《 Chapter 7: Straight On 》

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Luigi looks around the castle fearfully as he's being led toward Bowser's throne. Snifit roughly pulls Luigi over in front of them, causing him to fall.

"We found him in the Dark Lands.", Snifit said. Bowser gazes down at the human and growls.

Luigi looks up and yelps at the sight of him. Bowser gets up and starts walking down the stairs, not knowing Y/N is watching them from behind Bowser's statue of himself.

"Leave him to me.", Bowser said. Kamek undoes Luigi's restraints and forces him to Bowser as he floats before him.

"What is your name?", Bowser asked, spinning him for a bit. "Uh... Luigi.", Luigi shuddered.

"Not sure if you know who I am, but I'm about to marry a princess and rule the world.", Bowser said, looking at his claws before clashing them together, creating a spark. He places a nail under Luigi's chin, who chuckles nervously.

"Wow, uh... Yay...", Luigi said nervously. "But there's one problem, Luigi...", Bowser said.

Bowser adjusts his cap. "... two humans are traveling with my fiancée. One has a mustache, just like you, and has the same hat as yours. Do you know them...?", Bowser said, playing with his mustache.

"No! No!", Luigi shouted out, shaking his head. "Ah, tough one, I see. Maybe THIS will get you to talk!", Bowser said.

He pulls on a strand of Luigi's mustache. Luigi lets out a sharp gasp, panting.

"Do you think I know every human being with a mustache wearing an identical outfit with a hat with the letter of their first name on it?! Uh, because I don't.", Luigi told him. Glaring, Bowser pulls out the hair, causing him to shriek, until he grabs Luigi and tugs on his whole mustache, making Y/N gasp.

"DO YOU KNOW THEM?!", Bowser demanded. Y/N grabs the handle of her sword, ready to face him.

"Gah! STOP! STOP! STOP, STOP, STOP! I know them! Yes, I know them! Yeah, they're my siblings, Mario and Y/N, and they're the best people in the world!", Luigi said and started crying. "Do princesses find this Mario attractive?!", Bowser asked.

"THEY DO IF THEY HAVE GOOD TASTE!!", Luigi yelled out in pain, which surprised Y/N at the roasts he gave him and respected him. Bowser furiously yanks a chunk of Luigi's mustache, causing him to shriek in agony and for Y/n to snap.

"HEY!!", Y/N yelled out angrily. Luigi's screaming stopped immediately, as his eyes widened in horror to hear his sister, while Bowser looked over in surprise to see Y/N, as she approached them from the shadows with a determined glare.

"Why don't you pick on somebody your size, your Royal Fatness?", Y/N continued. Bowser growls and approaches her face with Luigi in his grasp as he breathes smoke from his snout.

"What did you call me?!", Bowser exclaimed. Y/N holds her ground and approaches his face with her glare still on.

"You heard me.", Y/N smirked. Luigi watches side to side anxiously on what's going to happen.

Bowser looked at Y/N and scoffed at her. "What's a little human like you going to do?", Bowser mocked, only for Y/n to glare harder.

Without realizing it, the girl's wing came out and spread behind her, shocking everyone in the room. "The legendary butterfly...", Kamek whispered in awe.

Bowser looked at the girl in shock while Y/N held her expression. "How about you let my brother go, turtle.", Y/N snarked, causing Bowser's eyes to widen in a fury.

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