⋆。°✩Chapter 3: Blood And Bruises⋆。°✩

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"Miles of windless summer night air; secret moments shared in the heat of the afternoon out of the stillness; soft spoken word."
- I love you always forever, Dona Lewis


"Craig, hun! Someone's at the door for you." My mom yelled from the living room as she continued to do the .
"coming." I groaned as I poke myself out of bed.

It's a Saturday afternoon and Winter break is over. It has already been weeks after that one New Year's morning and the air has already started to feel a bit more humid than usual. I got out of bed and wore a plain shirt to cover up the sake of my modesty and hurled downstairs towards the door. As I opened the door I saw someone unexpected, standing in front of me with a box of cupcakes in his gentle fragile fingers.

"Tweek?" I asked shockingly. Out of people, who would've expect him? I didn't even told him where I lived.

"Hey...uh, my mom and I baked..these last night." He handed it over me and smiled.

"How did you-"

"You told me and my mom that you live in Scott street, and its only a 2min walk away...so I just improvised and asked your neighbors where your house is." He chuckled awkwardly. There was silence in the door step before I let out a silent monotone "oh" to break it.

"I'm sorry if I just c-came here unannounced, its stupid and I definitely look like a stalker to you now."

"Yeah, kind of." I chuckled. "Well, there's no purpose of m-me being here now. Bye Craig!"

"Alright. Thanks." I waved him goodbye and shut the door but as soon as I did, I felt the guilt eating me up before I could even savor the cupcakes he gave. He must've worked hard for these and even included me on his afterthoughts for some spares. Knowing that I'm not that kind of a bitch when people treats me decently, I placed the box on my table and ran upstairs to grab my blue crochet hat that has yellow ruffles on it made by my grandma. "I'M GOING SOMEWHERE MOM BE BACK BEFORE 5." I yelled to consent my mom that I'll be gone; I can only catch a loud "MH" from her as an approval, she's quite busy at the moment. I then ran outside to catch up to Tweek.

He's a slow walker, he has only gone up to a few blocks even it took me half a minute to prepare. - I ran up to him and gently patted his shoulders; which was a bad idea.

"Hey Twee-"
"GAHHHHHHHH" He then punched me which almost knocked me unconscious to the ground.

"SHIT UGH. Well for sure I do deserve that" I said sarcastically as I wipe the blood rushing down my nose. Goddamn, he's strong.
"OH MY FUCKING GOD I'M SORRY , I'M SO SORRY, CRAIG." He kneeled down to me and ripped the sleeves of the long sleeve his wearing. He then patted it to my nose gently, making the fabric covered with blood as he applies it on my skin.

"Its fine." I said as I try to stand up straight despite the blood all over my face. "WHAT NO THERES SO MUCH BLOOD." he panicked.

He started pacing back and forth and messing with his hair as he saw the blood rush through my top lip but despite that he held my hand; shakily and assisted me as I stood up.

"shit tweek not now, don't act up when there's no right for you to..." He whispered underneath his coffee scented breath.

The shame on his face is unbearable to see, he couldn't pull his eyes away from the ground. Not even a side glance towards mine.

"SHIT! I'm really sorry Craig, I'll really m-make, make it up to you this t-time." He said nervously.  I chuckled loudly; making the my nose splurt more blood out. "Oh come on, you don't have to',  I literally was the one who set myself up for failure."

"Even s-s so..I can't bring you back to your household looking like that... I'll have to walk you a bit to mine, I'm s-sure we have some kits there..Don't worry, I'll take care of you!  I'm sorry!" He said distraughtly as he flips the cloth in my nose to the clean side where it hasn't been touched by blood yet.

I can't help but laugh, maybe he isn't that insane after all. Or maybe he is, but looking at him, he seems like a sweet person and cool friend to be with.


I sat on their kitchen counter with a pack of ice on my nose, we clearly both aren't sure on what to do with these situations so we just thought of solutions that comes to mind first. Thank goodness his parent's aren't here yet. It would be messier if they we're around, but for sure, they would know better on what to do.

But either way, it soothened the pain from the punch and the bleeding has halted. He then held my face to rub away the hardened brownish blood that has came out to my nose awhile ago with a clean wet cloth - it then revealed a red bruise, engraved like tattoo.

"aGH..TSK" I complained as he hit a sensitive spot. - of the bruise.

"shit..sorry.." He mumbled as he continued to lightly compress the area. I don't know why but he's so silly when he gets all concerned and worried. Once he was finished he just sat on the kitchen counter across me, staring and thinking as if he has some planning to do.

"We should hang out often." I suggested to start a conversation.
"Yeah and I'll end up messing you from time to time." He scoffed and peaked a cute gummy smirk in his chubby cheeks.

"I don't mind. Haha..." Shit what did I just said.
"- No homo, No masochist." I added.

We both laughed the awkwardness off.

"As another form of apology on behalf of your handsome nose, what can I do for you right now?" He said the first half sarcastically, then to a sincere serious tone.
"Handsome. I see" I chuckled and rolled my eyes.

"Anything will do." I said, which led him to a sigh
"You know I'm not that creative at making decisions." he frowned.

"A popcorn and a movie. That'll do good for the both of us now that we're here." I demanded.

As promised, he eagerly worked on what I asked for and we sat down to watch a movie that's good for a couple of hours and an hour half running time, after that, we called it a day.


‧₊˚✩彡End of chapter 3‧₊˚✩彡

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