Disclaimer!!! : argument , aggressive, crying , Self Harm. , throwing up , cutting, and dr3g use
If you get upset easily this isn't for you. But basically you and Chino are gonna argue but like bad bad. Just take this tigger warning seriously please!!
Fuck, Fuck im gonna die. You thought in your head.
You gave Chino a smile and walked over to him "hi baby" you said going to wrap your arms around him he pushed himself back and stood up. You gave him a weird look and he took your hand pulling you out of the guys room. "Chino.." you said knowing you guys were gonna argue he pulled you into the other room you two shared. He slammed the door shut. "So you wanna explain to me why you were gone for 2 hours with Chi!!" Chino yelled in your face "i got bored and went over there!! We read through magazines and he wanted to get mo-" you tried explaining "i know your fucking lying to me why were you gone for 2 hours with your fucking ex!!" Chino yelled in your face again "if you let me explain you'll know!" You yelled back at him he looked at you in the eyes "well fucking tell me y/n fucking tell me why you were gone for 2 fucking hours with your goddamn ex!" He said his grip on your wrist started hurting as he grabbed it harder "Chino your hurting me" you said quietly pulling your wrist away. He threw your wrist at you causing you to flinch "fucking talk to me when you aren't gonna cheat on me." Chino said pushing pasted you heading towards the door hitting your shoulder "i wasn't cheating!" You yelled as tears fell out of your eyes "yeah right" Chino said walking out of the door.
You fell against the couch and started crying holding yourself you were your only comfort in that position you got up wiping tears away after 20 minutes on the floor. You pulled yourself into the bathroom holding a blade, a spoon a cotton ball and a case of.. you looked the door and sat yourself down you pulled your belt off wrapping it around your arm until you saw a vein you put a lighter under the spoon and took a needle and charged it up. You stuck it in your arm and let it do it what it had to do... that's when you started letting yourself do whatever. You sat on the floor in the bathroom your vision was weird but you found comfort in it. You started smiling but you looked on the floor and saw the blade you bought with you. You picked it up and saw dried blood on it from the last times. You sighed and put the blade on your skin pushing it in deeply and pulling. You kept doing it until you just couldn't anymore. You had tears falling out of your eyes. You laid down on the cold floor in the bathroom closing your eyes and letting the drug kick in you.
You woke up finally after that hard day. You felt pain when you used your arms to pick you up. You looked down to them and saw multiple cuts some were still bleeding and all that "fuck.." you whispered to yourself you looked to your right side and saw the drug you used which made you feel like you. It made you feel like home.. you smiled remembering what the drug made you feel like. You put the drug up and hid it away where no one could ever find it. You were gonna use it a lot more now.. you cleaned up your arms hissing in pain every now and then you wrapped them up and smiled then threw on a black long sleeve you felt a headache coming in it hurt everything was hurting. You started remembering what happened yesterday and you pulled yourself up slipping on a pair of pants but it hurt. You didn't care tho. You threw your shoes on and walked to the guys room and opened the door due to having a key you saw them all awake and Chi smiled at you and you smiled back Abe followed with a quick smile and Stephen smiled at you too. You smiled at the all "hey is Chino here?" You spoke softly "nope haven't seen him since yesterday" Chi said and Abe nodded "uhh saw him walking out of the motel yesterday and haven't seen him since." Stephen said "why what's going on ?" Abe asked you "well we got into a bad argument yesterday and he just took off." You said "oh im so sorry" Abe said "yeah" you smiled lightly "well you can just chill with us until Chino comes back" Stephen said you smiled at him "thank you!" You said and Stephen nodded you walked over to Chi's bed and laid down covering yourself Abe and Stephen went outside the room so it was just you and Chi.
Chi walked over to his bed "hey y/n" he said pulling the covers and slipping in bed with you, you smiled at him and he pulled the covers on him too. Your legs touched his and his touched yours you looked over to Chi smiling and he smiled back at you. The unexpected happened he leaned in and kissed you. You gave in and started kissing him back it just felt right. You slowly got on top of him as you two made out he put his hands on your waist and pulled your shirt up but you quickly pulled away "wait Chi im so sorry" you said getting off of him and pulling your shirt down "what's wrong" he asked you just looked at him "everything im so sorry" you said and put your shoes on quickly leaving. You walked into your and Chino's room where you saw Chino laying down but you saw long hair on the bed and your smile dropped you moved in front of the bed and saw Chino with his arms around a whole different girl "oh really Chino?" You said your heart broke in a million pieces he quickly got out of bed pushing the other girl outta the room you you chuckled to yourself and grabbed your bag of the drug and shoved it into your bag you grabbed your bag "baby i can explain just wait your doing everything to fast are you even thinking..!?" Chino said "seeing you with her was enough i know what im doing just leave me the fuck alone forever now it's what i please and want." You said walking to the bathroom shoving things in your bag as Chino watched you. You walked over to where you and Chino shared a bed. You grabbed everything that was yours you threw everything in your bag you walked to the door and opened it "i thought you cared i thought you loved me i thought.." you said as tears formed in your eyes Chino just looked at you "can i explain...please"
______________________________ 😂 what am i doing
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