Deftones prt.4

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You woke up in Chi's arms and you slowly got out of them and got up and you smiled looking at chi you didn't know what time it was but it looked pretty early outside so you walked out into the living room without your pants on not sure who was in there and you walked to the bathroom passing Chino thankfully it was only him. And you used the restroom and Chino was still out there you quickly got out and and Chino said "wow" and you giggled and ran into Chi's room where he was finally awake "good morning my love" you said as you smiled at him and he turned on his stomach you just knew he was tired so you giggled and plopped back on the bed and hugged him and you kissed him on the cheek and you started kissing him everywhere and then he slowly got up and grabbed you by the waist and started kissing you all over your face as he was on top of you and you were giggling "BABY" you said trying to push his face but he didn't stop and you were giggling and you ducked your lips and he kissed them and he finally got off of you and you got up "baby can i borrow a shirttt" you said well looking at his shirts and he nodded and you picked one out being this one

 And you used the restroom and Chino was still out there you quickly got out and and Chino said "wow" and you giggled and ran into Chi's room where he was finally awake "good morning my love" you said as you smiled at him and he turned on his stom...

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And you slipped off your other shirt and Chi just stared at you and you smiled and slipped his on then you grabbed a pair of his shorts and ran out into the living room he laughed and closed the door so he can change you came back knocking on his door "BABY" "baby let me innn" "please" you bugged him and he laughed and opened the door and grabbed you and started kissing you everywhere again "ahhh" you said and he threw you on the bed and got on top of you and started kissing you everywhere again you giggled and giggled  and he kissed you and you grabbed his face and kissed him on the lips and then he said "i love you" and you smiled "i love you more" you said and he put his head in your neck. "Baby i wanna learn bass" you said and then he looked up and smiled and said "well i can surely teach you" and you smiled at him "okay!!" You said and he got up and got his bass and he said "c'here" and you sat in his lap and he was teaching you and you were smiling the whole time and giggling but a few hours later you said "wanna go a on date today my love!?" And he nodded "okay let's go to my house so i can get dressed !!" You said smiling harder then ever because you loved him so much and you grabbed his hand and you two walked to your house and you kissed him and you guys finally got to your house and you went into your room and got dressed and Chi was watching the whole time "are you ready?" You said as you smiled he nodded and you grabbed his hand and your car keys "cmon my love" and he smiled and you two walked to the car and you got in and drove you both to to place and it was so fancy "hi how may i help you?" The waitress asked "table for two please" you said as you smiled at her and you two followed her and then you two sat down and ordered y'all's food and he smiled at you and you smiled back at him then you two started eating and then you two were finished you paid the waitress cuz you didn't want chi to pay this was YOUR date and you two went to the car "i love you y/n i love you so much your so perfect" you looked at Chi and smiled so hard snd you kissed him. "I love you so so much my heart belongs to you i could never replace you i swear your everything i want." You said and he smiled at you and put his hand on your face and kissed you for a long time and you smiled in the kiss then he pulled back and you said "wanna watch something now??" You said and he nodded and you took off to a movie theater and after the movie it was getting kinda late and you decided to go back home with Chi and you drove to your house and you looked at Chi he then said "wait
Y/n i gotta go back home" you looked at him and your smile disappeared "what why" and he said "idk Chino wants to do this thingy with me and the guys" and you got pretty sad and said "oh okay" and he said "im sorry." He kissed you then you drove to the house and you saw the same car and same girl. You looked at her and said "wait Chi can i stay here i wanna be with you." Chi looked at you and said "im gonna be busy all night and i might not sleep until 2-4am" and then you got sadder you nodded and he kissed you "im sorry we can hangout tomorrow my love" you nodded and he hugged you and kissed you again "byebye i love you so much be safe my love please watch out and don't sped on the road i love you okay?" He said "i love you more and mhm" he kissed you again and hugged you then got out and ran inside and you drove back home with teary eyes then you went into you room and took off your clothes putting on a shirt and shorts and you started crying a bit then you laid down and cuddled your pillow crying into it because you could always make time for you boyfriend but he could never make time for you. You then fell asleep crying, you woke up in the morning and you took a shower and did everything you had to then you got dressed (here's da fit)

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