Deftones prt.1

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"HI ABE" you said as you walked into the boys house "HI Y/N" he came to you and gave you the biggest hug ever "whatup y/n" Stephen said "hiii!" Chino came to you and gave you a hug "HI Y/N HOW HAVE YOU BEEN I MISSED YOU" he said, "IVE MISSED YOU TO CHINO IVE BEEN OKAY THO HOW ABOUT YOU" you said as you smiled he then said "I've been okay" with a smile then chi came out his room "hi baby" Chi said "HI MY LOVE I MISSED YOU" you said and gave him a hug "I've missed you too!!" He said hugging you back then the rest of the guys went sitting on the couch then you gave chi a kiss and you said "you wanna go hangout" with a smile he said "sure" then you two went to his room, you took off your shoes and laid on his bed he then came on the bed to then chino came into the room and said "Chi you have your gf with you all the timee let her come chill with us for a bit" you giggle and chi said "no she's mine" he said as he rolled his eyes at chino as a joke then chi wrapped his arms around you tight then chino moaned "ughh" u giggled in chi's arms and then you hugged him back and chino left and chi kissed your forehead "i love you" he said and you smiled and said "i love you so much more" he started tickling you "don't lie y/n!!" He said as you were laughing and kicking and then he stopped a few minutes later and you were just in so much love with him then you hugged him again and then he said "wanna watch something?" "Sure!" You said and he put on mid 90s 😈 then halfway in the movie you got kinda tired and you moved closer to chi and put your arms around him and put your leg around him he then put his arm around you and you fell asleep and he kissed your forehead and then your nose he whispered to himself "she's so adorable".  Then Chino came back into the room "is she sleeping?" Chino asked and chi nodded "aww i wanted to skate with her and you" he then frowned and walked out again and Chi slowly got up and closed the door and locked it and came back and hugged you he whispered in your ear "i love you" and you were still sound asleep he then turned off the tv and fell asleep with you and then you woke up and you saw Chi hugging you with his eyes closed you kissed him and you kissed his neck and you got up and took off your pants cuz you were wearing baggy pants and then you looked at what time it was and it was just 7pm and you decided to watch something and wait for Chi to wake up you put on Bride of chunky and Chi finally woke up and you smiled "hii sleepy head" you said and kissed him and he said "hi my baby" and he closed his eyes again "ye what time is it?" He said "uhh 7:30pm" he moaned "wanna go skate with Chino for a bit?" He said "mhm!!" You said and you got up and Chi saw that you were just in your underwear and just stared at you and you said "what Chi" well giggling and you put your pants back on and said "come on!!" He groaned and got up and took his skateboard and you took yours here and then you guys spent the rest of the day skating.
I'm liking this already 😈

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~I'm liking this already 😈

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