Final Time bump⁶ : Don't leave me be, in every other universe.

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"I'd choose you; in a hundred lifetimes, in a hundred worlds, in any version of reality, I'd find you and I'd choose you."
- The Chaos of stars

"Hunny! Come on, move those hips of yours!" My old man laughed. He still got that humor that pretty much annoys me ever since I've known him through my existence.

"I'm trying." I responded with a groan; in fact, I wasn't even just trying at this point. I'm trying to survive by just climbing up this hillside he chose to lay the picnic blanket on. I DESERVE an award for this effort I'm exerting.

As I reached the side he intended to place the blanket, everything was already arranged by him, he even got the flowers I first got him from that one night of our teenage love.

As I reached the side he intended to place the blanket, everything was already arranged by him, he even got the flowers I first got him from that one night of our teenage love

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"Getting old, eh?" He mocked.

"You're acting like we haven't been dealing with this marriage shit for 45 years already." I sarcastically poked him. He had a good chuckle. A chuckle so good that when I turned to look at him, he is suddenly back to being that young man I truly adored with such gleam in my eyes.

He still is that young man I adored; but as time has gone by, I come to realize, he is more than that young man I loved about him. He is my spouse, my cook, my comfort, my smile, my life, my home, and my first love.

I can't help but fall silent as I watch him open a bag of health crackers that he and his friends have been obsessing about lately. Nothing about it is interesting. - Those are just plain wheat crackers, design in a junk food shaped form.
I laughed, knowing that those health crackers used to be a bag of chips and paired with the sodas he used to binge. I love knowing so much about him that he has become too predictable from my perspective.

"Want some?" He offered. "You've been staring at me like crazy all of a sudden, what's the matter?"

"I feel like I could watch you all day. Everything you do has some sort of magic on it." I said; a smile broke into my face full of wrinkles.

"WOW. 45 years, and you still claim that I'm the one whose more obsessed?" He scoffed and nudged my elbow like he does back when we we're younger. In fact, by him doing so, I also felt like a teen again, rolling my eyes off to him as he dumps the most random thing humanity could've heard.

"Because you are?" I scoffed back and started reading a book. He rolled his eyes and continued eating his health crackers as his eyes meet the horizon from afar.

A cold breeze embraced the silence in the gaps of us; It was serene and nostalgic.

"Maybe you're right. I am the one whose probably more in love; I can't help it, I love every part of you. Even the parts you don't like. - And even the parts you used to cut off when we we're younger. I have loved and is willing to love it all over again just like the sun opening up its light as each day embraces for us to see the light again. I'm willing to be your light again and again."

My head instantly took a leap to look up to the man who just said such word. I was moved; and by that moment, I was reminded as to why I chose to marry him. The oath I have kept wrapped around my finger just kept getting justified as each day passes by; all different and comely from the one day to another.

I can't help but broke a tease. "mehhh. Over that Goth boy?"

"GOSH!" We both laughed. "Of course, over anyone, any day, any time."

I'm not gonna say "I have never felt" to such things like these, because these are what I feel on a daily basis the moment I fought for him, for us. - And looking back, not a single blood, sweat and tears went to waste. In fact, I felt like I needed to exert more; but he just constantly reminds me that I'm more than enough by just me existing. - And I loved that concept.

He opened a box filled with the cupcakes I baked for the both of us the other night. He handed one to me and said; "I love you, I want us both to eat well." I accepted his cupcake and smiled back.

And by that, maybe he's wrong.
He's not the only one who's madly in love; I, too.

Most people would feel annoyed by the repetitive sense of saying "I love you" from the same person again and again. They say it lowers the value. But I beg to be the first to disagree. I do believe that it makes the value weigh more; like a brick. If I can fulfil each part of my life with bricks made out of achievements and knowledge, why not fulfil it with love too? By that, I could even build a nice castle out of the times he had told me he loved me. - And there, I will walk through my garden full of colors that represents the times I have never not thought of him.

Truly, one can say that he is my haven.

I turned to look at his eyes; it's a sight I couldn't get sick of. Those eyes have seen me through my worse and bests; or maybe just all of my worse. - I don't feel like I'm reciprocating him enough because I don't know how to express my love openly, but something about him is so understanding, that even when I run him out dry, he still thinks I'm decent. And instead, he considers it as a challenge to prove his love to me, even more.

"Do you think we're still together in every other universe?" I asked.

"I don't know, but either way, I'll be sure to come and find you." He smiled.

There was silence for a moment.

"But if not, then that only makes the ones I have with you more beautiful. Besides, life is good; I'm staring at the blue horizon, next to your smile. - and that itself reassures me that the universe molded us in one."


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