You woke up in Chino's arms with a headache, your head was absolutely pounding as you start remembering what happened yesterday tears formed in your eyes you started crying and you were still in Chino's arms so you scouted closer to him and hugged him knowing now that he will be your only comfort now. Chino woke up feeling your tears drop on him he then pulled you and wrapped his arm around your waist and the other arm around your back you felt somewhat safe with him. you had your arms wrapped around him crying in his chest "im here y/n im here" he spoke and you nodded and continued crying in his chest hugging him as tight as you could him just knowing you were in pain he just hugged you and didn't let go. It was around 9:30am so you just fell back asleep in his arms then he played with your hair as you were asleep. He then woke you up at 11 and said "will you be okay if i go back to the house i need to get some clothes if im gonna stay with you" you just nodded with red eyes knowing you were gonna break down in a second. Then Chino said "you better not do anything stupid. I swear y/n." With a serious face you nodded again and started crying and Chino hugged you and said "y/n. It's okay im here and i will be here until you don't need me anymore" you looked at him and said "i think I'll need you forever" then looked back down and he hugged you hard and kiss your head "I'll be back in a second be safe please don't do anything stupid until i get back" you nodded as he let go and kissed your head one more time then walked out the door. And you started breaking down uncontrollably crying. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ CHINOS POV ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Im walking to the house thinking about y/n and her health i feel so bad. Why would Chi even do that to her..? She was so in love with him. Then i walk into the house everyone looking at me and i looked at Chi and he had red eyes talking to Abe and i heard Stephen playing his guitar i then walk to my room. Then grabbed my backpack and put clothes and stuff i needed in there then i walked out and went in the living room and Chi spoke "how is she?" I just looked at him and said "she's doing bad first thing she did in the morning was cry. She's heartbroken Chi." Chi then looked at Abe and was gonna cry Chi then took another sip of his beer. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Y/N'S POV ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Crying uncontrollably gripping my legs and arms feeling angry and sad. All these emotions at once you slowly sat up and grabbed the box under your bed and opened it and pulled the razor out knowing this was the only way you were gonna control these emotions. You slowly lifted your shirt up and slit. And kept going well you were crying "this one is for being a bad girlfriend." "This one is for me not being a good girlfriend." And you did that a few more times "this one is for Chi..." then you put the razor back in the box and slid it under your bed and wrapped a few bandages over it. Then you curled into a ball in pain. and cried until Chino came back. Chino saw you and it broke him. It fucking broke him, he then walked to you and took off his shoes he then sat you up because you weighed like nothing to him and he hugged you but you wince in pain making a little noise because it hurt. And Chino stopped and looked at you and said "what?" You just looked at him then looked down and started crying again and he grabbed your arms and looked at them he then pushed the blanket and looked at your thighs and he didn't see anything he then pushed your shirt up and saw red coming through the bandages he looked up at you and said "y/n why" with a hurt voice you looked at him and said "i was l-lonely a-and this was the only thing i thought would h-help me with t-these emotions." With a shaky voice Chino grabbed your arms and put his head in your lap "self harm is never the answer." He said he then hugged your legs and kissed your arms then he said "want some shorts on?" You nodded and he put some on you and grabbed a new shirt and took off your old one and put the new one on then he kissed your head then he let you lay down and he said "When's the last time you ate" you spoke with a shaky voice "i- I don't remember" Chino then got in bed with you and wrapped his arms around you and played with your hair and you felt so special knowing he had time for you and he never gor bored when he was talking to you or spending time with you he just had you in his arms and you wondered how he didn't get annoyed with you. You absolutely loved Chino so you hugged him again and you cried in his arms still because you were absolutely heartbroken and you didn't know what to do anymore you were just in so much pain. But thankfully Chino knew how you felt and he knew to never leave your side. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "Ch-Chino.." you said he looked at you and said "hm?" You looked at him and said "thank you f-for doing this for m-me i-i love y-you" you said shaking with red eyes and he hugged you and said "i love you more okay? I always will" he then smiled at you and you put your arms around his neck and fell asleep again. Chino looked at you and kissed your head then he slowly got up and put his shoes on and grabbed your car keys and left somewhere. You then woke up alone and you were barely breathing. gasping for air you sat up and you could barely breathe and you looked around and you felt lightheaded you gasped for air and grabbed your water on the bed and you took a big drink and you gasped for air again feeling like you were gonna past out you curled into a ball and started crying knowing that was gonna make everything worse but you were in pain. everything was hurting then Chino walked in and saw you and ran to you "Y/n..? What's wrong!?" you said "i don't k-know everything h-hurts" you spoke with a shaky voice Chino picked you up and hugged you tight "calm down y/n take deep breaths please" he said you started taking deep breaths and you felt a little better and you continued and he hugged you not letting go and you cried in his shoulder. He comforted you the rest of the night until you both fell asleep. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A/n okay this is the end not the end of the story but the chapter. Im sorry if any of you guys relate to the SH it will get better in time and you will get better just don't give up stay strong mls
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