⋆。°✩Chapter 23: Waning Crescent⋆。°✩

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"I submit my soul to the disaster of loving you."
- Jay Vespertine


My future astro 🚀💙

"Tweek, hon, I don't think I can walk home with you right
now, I'm working overtime." Sent at 6:35pm

"Alright. See you later then, I love you."
Sent at 7:30pm


Currently walking alone at the streets after past sunset makes the silence of the surroundings too known. - I tried taking another shortcut route to make the walk a little quick.

I was used to walk with Craig; but now that certain things usually do gets in the both of our ways, I have to walk alone for now.

The sound of the rushing cars passing by is the only sound that I could hear, after that is just a long pause of silence. - No more random dump thoughts from the man I loved. But despite that, I do adore him in a way that he is dedicated to strive for him and his sister despite it's not his responsibility to do so.

I kept walking and walking until a faint scent of flowers ran through my nose which made me look across the street. - It was a flower shop.

A sudden thought then came on by to cling me with the idea that it could be a nice gift to give to Craig and his sister

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A sudden thought then came on by to cling me with the idea that it could be a nice gift to give to Craig and his sister. - It's not much; but it's something that could probably cheer them up. So I crossed the street and entered the flower shop.

The interior of the flower shop looks out of style, yet vintage and classy. - I could tell that this store has been up to the crowd for a few decades now; probably a family heirloom business too.

An old jukebox played some old big band songs which embraced the solemnity of the place and made the scent of the flowers dance like fancy ballroom dancers; I was engaged by the aroma and vibes.

I was walking around in a pile of untidy stacks of flowers and bouquets when suddenly, I met a charming beautiful blue eyes of a blonde boy. - He had a faint scar on his left eye; He was wearing these dad flannel polos and an apron that gardeners usually wear. It was both light blue in different shades.

"Oh hello fella! A late customer I see, what can I do for you?" He said with a Texas accent. - I can't help but smile with his approach, his vibes are quite fun and jolly.

"Oh, I don't really know what my lover likes.." I said in a neutral pronoun; frankly I don't want to come out proudly to anyone just yet, it's not in my nature to brag too much.

"Tsk, let me help you fella, I'm sure you're gonna make you're lover fall for you more if you pick these flowers. - Come!" He said happily as he leads me to a hall of unusual yet beautiful pile of flowers that are foreign from what I've known. "Sorry about the mess, new stocks just arrived!"

He kept searching and searching which made the atmosphere quite awkward for me to just stand in front of him doing nothing, so I took the risk and asked.

"How long has this business been running?" I said with a smile.

"Circa 1960s! A family business. Such a sweet story if I we're to say. My great grandpa just moved in to South Park at that time. He then saw the great opportunity to follow his passion to this town. - So he started gardening and selling flowers by the side of the road or through house to house. - That's where he met my great grandma. - They bloomed their love like flowers then started this shop." He said as he kept searching the shelves for some prompts.

"That's such a sweet love story." I said enthusiastically for I was amazed of how sweet life could be. - which led me to some hopes that hopefully me and Craig will still get to experience the love when me and him grew old and gray.

"AHAH!" He said joyfully out of the blue. "What is it?" I asked and tried poking my head near to his direction.

"Carnations!" He immediately took out gently a neatly arranged bouquet of the said flowers into my vision. It was nice and dandy, I couldn't deny that it was a nice choice, but I thought to myself, will him and his sister even like it? I had to break a sweat by the thought of it.

"Will they even like it?"

"I'm sure they will, these flowers lasts long too if taken good care." He respond

"How'd you know?" I frankly asked which is quite a dumb question to ask to a florist. - but he seems like a gentleman to answer politely to my questions.

"I've had lots of customers that buys these flowers for their lovers; I looked up on the internet and it somehow correlates to love too. - My boyfriend, Kenny, also gave it to me on my first date with him. - and I find it quite romantic." He said which made him uncontrollably smile. I nodded silently as an agreement.

Th smile then disappeared out of nowhere.
"I'm sorry! I made it all about me... I was just trying to suggest. But yeah... these flowers are good." He laughed awkwardly.

"No no, it's fine, I'm quite convinced, I'll take it." I smiled. - He then led me to the cash register so I can pay my bills. After the transaction, I then held the bouquet near, it smells like heaven scent; but something about it feels empty. - A flush of creativity then came flushing into me.


I looked at the guy's name tag and then asked for some assistance.


"Ah! Yes, fella?" He responded quickly.

"Mind if you rearrange this bouquet and place a sunflower on the center? Can you add some greens and white small flowers too, please?" I demanded.

"Yes! Right away!" He happily took the bouquet back and started doing his job passionately. After a few while, I then payed again and bid my goodbye to the florist I just met.

"Thanks for shopping at LeoScotch's flower shop!" He said as I took my step out. I waved in response.


The flowers in my hand gave me such priorities on how should I gave those flowers to Craig. I kept practicing and talking as if he's in front of me; listening. - in 3rd person POV I probably would be a good candidate for the next batch of new patients at the ward. As to that I still kept on walking which made me refrain from looking anywhere but the flowers in my hand; and to focus on the skit I'm making up along the way.

I was about to turn to a corner street when a guy dressed in full on black suit came by and placed a wet towel with a hypnotizing scent to my breath passage. - I was about to fight back; I managed to make him groan by stomping at his feet. - but the grip he has on my mouth is sending me to an chokehold which led me tired and unconscious.

Darkness took over my vision.


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