《 Chapter 3: Family Drama 》

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That night, Y/N comes home after hours of work at a restaurant as she feels tired. She stops to see her brothers already there by the door.

"Hey, guys!", Y/N greeted. Mario and Luigi turned and smiled slightly to see her.

"Hey...", Mario and Luigi greeted back. "How'd it go on your first day?", Y/N asked.

The boys looked at each other and winced. Y/N noticed it and frowned.

"That bad, really?", Y/N asked. "I-It's fine. It was... complicated. There's always a next time.", Mario quickly assured her.

"Hopefully...", Luigi added with a frown. Y/N gives her brothers a pat on their arm.

"Well, at least you tried. I'm sure there's more chances.", Y/N said. "Yeah...", Mario and Luigi said back.

The trio then opened the door as Mario and Luigi hanged their caps, as Y/N did the same with her cap, while taking off her boots. They later approached inside to see their whole family in the table as they all greeted them.

"Heyoo!!", Mario's family greeted. "Heyoo!!", Mario, Luigi, and Y/N greeted back as they sit down with the family.

"Oh-hoo! It's the Super Mario Brothers from the TV!", Uncle Tony said. This caused the men to laugh while the women, including Y/N shook their head with a frown.

"They get an Oscar for worst actors?", Uncle Arthur asked. "Hey!", Aunt Marie exclaimed.

She smacked him on the head, causing him to drop his fork. "What'd I do?!", Arthur exclaimed.

Mario laughed awkwardly. Y/N hands Luigi a bowl of salad as he grabs it and places some on his plate.

"So, uh, did everybody saw a commercial then?", Mario asked. "Eheh. We've seen it.", Tony replied.

"And?", Mario asked. "I wouldn't quit your day-job.", Arthur replied.

"Oops! He already did!", Tony added. This caused them to laugh again, causing Y/N to roughly shove some salad into her plate.

"Well, I thought it was incredible. It belongs in a movie theater.", Y/N's mom said. "You know what really belongs in a movie theater, this Tiger Tamer Y/N!", Tony said.

Y/N cringed at that. "You guys saw a video..., didn't you?", Y/N asked, nervously. 

"Oh, yeah. Now that's an Oscar for you right there, girl!", Arthur replied. "Yeah! You're like an animal whisperer! Or animal fairy as your friends called you!", Tony said. 

"Oh, yeah. She's great!", Arthur added. This caused Y/N to feel uncomfortable with the praise she's given when they supposed to praise her brothers for their hard work.

The brothers noticed her distress and gets concerned. Y/N's dad scoops up the spaghetti full of mushrooms and places them on a plate, causing Mario to get disgusted. 

"Ugh! Mushrooms?", Mario groaned. "Everybody loves mushrooms, right?", her dad said, taking a bite of his spaghetti. 

"I love mushrooms. I'll take it.", Luigi said, making her dad smile. "Yeah!", Y/N agreed.

Mario takes out the mushrooms and places them on Luigi's plate. "Mario, seriously, what were you thinking with that commercial?", Tony asked. 

"What? It's supposed to be funny.", Mario said, still taking out the mushrooms. "Yeah, but what's with the outfits? Plumbers wearing white gloves?", Tony asked.

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