Deftones prt.15

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You and Chino woke up super late this morning i guess you two were doing a lot last night if you know what i mean. You got out of bed and turned off the cd player and went to the restroom taking the time you needed to fix yourself up, you walked out into the living room where you saw Abe and Chi on the couch Chi gave you a quick smile you smiled back at him and you decided to make some food for everyone since Chino looked tired and he fell back asleep when you came out of the bathroom you made some food and told Abe and Chi there was food you sat down next to Abe and you guys ate and talked well watching a movie you then finished and made Chino a plate and walked back in the room you saw Chino hugging a pillow you placed the food on the nightstand and moved the pillow Chino was hugging and you move into where he had the pillow and you cuddled Chino until he woke up

                             !Chino's pov!
I woke up to my beautiful girlfriend in my arms or should i some say wife? I kissed her beautiful face as she looked up to me and smiled ohhh that smile, she's so beautiful and perfect what did i do to deserve this beautiful girl i thought she then put her hands on my waist i lifted my eyebrow and she started tickling me oh not today she's getting away with this i grabbed her waist and i flipped myself on top of her and held her hands above her head and started tickling her she started laughing and kicking her legs which took me to joy just seeing her happy makes me so happy i love her. I kept tickling her as she laughed she some how broke out of my grip and tried pushing me off of her but that didn't work she went for my arms and grabbed them "Chino Chino stop!!" She said well laughing still she's so perfect. I finally stopped and i gave her a kiss on her beautiful face then i started attacking her face she giggled and that made me smile so hard. She's so beautiful n perfect she's absolutely amazing i don't deserve her i love her i thought
Y/n's POV
Chino was attacking my lips and basically my whole face i was giggling and letting him i then lifted up mu face to catch some air but that led Chino to just attack my neck i started giggling again as he kissing my neck i put my head back down and cupped Chino's face with my hands i admired his beautiful features he was on your chest but he made sure to be careful on you, you bought his face towards you and kissed him a long deep kiss and you didn't let go you didn't take your lips off his you wrapped your arms around his neck and didn't move an inch of your lip off his you then started sucking on his bottom lip then you pulled away and smiled at Chino you then wrapped your arms around Chino tighter and you guys flipped to the side and just cuddled for a long time "baby if your hungry i made some food and i made you a plate" you said with a smile "I'd rather eat you instead" Chino said making you giggle you reached for the food and grabbed it and gave it to him luckily it was still a little warm you let Chino eat but cuddled him at the same time he had his left arm around you laying on his side and he had the plate on your stomach he ate like that and you didn't mind you watched the tv as Chino ate you were flipped through the channels you then remembered that the guys were gonna tour next month you wanted to talk about that with them you put a scary movie on and watched it as you waited for Chino to finish eating

Chino finished eating and he placed the food where it was first at he kissed you to let you know he was finished you smiled and he flipped on his back but he still had his arm around you and he put his other on your stomach he started watching the movie with you he kissed your head and hugged you tighter you were glad this was the guy you are in a relationship with. You could just sink into everything with him you loved him more then anything he absolutely owns your heart you hugged him back just letting the love sink in both of you, you bought your face up to him and kissed him. You sunk into the kiss and you guys stayed like that until he pulled away "wanna go out there??" Chino said to you with a smile you nodded he grabbed your hand and you both walked out into the living room seeing Stephen, Abe , and Chi you were glad they were all out there you and Chino sat down and started watching what they were watching "when are we going on tour again" Abe said "next month uhh the 8th in Dallas Texas" Chino spoke Abe nodded "wait am i going with you guys or am i staying here" You said making Chi and Stephen turn to Chino well Abe was in his own little world "if you want to" Chi said Stephen nodded to what Chi said "yeah it's up to you were gonna tour the 8th and the 10th in Dallas then to California in LA 17th and 18th, 19th and again and again we're gonna be all over the place" Stephen said you nodded "yeah it's completely up to you my love if you wanna go you can, you will be on back stage when we're touring and yeah until we're done" Chino said it was already the 25th you smiled at Chino "I'll go" with a smile you said "alright" Chi said "mkay" Stephen said and Chino just smiled at you then you told Chino "i have to pack up some clothes but i have some clothes at my house can we go there later??" Chino nodded "we can go right now" He said you nodded and grabbed his hand pulling him with you, you then walked into Chino's room grabbing y'all's key then you walked outside with Chino and got into the car you drove to your house and you got out going inside with Chino you guys walked to your room and you grabbed some clothes from your closet and some shoes you grabbed some other things you might have needed you packed up two suitcases and a backpack you were done ans you flopped on your bed as Chino flipped through your cds and Vinyls you had a bunch. As he looked through them you just laid on your bed and waited for him he then looked at you and stopped and smiled at you he then fell on your bed grabbing you and cuddling you tight as you smiled at him giving him a kiss and you two just laid there "i love you so much y'know that right Y/n" Chino said "i love you so much more Chino" you said with a big smile as you admired your beautiful boyfriend Chino smiled at you and gave you a long kiss then grabbed your hand once again picking you up with him and he grabbed your suitcases and said "cmon beautiful" you smiled and grabbed your backpack with the car keys you guys walked to the car and put everything in the trunk you got in the car with Chino and smiled at him again just staring at his beautiful self you then drove back to the house and pulled everything out of the car

You both went back into the house and you put your stuff in Chino's room and he told you where you could put it, he helped you and you just smiled at your beautiful boyfriend you then hugged Chino not letting go and you guys went side to side and Chino smelt super good you didn't wanna let go of him not once did you. You made your arms around his neck and bought his face down to you kissing him slowly and you didn't let go you didn't want to you just wanted to stay like that forever and ever you slowly pulled back and smiled "i love you" you said "i love you more and i always will you know that" Chino said making you smile at him you gave him another kiss and you both laid back on the bed just cuddling and talking just letting everything sink in you forgot about everything but your beautiful boyfriend you had your arms around him as he had his arms around your waist you both didn't let go you guys stared into each other's eyes and just fell in love with each other more and more you gave him a sweet long kiss and he smiled in the kiss making your heart warm.
The endd NOT THE END OF THE STORY just the end of this chapter im gonna try to make another one rn because you guys seem to really love this story and i appreciate it sm anyways i hope you guys enjoyed this chapter it's just mostly you and Chino like always

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