After hours of Chino comforting you and telling you it was okay that you did all that he just hugged you for a few hours until you asked him about the tour
Chino and you got up and threw your shoes on walking to the other room where you two heard screaming and just chaos. You walked in first Chino right behind you his hand on your waist you walked into the room where you saw Chi and Abe having a pillow fight them both attacking Stephen where he was on the bed screaming like a little girl. You laughed a bit and you heard Chino laughed it warmed your heart. You smiled and they looked over when they heard the door open and Abe and Chi quickly jumped off the bed from Stephen and ran to you and Chino "guys help us beat up Stephen" Abe said out of breath "for what?" Chino said "because he was beating us up" Chi said catching his breath as well "okay!" You said and Chi threw you a pillow and Abe gave one to Chino "cmon!!" Chi said running back to the bed and Abe following Chi you giggled and followed behind Abe you guys jumped on the bed attacking Stephen with pillows Stephen quickly grabbed at you legs making you fall on the bed you let out a little yelp and Chino just stood next to the bed laughing at you guys you quickly got back up and started swinging your pillow on Stephen and he started yelling again making you laugh. You were laughing so hard you ended up falling off the bed but you continued laughing you got back up and got on the bed but Stephen grabbed your leg pulling you forward making you land on top of him. You were half way on him but you were laughing to hard to even care at that point. Chi took quick action and pulled you up by wrapping his arm under your waist pulling you up and he started swinging his pillow on Stephen you knew that obviously made Chino jealous and mad. You jumped off the bed and went to Chino trying to catch your breath "sorry baby" you said well giggling and breathing hard "it's okay just why did Chi touch you like that." Chino said staring at Chi well Chi swung his pillow on Stephen well laughing "baby he was trying to help me get off of Stephen." You said putting your hand on Chino's shoulder "y/n cmon!!" Abe yelled you looked at Chino and he just smiled at you as he looked back at you. "Im gonna help Stephen!" Chino yelled running towards the bed. You smiled
You ran towards the bed and started helping Chi and Abe beat up Chino and Stephen so basically a 2v3 you swung your pillow on Stephen and Chi helped you as Abe tried swinging his pillow on Chino but Chino quickly got Abe on the floor swinging his pillow on Abe "im coming to your rescue Abe!!" You yelled jumping off the bed towards Chino and swinging your pillow on Chino he laughed and dropped his pillow but you kept swinging yours he grabbed your waist and picked you up walking towards the couch you were kicking your feet and laughing "Abe! Abe help me!" You said trying to get out of Chino's grip you saw Abe get up and pick up his pillow but Chino already put you on the couch and started tickling you "Abe help me!!" You yelled giggling and trying to push Chino off of you Abe ran to you guys and threw his pillow on Chino and Chino didn't stop tickling you "help! Help me!" You yelled pushing at Chino's hands you quickly got out of his grip and ran and picked up your pillow jumping back on Stephens bed and helping Chi "okay okay!! That's enough!" Stephen yelled pushing Chi and you away you were giggling and Chi was laughing catching his breath and Abe threw this pillow on his bed catching his breath you were right next to Chi and you both were laughing so hard together he kept leaning on you and pushing you not hard or anything but it made Chino jealous. You were laughing so hard and so was Chi you two finally stopped and smiled at each other
Chino spoke "guys we're touring tomorrow you all should calm down get some rest it's gonna be a long your ahead of us tomorrow" he said "oh shit i forgot about that" Stephen said sitting up "me too" Abe said and Chi nodded "was i the only one who remembered?" Chi asked "nah y/n reminded me" Chino said and you nodded in response smiling Chi looked at you and smiled and you smiled back at him. "Well we better ALL get some rest" Abe said slipping off his shirt and going oh his bed leading Chi and Stephen to do the same "byebye guys see you tomorrow in the morning!" You said waving and Chino just waved you both walked out of the door going to y'all's room you took off your shoes and Chino took off his getting into bed taking his shirt and pants off you undressed in front of Chino pulling your pants down and pulling your shirt off of you showing the wrapped up bandages. You threw a little pajamas on and got into bed with Chino.
He grabbed your waist and pulled you on top of him "you know how much a love you." Chino said you nodded "how much" Chino asking and you giggled you bought yourself down to him giving him a little kiss which he held his hand on the back of your head "I'll give you something after your show tomorrow baby" you said pulling away from the kiss "oh really?" Chino said and you nodded and gave him a little peck on the lips "i love you." You said throwing yourself on your side pushing yourself as much as you could into Chino "i love you more" you heard as you closed your eyes falling asleep.
———————————————— This is so short but next chapter will be so much longer don't worry guys and im crying rn cuz im so tired. Next chapter will be longer tho BARE WITH ME 🙏
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