Part 8

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Tw: Self harm, yelling, meltdown, manipulation, panic attack

Techo pov

I was up first, I glanced at the clock and it read 5:45am. I usually have to be up at 6 for school. I looked at the bed and saw Will and Tommy cuddling each other, both of them asleep.
I quietly left the room and walked into the kitchen where I saw dad.

"Morning Techno" Dad said.
"Morning" I replied grabbing a coffee
"What was it with Tommy?" I particularly choked on my coffee.
"He was exhausted Dad, when was the last time he slept? He looked like he hadn't got a full night of sleep in AGES" I said, my voice started to rise.
"I'm sure he's just being dramatic, don't you trust me Techno?" Dad said with a calm voice.

Tommy pov

I shot awake from the sudden yell coming from downstairs, tears are threatening to spill.
"Toms? Hey hey hey" I hear a voice from beside me.
I quickly snap my head at the person, noticing it's Wilbur. Suddenly I didn't feel any clothing on my arm. That's when it hit me.

Wilbur saw my scars.
I'm a disappointment.
He will hate me too.
Wilbur will hate me.
He just wants me dead like dad.
He will think I'm a freak
Did Techno see too?
I couldn't even keep a secret.

My thoughts were racing, I felt like I was in 3rd person. Nothing felt real. I started shaking and tears streamed down my cheeks.
"no no no no no no" I said repeatedly. Someone grabbed me.
"NO LET ME GO" I yelled and started sobbing even more.

Wilbur Pov:

no no no no no no" Tommy said repeatedly. I gently touched his shoulders in an attempt to calm his panic attack. I immediately noticed it was, I had them too. Techno calmed me down.
"NO LET ME GO" Tommy yelled and started sobbing even more.

"Toms, it's me, it's your brother Will" I said trying to reassure the hysterical boy in my hands.
"NO NO TOO MUCH, LET ME GO" Tommy yelled covering his ears and curling himself into an even smaller ball if that's even possible.

I pulled him into my chest, and held him close, hoping it'll ground him enough to regain control over his thoughts.

"Breath, listen to me" I said repeatedly trying to sooth him.
Soon techno arrived at the scene, and sat down at Tommy's chair keeping a safe distance to not distress Tommy even more.
"Toms, try to match my breathing" I said, trying to get the hyperventilating to stop.
"I..can't, do this." Tommy choked out, going into a state of dissociation and panic at the same time.
"You can Theseus, it's gonna be fine" Techno said.

I held my brother close, he shook and cried into my chest, I got soaked with his tears, but I didn't mind. He needed someone to be there for him. Me and Techno weren't really a great "role model" to look up to. We ghosted him. Didn't call, didn't text. We avoided him at all costs.

I didn't know it was this bad.

After about an hour of feeling him shake and softly cry into my shoulder, it suddenly stopped. He passed out from exhaustion. I laid him down on the bed.

"Techno?" I asked, my voice is giving up on me.
"hm? You okay?" Techno replied standing up and watching me stumble to him.
"no. We ghosted him for months. He got this bad." I said. Slowly breaking out into sobs.
"We weren't good brothers. We have to do better Wilbur. We're losing him. He's losing himself, if he didn't lose it already" Techno said, as he slowly guided us out of Tommy's bedroom.

"Wilbur, you gotta breathe," Techno instructed me. I followed his patterns, when suddenly Dad arrived.

"Tf is up with you Wilbur?" Dad asked, laughing.
"He isn't feeling well." Techno said, meanwhile trying to ground me from my spiraling mental state.
"Why is he hyperventilating like he has ran a marathon and crying ? Stop faking Wilbur. You have nothing to cry over." Dad spat at me before walking back downstairs.

"Techno.." I cried into his shoulder.
"It's okay, Wilbur," Techno said. Slowly making our way into our shared bedroom.

Where he continued to calm me down, which worked.

I'm grateful to have Techno by my side. I hope Tommy will be okay. I think we failed as brothers so far, we could've done better.

I'll be a better person and brother to Tommy.

You can handle this Tommy. I know you can.


istg if any of you make it weird, BROTHERLY LOVE.

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