⋆。°✩Chapter 7: Reverie⋆。°✩

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"Isn't it amazing how almost every line on our hands align? When your hand's in mine it's like I'm whole again, isn't that a sign? I should speak my mind"
- 8 letters by Why don't we


He was the first person who made me feel, me. Whenever I'm with him it feels like he highlights parts of me that I never known I was. Craig Tucker, I cannot thank him enough. He doesn't look tough but he sure did got through me, he molded me. He helped me cope with the reality I hated.

As far as I can remember, I started to see colors when I met him at the bridge. His gentle care and genuine smile, I couldn't get a grasp to move forward without it.

I turned to look at him, and there he is standing next to me; lighting another stick of cigarette. He took off his hat and stared far towards the ocean; letting the air make his hair dance by the cold air as it tangles us. Looking at him, maybe I do like him but I just can't confirm it yet, I feel so unsure.


He doesn't talk much of himself. By that, I mean: what's going on in their household and how he's actually been. He just keeps his head quiet at times. But I felt like he is hiding something, things that he usually bottles up on his own. Maybe there's a reason why he always sneaks out at night. I want him to open up, I want him to be assured that I'm here; open minded and arms to held him in. I'm here to listen. But I'm not good in words nor actions so I can't help but just observe him silently.

I could do this all day if he let's me. I wanna know more about him without saying anything. I wanna know how he fixes and messes his hair. I wanna know how he talks occasionally. I wanna know everything just like how he knew me.

"Deep thoughts?" I softly chuckled to start a conversation.
"Just the ocean." He responded as he blows the smoke he's helding in.

"It's beautiful."
"He is." He smiled and linked his body facing towards me.

Our eyes locked into each other's; making my world stop by for a moment just to admire his gaze.

"I never regretted, not even once. Meeting you is the best fucking thing that has ever happened to me." He said as he turns off the cigarettes he had in his hand.

For the first time, 19 words felt more sentimental than the usual 8 letters and 3 words people say.

"Likewise." I said as I linked my hand next his, making both of our pinky fingers lay on each other.

We both smiled and fell into silence, gazing at the ocean; letting the scent of saltwater, the dying faint scent of cigarettes, the faint loud chattering from the amusement park, and the sound of rushing waves took over the silence.

Craig Tucker, why are you so easy to love?


It's almost 4am and we finally walked to my house, what a night. He helped me climb up to my room and as I got in, I waved him goodbye.

"Thank you!" I yell whispered, smiling widely at him.
"I told you it would be fun!" He chuckled as he waves me goodbye.

"Just text me tomorrow when you're already awake, tell me about you're plans" he added.
"Noted!" I yell whispered again and gave him a thumbs up.
We waved each other goodbye and I stared at him fading away until he's nowhere out of my vision's reach anymore. I sat in my room, trying to process all the wonderful things that had just happened to me.


(Craig's POV)

I walked through the cold night, alone. - back to my lonely house again.

(Credits: @tumblr on Pinterest

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(Credits: @tumblr on Pinterest. *ironic, ik*)

I always sneak out during times like this. I'm an night owl. I don't like staying at home. By the time my step-father comes home, he usually is drunk and sometimes, in 2 to 3 business days, he usually fights with my mom. Throwing things, yelling, involving into physical violence. I hate it. I can't even call the home of my own, a home. It's just a house filled with people on the same stupid monarchy bloodline with one alcoholic idiot.

Growing up on a household like that, I can't help but hold back myself from speaking up. - yet, I easily get attached and I find home somewhere else other than my own household.


As I got home, I usually re-enter through the window of my room. - There I found Ruby, laying on my bed together with Stripe on her gentle child hands. I brushed her hair away from her face and gave her forehead a kiss, which woke her.

"Craigy?" She softly spoken.

"Sorry for waking you up, ruru. Let's go back to sleep now." I pecked her again and took sleeping Stripe back to her cage. Then, I layed next to ruby. She held me closer to her, leaning for a hug.

"I've waited before you, but I fell asleep." She whispered. "You shouldn't have, you know I don't stay in at times like this."

"Can I come next time then? I miss you already, I don't like being alone here." I could feel my oversized grey shirt embrace some tiny water spots. I turned down to look at her, crying silently.

"Shhhhh, I'm sorry. I promise, I'll make it up to you, just do me a favor." I enthusiastically whispered which made her lean up against me and sparked a curiosity on her face. "Mh?"

"We're gonna have to sleep, so I can buy you some ice cream tomorrow. Deal?"

"Deal!" She yelled whispered, letting out a big sweet smile which made us both chuckle.

After a long while she fell asleep, still helding me close in her little arms.

I couldn't seem to put myself to sleep after all the fun I just went through a few hours ago. I just hope things wouldn't change the way they are right now.


‧₊˚✩彡End of chapter 7‧₊˚✩彡

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