Deftones prt. 16

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It was already the 29th you guys were all packed and ready to leave for the tour the plane was at 3:00pm it was barely 12pm you were getting ready with Chino. "Come on baby wake up!!" You said shaking Chino luckily he packed last night because it would've took him all that time to get ready.

"Wake up Chino Moreno" you said making Chino open his eyes fast "what?" He said and you laughed "uhmm nothing!!" You said Chino got out of bed and stretched he got ready with you he stood behind you as you washed your face you finished and Chino kissed you he then did what he needed to do and he finished with what he was doing and then you guys walked back into the room and you packed up some more stuff you looked at the time and read 2:10pm you quickly went into the living room and everyone was ready you went back in Chino's room "you ready my love?" You said he nodded and kissed you making you smile you guys walk to the car you guys loaded it up and you all got into the car Abe driving Stephen in the front Chi on the passenger side you in the middle and Chino behind Abe, you guys drove to the airport and you all got out of the car taking everything out of the car you all showed the tickets and got into the plane you sitting by the window Chino right next to you, Abe on the other side of Chino, Chi and Stephen sat behind you guys and you talked to Chino about everything at least almost everything, you laid your head on Chino's shoulder as the plane took off Chino held your hand and you guys talked and you also talked to Abe you didn't want him to feel left out you guys talked and laughed for a bit and Chino wanted to take a nap he laid his head on your shoulder and he fell asleep you put on a cd on your cd player thingy and put earphones in and you just held Chino's hand and laid your head in top of his you waiting for him to wake up but also waited until you guys landed Around the fur started playing and it sounded amazing you started falling asleep too you held onto Chino's hand and let yourself fall asleep, your fingers slowly fell off of Chino's but you palm was on his at least you fell asleep with your earphones on and you palm in Chino's.

                  You woke up with your head
On chino's shoulder you saw that he was up and talking to Abe you looked around and the announcement came on "We'll be landing in a few minutes i repeat We'll be landing in a few minutes" you heard you looked up to Chino and he looked at you and smiled giving you a kiss you kissed him back and you then pulled away you smiled at Chino and thankfully the plane finally landed you guys got out of the plane and had a car there already waiting for you all thankfully, you loaded up the car and took off to a motel you guy finally got there and bought two rooms Abe Stephen and Chi were gonna share a room because they all knew you and Chino were obviously gonna fuck whenever... you and Chino went to your room and pit everything up you got into bed still tired and so did Chino you guys put on a movie and watched it well cuddling you started falling asleep in Chino's arms because you were still tired you felt Chino kiss your head and you smiled "i love you y/n" He said "i love you more" you said smiling as you fell asleep in Chino's arms you felt comfortable in them you felt loved you felt everything you wanted to feel in that moment. Chino kissed your lips and at this point you were asleep already
Chino's POV
My beautiful girlfriend is asleep in my arms right now ugh i could just stare at her forever her beautiful features everything about is absolutely beautiful we've been together for almost 8 months already i know we'll make it to a year and that's when im gonna ask her to be my wife. I don't care if we're still young this is the girl i wanna marry fuck what anyone else thinks she's gonna be my wife i love her with my whole heart she touches my heart with her laugh literally anything she does touches my heart.. i love her dearly i thought go myself hopefully she thinks of me like this. I love her fuck i would be dead right now if it weren't for her i love her so much fuck everyone else in this world besides her and my band we are meant to be i should just ask her to be my wife soon my love for her is crazy i wanna be with her until im dead. I was thinking of y/n until i passed out giving her one more kiss on the forehead falling asleep with her in my arms,
Y/n's POV
I woke up in needed of needing to use the restroom i slowly and quietly slipped out of Chino's arms and went to the restroom taking my time in there. I finished and walked back to Chino seeing him laying on his back, i laid next to him again putting my arm around him and my leg too, i watched what was on the tv cuddling Chino, my beautiful boyfriend i love him so much he owns my heart and always will!! I finished watching the movie and flipped on another channel watching it as i got bored i just cuddled Chino and laid there thinking about him
Y/n's thoughts
Chino is the man i wanna marry. Seriously he makes me happy he helped me when i really needed it. He was always there always and it's bot only that i love everything about Chino i really do.. he means everything to me he is my world i hope we never break up. I truly love this man with my whole life every ounce in my body loves him i love him so much..
End omg this is so short😡 im gonna make another one when im out of school I'll probably end this story at 40 chapters i hope u guys liked this one fr😔 i might get a gf today to omg im so lucky (im a girl too) anyways hope u enjoyed i appreciate the support the views n everything thank y'all sm

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~End omg this is so short😡 im gonna make another one when im out of school I'll probably end this story at 40 chapters i hope u guys liked this one fr😔 i might get a gf today to omg im so lucky (im a girl too) anywa...

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