Deftones prt.23

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You woke up really early in Chino's arms you got out of bed and read the time. 10am they have to be on the tour at 8pm you got up and took a shower throwing the bandages away you hopped in the shower and did what you needed to do Chino walked into the restroom and you looked over but you obviously couldn't see anything?
"Chino?" You asked "mhm" he said in his raspy voice you heard his belt come undone you kept showering tho until you felt Chino's arms wrap around your waist you jumped a bit that made Chino chuckle "it's just me love" he said in your ear sending shivers down your back he turned around and wrapped your arms around his neck pulling him into a kiss you two kissed well the water fell on both of you. He wrapped his arms around your waist again and water dripped on the two of you, you pulled away and looked into his beautiful brown blacksh eyes "i love you so much" you said to Chino pulled him into you where you laid your head on his chest you hugged him then you two took the shower but took it together.

You two hopped out and you got dressed to what you were gonna wear at the tour you threw on a little cute outfit and Chino just watched your every move "baby this belt or this one" you asked showing him two different belts "uhh left" he said looked at them then back at you. You put it on and smiled "do i look good baby?" You asked Chino looking at him "yeah you always do" Chino said making you blush you look over at the time and read 2pm "baby you should get some rest your gonna need it for the tour sleep please my love?" You asked "yeah your right I've been feeling sleepy but what are you gonna do?" Chino asked "i don't know probably go over to the guys room and chill or... sleep with you." You said to Chino smirking "yeah come over here" Chino said opening his arms you walked over to him smiling and got into his arms he wrapped his arms around you and you two cuddled and Chino fell asleep you played with his hair and kissed his forehead before shortly falling asleep with him.

You woke up in Chino's arms and looked around your eyes flying on the time 6pm you got up and woke Chino up "baby you need to get up it's 6pm" You said shaking him he opened his eyes and looked at you throwing his arms above his head he groaned and got up changing into baggy clothes but he still looked finer then ever. You walked over to him and gave him a long kiss as he arms sat on your waist you pulled away and looked at his beautiful face and smiled at him "let's go check up on the other guys hm?" You said smiling still at Chino "yeah" Chino said smiling back at you. You wrapped your finger around the loop of his belt and pulled him with you to the guys room you pulled the key out of your pocket unlocking the door where you saw a big ol mess you sighed then looked over to the couch where you saw Chi sitting down reading a magazine he looked up when he heard the door open and he smiled at you and you smiled back Abe was sitting next to him playing with a ball watching tv Stephen was sitting on the bed with his guitar on his lap Stephen looked over to you two and waved. You smiled at him and you let your finger loose walking over to the couch and sat on the floor and Chino walked over going over to Stephen you looked up and smiled at Chi he noticed and smiled at you looking down from his magazine he put the magazine in his lap and smiled at you again "how are you?" He asked smiling at you "im okay how are you tho? Are you ready for the tour" you asked softly smiling "yeah kinda nervous but overall im good" Chi said "i understand but your beyond good at bass i believe in you" you said smiling he nodded "thank you!" He said happily from your compliment "of course" you said smiling he bought his hand down to yours touching your finger tips his fingers slowly met yours then they connected together your hand being in his and his being in yours Abe saw and he looked down "ooo" he said looking away back to the tv and that caught Chino's attention you pulled your hand away from Chi's and looked over to Chino where he was staring at you two. "What's going on over there" Stephen asked pushing a curtain out of his way looking at you and Chi "n-nothing" you said trying to be serious as possible "she was holding Chi's hand so what?" Abe saw staring at the tv still "oh?" Chino said walking over to you both pulling you away from Chi "we're just friends Chino" you said annoyed by his jealously "yeah what's the problem with me holding her hand?" Chi said looking over to Chino "your the problem man how can you not see that" Chino said "oh im the fucking problem" Chi said arguing with Chino "yeah man you are!" Chino said pushing you on to the bed Stephen was sitting on "guy no-nono" you said standing up and walking over to Chino where he got into Chi's face you stood in front of him pushing him backwards he tried pushing you away "nono Chino stop" you said as you held your ground Chi stood up right behind you which made Chino mad you twisted yourself to your side pushing both Chi and Chino which didn't work due to your skinny arms and they pushed themselves to each other "guys stop!" You yelled getting in front of Chino before Chi could hurt him or anything. Abe just watched you three and Stephen did too before anything got worst. Chi tried reaching over you and grabbing Chino. "Chi stop it!!" You yelled trying to make them stop you turned around and pushed Chi backwards and you stood in front of Chi and he kept yelling at Chino "its not my fault your girlfriend still loves me!" Chi said triggering Chino. Chino pushed you to the side making you fall on the ground and hit your head you sat up and held your head sighing then getting back up. Chino was pushing Chi to the floor until you quickly pushed him off and he got angrier he snapped at you and you got upset. You didn't let them hurt each other tho you weren't going too. You had tears in your eyes after Chino yelled at you but you didn't stop trying to break them up. Your vision was already blurry but you didn't stop. You knew Chino wasn't going to stop so you turned your back on him and you wrapped your arms around Chi's stomach pushing him back "stop it please!" You yelled and Chi tried pushing you off but you wouldn't move. Chino took quick action and tried pulling you off of Chi. That's when Chi took a hit and hit Chino you let your arms unwrap from Chi's stomach and Chino pushed you on to the floor walking up to Chi and swinging on him "stop it!" You yelled getting up again pushing Chino away from Chi. "If your gonna constantly be with Chi and do all this shit with him just get back with him! Im done with your shit y/n! We're over!" Chino yelled towards your face pushing you against the counter where you hit your arm and stomach into making you feel pain physically but you mentally felt pain after Chino yelled that at your face. Chi was still behind you but besides you after Chino pushed you. Chi stood up in Chino's face "don't be fucking doing that to her you asshole!" Chi said grabbing his shirt then pushing Chino away "well you two can gladly get back together fuck you guys! Both of you!" Chino yelled at Chi and you.

You were on the floor holding your side with tears steaming down your face Chino pushed Chi away and walked out of the door slamming it behind him. "Thanks for the help" you said looking at Abe and Stephen as they looked at each other guilty you looked down to your arm pulling your sleeve up and saw blood coming through the bandages you let out a quiet sob and Chi quickly took you in his arms. "Why.." chi said



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(Not deftones but i love the outsiders and this pic reminds me of this story in THIS part)

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