✞︎༒︎☠︎︎Chapter 9: Moth-Eaten Goth☠︎︎༒︎✞︎

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"And so being young and dipped in folly, I fell in love with melancholy"
- Edgar Allan Poe

"So, you're still obsessed with him, Michael? That blue headed conformist?" Pete mumbled as we walk towards the place where me, him, Henrietta, and Firkle would sit at Benny's to drink some non-conformist coffee. - His voice is so loud I wish I could send him straight towards his coffin; his questions builds up nothing but foul and fatigue existence in my mind.

He's a great person to call to' - when you're planning to poke in some nails of exhaustion in your mind.
I didn't answer his question till we got up to our spots and took a seat.

"And what are you planning to bitch about again this time, Pete?" I said leaving him a sour footprint on his almond shaped face covered by his edgy black hair with red highlights.

"Yeah, stalking him in his socials? Still trying to keep in contact with him? Yeah, you definitely don't know what I'm talking about." He utter with a sarcasm tone. He knows that I know what he's blabbing about. It's nonsense.

"What else should I do? Grab a knife and threaten his family?" I felt so annoyed that the eyes I laid upon him took a circular turn. He can't seem to budge his business out of mine and I'm guessing not long ago as he was borrowing my phone, he opened some apps where he isn't supposed to be in.

"Oh are we not allowed to ask questions now?" He said; chuckling.

"If you don't want a sarcastic answer, don't ask such dumbass question. Simple as that, dude."  I then fixed myself in order to prepare myself to leave my spot. I can't handle people bringing him up, yet. Not now. I walked out of my seat and I can hear Henrietta and Pete mumble, but I didn't mind at all anymore. I continued to walk away to reflect the nonsense I have in mind.

I've realized that it's quite bittersweet that no such thing can change the situation that has happened to the version of me that has died out for a long while now; But I fell in love with a menace and a dictator of my life, so whom shall I say that I can ran into; when he is the only one who can ease the war he also created in me? He rules my mind and dictates every thing that I do on a daily basis; longing for him as death eats me up day by day is the wicked nuisance that I fell comfort into. If I had maggots as each time I thought of him, I would willingly allow myself to strip my skin and bones to cease.


October 31, Halloween house party at Stan Marsh's

We we're invited to a party to one of the famous kids at my school; Stan Marsh. It took me awhile to decide to who I'm coming as - I don't wanna end up looking like a poser. Then I came to the conclusion that maybe coming as "Batman" would be a fine option. - I'll just bring extras in case I wanna change into normal clothes.

I felt the self-embarrassment eating me up so before I could back out with the hangout. I came over to Pete's house to dress up with him. He is dressed up as the joker, because I told him I was coming as Batman, he's one of the creative ones I've met; but worse is, I only agreed to come because I was in a great mood upon planning this hangout. How bluntly stupid could I get? Now its the actual day of the party, I feel my whole body sore up and the urge to just stay in bed and listen to some non-conformist songs makes me rethink if I should mope around or go out there. But of course, we proceeded, we already spent some money on these stupid costumes so what's the purpose on holding back? - Then we walked over to Firkle's then to Henrietta's; They both got decent costumes, Firkle wore a mommy suit which was surprisingly, quite realistic. On the other hand, Henrietta, was dressed up as a corpse bride, from that one Tim burton movie she loves to binge watch.

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