Prologue: Dayspring.

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"My memory loves you; it asks about you all the time."
- Unknown


It was a holiday mall sale on my home town, South park. The latest Britney Spears songs have been playing on the speakers as a back track.

I was 4.

Everybody was trying on the latest clothes set on the racks, carts are full, people chattering left and right, restaurants are full and the mall has been flooded with bodies as people kept growing by numbers, replicating the rocks that has scattered all over the ocean shore; Comes in many shape and form, yet all looks similar from afar. There we're so many people that the mall air conditioner felt cipher.

My mom, Laura, had to grip so hard on my tiny hand that it could break my bones into pieces; the mall was so crowded, she does not dare to loose me for not even a split of a split second.

"AW! IT HURTS" I said rolling my eyes on her. "Not today, young man. I COULD NEVER have enough time to loose you on this big place." She said as she drags me towards the store she's heading towards. I tried pulling away but she told me she's gonna call the security to pick me up if I don't do as she say. So I gave in and listened.

We went from store to store trying on the same-looking green blouses my mom obsesses on, yet, she only ended up buying 3 out of 50 pairs she suited herself in. I impatiently waited for her to finish that it felt like a second felt like a week. The grippling urge in my guts kept scratching my patience, to the point, I ended up complaining for an hour. - Thinking that it would make my mom's process go faster. I was desperate to get the toy she promised already.

After a few stores, she finally gave in to the annoyance I've caused and went to the cashier and payed for the things she bought: Dresses and shoes for her and my new born sister, Ruby. A couple polos for dad and a tie, and 2 red racers shirts and pajamas for me. We ended up taking the "shortest" line on the mall which serves up to 50 people before us on line.

After a long wait of hell in line, the cashier finally punched the first item on cart. I moved my pajamas and shirts forward on the counter so she will punch it ahead than my dad's and sister's. I don't know why, but it makes me think that my stuffs are gonna have less chances of being placed back on the used racks in case mom will ran short with the budget. A few good minutes have passed and finally; Mom lifted the bag filled with the clothes she bought and we hover over to TOY R US to buy the toy car and the rocket ship puzzle my mom promised to get me the last time I stepped on this place.

 A few good minutes have passed and finally; Mom lifted the bag filled with the clothes she bought and we hover over to TOY R US to buy the toy car and the rocket ship puzzle my mom promised to get me the last time I stepped on this place

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There we're lots of kids and people inside so mom sharpened her eye out for me; although, she isn't torturing my hand anymore, in fact I was so bewildered to run around the store as long as I'm still on her sight.

As I was on the puzzle section, there's this shiny caramel haired kid with rosy freckled cheeks sitting on the floor looking at some safari puzzles caught my attention. Curious as he is, I sat next to him and our eyes met innocently. A flash of vibrant forest eyed color met mine and by that memory, I felt winter turn into spring day; As warm and vibrant as those doe eyes sight that intertwined with mine.

He seems a bit younger than me and he can barely mumble a word; the only thing he knows about his existence is to walk, eat, and point. So, I ended up being the only one child mouthing.

He kept pointing the animals on the puzzles I took; and I named some of the ones I know.

"Cat!" I said happily, which startled him a bit, but he ended up smiling with me too as I got it right.

Every time I attempt to name the animals he always looks at me curiously and then broke a smile. Most of his teeth have not poked out yet and some of his side teeth grew crookly.

"Can you talk?" I asked. He stared at me, as if he was in the middle of a simulation game where he still thinks on what action should he choose next among his choices.

"s-small" He in replied as he tried to gesture "a little bit" with his fingers.

"Oh okay. I'm Craig Tucker, can we be friends?"

"T-Twee" He then pulled up his pinky finger. "frien"

I locked up the promise and both of our faces we're left with nothing but sugar smiles. I tried pulling my finger away slightly but he held on it so tight; yet in a gentle manner. I couldn't get my finger that is wrapped around his's away. He wouldn't let go. So I let the moment linger and let him let go of me first. - and eventually, he let me down slowly.

We then went to the section where coloring materials can be seen. There was a small flat screen tv, which is rare to find, playing a tape and demonstrating on how the material's they're selling work.

Twee kept pointing every time a ray of colors flashes on the screen which intrigued us both.

As our eyes and focus we're layed upon the flat screen tv, we've lost sense that our parent's could be already worried and searching for us. - which led me to a shock when my mom came calling my name.

"CRAIG TUCKER." She said angrily as she steers towards me and grabs me by arm.

"You're in big trouble child! There could be a possible kidnapper hiding with a candy to lure you in if your out here all alone! Let's go now."

"BUT I DON'T WANT TO" I layed on the floor and added tons of more weight on to make my mom struggle to drag me, making a loud scene on the store.

"Stand up before I give you a reason to cry" She said coldly. I stood up. I'm afraid, if not a clanka, maybe no red racers for a week or no new toys as we step out of TOYS R US.

As I stood up, I felt silent tears rush down to my ocean eyes. A soft, inaudible crying that does not draw attention took over me as I felt defeated. I looked at Twee, he was just standing and looks helpless for not knowing how to word on what he has to say.

"Bye Twee..." I said, departing from my first ever friend. when all of a sudden I hear him mumble something out of the blue. "fin.."d" m... ok?"

I couldn't grasp it all together to pin point what he was saying so I waved him goodbye and ran to my mom as I try to catch up with her to the counter while wiping my tears.

At last, I finally got home and immediately to my room; I fell asleep on a hot summer afternoon.

At last, I finally got home and immediately to my room; I fell asleep on a hot summer afternoon

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