudden urge to let off some steam. He asked the chauffeur to take him to a club where he could relax and have a drink. The chauffeur obliged and took him to a popular club in the heart of Venice.

As John entered the club, he was hit by the vibrant energy of the place. The music was loud, and people were dancing and drinking, letting go of their inhibitions. He found a seat at the bar and ordered a drink.

As he was sipping on his drink, he noticed a beautiful woman sitting alone at a table. She had long, flowing black hair and was wearing a red dress that hugged her curves. John couldn't resist the temptation and decided to approach her.

"Hi, I'm John. Can I buy you a drink?" he asked, trying to start a conversation.

The woman smiled at him and replied, "Sure, why not."

As they were drinking and chatting, John found out that the woman's name was Isabella. She was an artist who had come to Venice to showcase her work at an exhibition.

As the night went on, John and Isabella grew more comfortable with each other. They talked about art, travel, and life. John found himself drawn to her beauty and intelligence.

Before he knew it, the night had flown by, and the club was closing. John invited Isabella back to his hotel room, and she accepted.

As they walked out of the club, John couldn't believe his luck. He had met a beautiful woman who was also intelligent and interesting. He was looking forward to spending the rest of the night with her.

The morning light filtering through the curtains cast a golden glow across the hotel room. John's eyes fluttered open as he stretched his arms, feeling the crisp sheets tangled around his legs. But as he turned to his side, he realized he was alone in the bed.

He sat up, running his fingers through his hair and letting out a deep sigh. John wasn't one to get attached, but there was something about Isabella that had made him want to stay a little longer. He had hoped she would still be there when he woke up.

But the empty space beside him told him otherwise. He got up and walked to the window, staring out at the Venetian skyline. He couldn't shake the feeling that something wasn't quite right.

As he turned away from the window, he noticed a note left on the dresser. He picked it up, and his heart sank as he read the words.

"Thank you for a wonderful evening. I had a lovely time. But I'm afraid I must be going now. Goodbye, John."

He crumpled the note in his hand, feeling a mix of disappointment and frustration. It seemed that Isabella had been nothing more than a passing fancy. But John knew he couldn't dwell on it, not when there was a job to be done.

He got dressed, leaving the hotel room behind and heading out into the bustling Venetian streets. He had a feeling that things were about to get more complicated than he ever imagined.

John had been walking around for a while, taking in the sights and sounds of Venice, when he finally found himself at a small cafe a few blocks from his hotel. He was feeling a little tired from all the walking he had been doing and decided to take a break.

He took a seat at one of the outdoor tables and ordered a coffee from the waiter. As he waited for his drink to arrive, he looked around at the other people in the cafe. There were couples chatting over breakfast, families with children, and tourists with cameras slung over their shoulders.

John couldn't help but feel a little envious of them all. They seemed so carefree and happy, while he was constantly looking over his shoulder and worrying about one of his many enemies making an appearance.

He took a sip of his coffee as it arrived, enjoying the bitter taste and the warmth it brought to his body. He looked out at the canal in front of the cafe and watched the gondolas float by.

As he sat there lost in thought, he didn't notice the man who had taken a seat at the table next to him. It wasn't until the man spoke that John was jolted out of his reverie.

"Excuse me, are you John?" the man asked in a thick Italian accent.

John looked at him warily. "Who's asking?"

The man smiled. "My name is Tacconi. I have a message for you."

John leaned in, curious despite himself. "What kind of message?"

"It's from a friend," Tacconi said mysteriously. "He wants to meet with you. Tonight."

John raised an eyebrow. "And who is this friend?"

Tacconi hesitated for a moment, as if weighing his options. Finally, he spoke. "His name is Carlo. He says he has information you might be interested in."

John felt a rush of adrenaline. Carlo was Max Brown's right-hand man, and if he had information, it could mean anything. But he couldn't help but feel suspicious. Was this a trap? Was Max Brown trying to lure him into a false sense of security?

"Where does he want to meet?" John asked, trying to keep his voice steady.

"At a bar on the other side of the city," Tacconi said, handing John a slip of paper with an address scrawled on it. "He said to be there at midnight."

John pocketed the paper and stood up from the table. "Thanks for the message, Tacconi."

As he walked away from the cafe, he couldn't help but feel a sense of loss.

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