《 Teaser Trailer 》

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Out there in a cold snowy place, the Penguin Kingdom can be seen right ahead when a giant fireball was shot down to the ground, melting the snow. Then two more fireballs was thrown until the giant flaming lava came after, melting more snow in the process. The flying castle called the Bowser Kingdom can be seen moving as it melted the snow from the path it takes. The face of Bowser was in the middle of the flying castle as its eyes and mouth glows fiercely.

Soon, the giant spiked balls was released as they crashed onto the snowy ground, stopping the Bowser Kingdom. It then lowered down, crashing onto the buildings of the Penguin Kingdom beneath it. The entire Koopa armies stood out in front of the Penguin Kingdom with their weapons. A magic purple smoke revealed a magikoopa named Kamek as he stood in the middle of the Koopa armies where the path was made.

"Behold! The King of the Koopas!"

Kamek placed his magic wand down as the Koopa armies turned and stood straight. The gates opened to reveal Bowser as he walked out of the kingdom menacingly with his eyes glowing and jumped off, creating a loud thud. He growled, facing the Penguin Kingdom before approaching, walking past the armies. While he walked, one of the Koopa armies were either freezing from the cold or shaking at the sight of Bowser while one with the eye patch just stood there calmly. Bowser then stopped and yelled.

"Open the gates!"

The gates were opened as Bowser said to reveal King Penguin and the other penguins as they wore a serious and angry face with their eyes narrowed. King Penguin pointed at Bowser.

"Attack!" he ordered.

All the penguins except King Penguin, who's looking proud, let out a battle cry and charge straight at Bowser and his armies. They started scooping up the snow from the ground and rolled it up into a snowball and threw it at them as they kept on doing. Only...

The big snowball that was made hit Bowser on the shoulder. He glanced at his covered shoulder before looking back at the penguins unamused with their pathetic attempt to fight back. While the penguins continued to throw snowballs at them, they use the catapult as it throws a big snowball at the Koopa, causing him to fall to the ground with the eye-patched Koopa looking at the downed Koopa with concern while removing the eyepatch for him to see. King Penguin raised his flipper to stop their throwing as they did, glaring at Bowser and the army of Koopas.

"That is but a taste of our fury! Do you yield?"

The penguins get into their fighting stance with their snowballs in hand, ready for battle. But Bowser just let out an evil chuckle.

"I do not."

He glanced at Kamek, who didn't need to be told and used his magic wand to freeze the penguins and floated them in the air. The penguins gasped at the magic before getting thrown away to the side, including King Penguin. The Koopas pointed their spears at them to prevent them from moving. With a deep breath, Bowser let out his fire breath to melt the entire ice kingdom as it collapsed, creating a big smoke and blinding everyone.

The smoke then cleared to reveal Bowser standing in front of the glowing Super Star as he grinned evilly.

"I finally found it. Now, who's gonna stop me?!!"

The Super Star brightened up as Bowser speaks before fading into black.


The green pipe fired out the screaming Mario and Y/N as they fall and hit straight at the giant mushroom. Well, Mario gets hit by the mushroom as he landed on another face first before sliding off to the ground and landed on his back, causing the yellow butterfly that was on the ground to fly off. Y/N landed on the mushroom feet first before back flipping off of it and landed gracefully in a ninja pose as Mario slowly gets up, twisting his shoulder.

"Show off..." he grumbled, making her smirk.

Y/N fixes her brother's hat before she and Mario gasps at what they're seeing. There they find themselves looking around in a place full of tall, giant mushrooms called the Mushroom Gorge. Birds could be seen chirping as they fly past by in the air.

"What is this place?" Mario questioned.

"I... have no idea. It's... amazing." Y/N gasped out.

Mario and Y/N noticed a blue mushroom and looked not sure about that. She nodded to him to check that one out as he did by slowly approaching it with his hand reaching out. Y/N followed him behind. Just as he's about to touch the blue mushroom, a red mushroom popped out from behind the mushroom Mario was near. It revealed to be a small person with a red mushroom on his head as he shouted at them.

"Do not touch that mushroom, you'll die!!"

"WHOA! WHAT THE!!!" Y/N cried out, backing away and doing her karate pose.

Mario screamed and backed away, falling to the ground in the process. The red mushroom capped guy named Toad took a look at the blue mushroom before his expression soften and chuckled.

"Oh, I'm sorry. Heh. That one's perfectly fine." he said, hugging the blue mushroom before moving away.

Later, Mario and Y/N find themselves standing on the mushroom with Toad as he runs off.

"Come on, you two!"

The Mario siblings look at each other for a moment, thinking if they made the right decision before deciding to follow Toad. Up ahead of them on that very top hill stands a Mushroom Kingdom with a lot of beautiful lands around them. The three jumped and run through the giant mushrooms as they head over there.

"Mushroom Kingdom, here we come!!"

"Heck, yeah!!"


Meanwhile, in the dark, scary place, Luigi is seen running away from the Dry Bones as they chase after him. He hops off from the rocks while avoiding the lava beneath him before finally getting into the castle and tries to shut the door with the Dry Bones attempt to break in. What he doesn't know is the castle that he's in is King Bowser's.

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