Deftones prt.21

73 3 2

Disclaimer: arguing , confession, just mostly arguing.

Guys i have so much more motivation to write this story when im up late like yesterday i wrote those at 3-4 am and it's currently 4am im tired but i  cannot sleep ☠️


"What is there for you to explain Chino.."you spoke "just please sit down with me let me talk to you please i can't do this without you i just can't.." Chino said hurting he grabbed your hand and walked you over to sit on the couch in the living room of the room. "Okay so what happened you decided to leave no questions asked you told no one we all were worried Chino Moreno.." you said "im sorry. Look after what happened with you and Chi i stormed off and left too a bar okay? I had a few drinks and that girl came up to me i felt what we we're doing was right so i bought her back here we didn't touch or have sex together we just kissed." Chino said slowly as he watched every face you made. "I don't know what to believe Camilo" you said "mhm" he said "i just have something i wanna tell you too" You said softly not looking into his eyes "well what?" He said looking at you. "Me and Chi we uhm i went to their room earlier i thought you would be there  but you weren't Stef told me i could chill with them but i don't know what happened i went to Chi's bed and i laid down and Abe and Stephen left so it was just me and Chi... he got into the bed with me and our leg's were touching and he we talked but the unthinkable happened. He kissed me and i kissed him back but it didn't mean anything!! He tried taking off my shirt but Chino i didn't let him!! I ran off and i came into this mess." You said Chino's fist curled into balls "Chino i left we didn't do more!! You kissed another girl so you can't tell or say anything different about me!!" You said looking at him. "That's my fucking best friend and that's your ex? She was a random?" Chino said trying to stay calm "look me and Chi only kissed. You only kissed another girl you can't say anything! If anything you were gone for a day! A day Chino without telling no one where you were gonna be you left randomly you had me worried this can't all be on me if Chi is your best friend and his my ex it cannot be all on me!" You said raising your voice.

"It's still not okay do you know how long I've known Chi? We played in a garage together! He has been in this band since we were playing in a garage. This girl was a random and you don't even know her i don't either!" Chino said raising his voice too "Chino this can't be all on m-" you said but got cut off "where the fuck were you with Chi for 2 hours without telling no one! The next day after that i find out you kissed him? What the fuck y/n!" Chino said "i was out with Chi for the last time! Listen to me and stop cutting me off! I went to this place with Chi where there was ton of magazines and vinyls and cds! He was looking at magazines and he got a few and i was looking for a Korn vinyl but i couldn't find any i was having a hard time until this worker? Or random guy came to me and asked what i was looking for. I told him and he showed me where but he started pressing himself against me i looked over to Chi but he didn't even know. It was hard to get away from him Chino. I finally said something and Chi he came and helped me get away from him which was hard. Im sorry that this worried you so much you had to cheat on me." You spoke your voice went quietly when you told him about that guy "what the fuck!" Chino said "what the fuck what the fuck does this guy look like." Chino yelled at you "he had long blonde hair he uhm was wearing leather and i don't know what else he just looked glamly metal?" You said Chino wanted to stop this argument already he put his hand on yours and spoke softly

"Baby im so so sorry your everything to me im sorry i did what i did your just all i want i was upset okay? She doesn't mean anything to me your all of all i ever wanted. Your my girl my everything the whole that fills up the loneliness i feel. You show me light when im in the darkest places in my life just please forgive me for this please." Chino said with hurt in his voice "i did the same thing i apologize to you for all of it im sorry i didn't tell you i was gonna leave with Chi im so sorry." You said and Chino smiled he wrapped his arms around your neck pulling you into him tight. You wrapped your arms around him and you let some tears spill "im sorry baby im so sorry" he said rubbing your back. "Nono it's not that.." you said and Chino pulled back from the hug "what is it?" He asked "Chino after you stormed off i uhm i self harmed bu-" you tried saying but he cut you off "y/n we were in so much progress what why would you do it again" he said upset "that's not the worst thing i don't know how to tell you without you freaking out." You said "tell me please i beg you. Just tell me." Chino said upset still holding your hands tho "i shot up heroin." You said looking away from Chino's eyes

Chino looked into your eyes pulling your face towards his "are you serious..?" Chino said "deadly" you said trying to look away "where did you get it from?" Chino asked "i uhm i had heroin stashed away for a long time." You said looking at the angry but upset Chino. "How could you after all this progress baby i understand you were upset im so sorry.." he said with his voice cutting out "im so so sorry baby if you wanna end it because of this we can i was just hurting when you left like that im so sorry" you said "didn't you hear what i said your the light in my life i can't ever replace you. Your everything your beyond perfect your so much your all i need." Chino said "i just thought you would wanna break up after that im so sorry i did that im so beyond sorry." You told Chino apologizing sadly and it was hard as you kept messing up on your words you grabbed into Chino hugging him you were so hurt. "I love you no matter what" Chino said "I'll always love you more Chino." You said as you wrapped tightly in his arms "just don't do it again please." Chino said and you nodded in his hug you both hugged for the longest time ever. "Don't you guys tour tomorrow?" You asked "yeah tomorrow oh shit i forgot I'll go tell the guys about it later i wanna settle things down for with you." Chino ask and you smiled lightly he was on top of you with his arms wrapped around your waist and your arms were wrapped around his neck but you rubbed your hands on his back.


~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~SORRY I FORGOT ABOUT THIS

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