Chapter 50

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"We need to get this information to the media, Reyes. Tell them to report that every spy organization headquarters in the world is at risk and everyone should evacuate immediately."

Reyes hesitated for a moment before nodding in agreement. "I'll make the call now," she said, grabbing her phone and quickly dialing the number for a trusted journalist.

 Reyes hung up the phone and turned to John. "The media is on it," she said. "They're reporting the story as we speak."

John left Reyes' apartment as he dialed Isabella's number, after a couple rings she picked up.

" Issa a lot is happening right now and all i can think about you , once your Milan trip is over , i'm getting away from everything, I will be all yours,"

The voice on the other end of the line shocked him

John's heart felt like it was going to stop as he heard the old man's words. He had been sitting at his desk, buried in paperwork, when his phone rang. His breath caught in his throat as he heard the man's words.

"Isabella was in a car accident. She's in the hospital, and the doctors say it's bad."

John felt his entire body tense up. Without another word, he hung up the phone, grabbed his keys, and bolted out the door. He didn't even bother to lock it behind him.

The drive to the airport felt like it took hours, though in reality, it was only a few minutes. John had never driven so fast in his life, and the sound of the engine roaring beneath him was the only thing he could hear.

When he arrived at the airport, his private jet was ready and waiting. He practically leaped up the stairs and settled into his seat. As the plane took off, John's mind raced with thoughts of Isabella.

What if she didn't make it? What if he never got to see her again? He couldn't bear the thought of losing her.

When he arrived in Milan, John rushed to the hospital. He barely remembered the drive there, but somehow, he made it. When he arrived, he was told that Isabella was in the ICU.

John didn't waste a moment. He rushed to her side, his heart breaking at the sight of her lying there, hooked up to machines and monitors. Her face was bruised and swollen, and she had a bandage around her head.

He took her hand in his, and the tears started to fall. He didn't know what to say, how to make it better. All he knew was that he loved her, and he couldn't bear the thought of losing her.


As John stood there in the crowded funeral hall, he couldn't believe that Isabella was really gone. The room was filled with mourners, but all John could focus on was the closed casket at the front of the room. He felt numb, as if his heart had been ripped from his chest and he was now just a shell of a man.

He looked around and saw Isabella's family, tears streaming down their faces. Her father stood stoically next to her mother, who was being held up by someone he assumed was another relative. John knew he should go to them, offer his condolences, but he just couldn't bring himself to move.

He felt a hand on his shoulder and turned to see Sofia, looking just as somber as he felt. She didn't say anything, just gave him a sad smile before moving to take a seat with the other mourners.

As the funeral procession began, John found himself feeling like he was in a daze. He watched as Isabella's casket was carried down the aisle, followed by her family and friends. He didn't know how he was going to get through this, how he was going to live without her.

The service was long and somber, filled with tears and grief. As people spoke about Isabella and shared memories, John couldn't help but feel like he was in a dream. It all felt so surreal, like he was watching from the outside.

When it was time to leave, John found himself hesitating. He didn't want to leave Isabella behind, but he knew he had to. He walked up to the casket and placed a single primrose on top, whispering a silent goodbye.

As he walked out of the funeral home, he was greeted by the sound of rain. He didn't have an umbrella, but he didn't care. He just let the rain soak him as he walked down the street, lost in his thoughts . He knew he had to find a way to move on, but he didn't know how to.

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