Part 21

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TW: Suicide attempt, drowning, hospital, death,throwing up, shock.

Wilbur POV

Wilbur POV

I'm a really light sleeper, so someone opening and closing the door awoke me, I grabbed my phone and looked at the time 3:05am, then it hit me

It can't be Phil or Techno.
Oh fuck.
Please don't be that.

I shot up from my bed, and ran into Tommy's room, I found it empty. My heart sank. I ran downstairs looking around, when I entered the kitchen, I saw a few notes laying around, I immediately picked it up, and when I saw the title, I felt sick.

I'm sorry it came to this.."

I grabbed my phone and called Tommy, my own mindset was quickly spiraling into a state of panic and adrenaline.

"Tommy?!" I asked, the worry was definitely heard in my voice
"I'm sorry." Tommy chocked it out.
"Tommy! This can't be happening, please. I cant lose you," I begged my brother, my voice began to crack.
"I'm sorry Will, I'm so tired." Tommy replied, he was sobbing.
"Tommy, I promise things will get better.
Come home please Toms." I begged, at this point I was losing it too.
"please..share your location..don't do this."
I begged continuously, I begged my brother to stay.

"I love you, I'm sorry." Tommy said, before the line went quiet.

"TOMMY?!" I shouted
"TOMMY?!" I shouted into the phone again, I lowered it from my ear and saw Tommy has hung up, then a notification pop up

"Tommy has shared their location with you!"

I opened it, it wasn't far. If I'm fast enough I might make it in time. I dashed out the front door, dialing 911 on the way.

"911 what is your emergency?" The dispatcher asked.
"There is a suicide attempt, he is on a bridge, the location is *********, please. I cant lose my brother" I ranted while I was running to the bridge.
"The help is on the way." The dispatcher replied, I hung up the phone and ran, I couldn't breath anymore, but the adrenaline was keeping me going.

When I arrived at bridge, I saw no one on it.

He jumped.
He killed himself.
He's gone and it's all MY fault.

The thoughts flooded in, I ran to the railings, and I saw bubbles coming up, meaning it was my brother. Without hesitation I leaped over the railing, falling into the water to find my brother.

The jump was far, thankfully I landed correctly meaning I didn't lose consciousness from the impact. I got above water to take a deep breath, then I immediately went back underwater, trying to find my brother.

I knew I was really deep down, I could feel the pressure of the water getting heavier the deeper I dived.
Then, I felt something heavy, I grabbed onto it.

It was a body.
It was Tommy.
My brother.
I found him.

I scooped up my brothers body, into my arms. Trying to reach the surface of the water.  I was really deep in the water, I felt really cold, my blood circulation was slowing down from the coldness of the water, I felt really tired, the hypothermic shock was starting to kick in, but I knew I had to save my little brother.

Come on Wilbur,
Save him.
I can do it.
Just swim a little more.

I gasped for air under the water, but I made it to the top, I was pulling my brother out to the shore of the water, and to the ground. I couldn't look at my brother, I just know that I failed him.

I reached the ground moments later, I pulled him to safety, then I started coughing and water was pouring out of my mouth, I collapsed beside my brother moments later. I grabbed  his hands, and looked beside me with the little energy I had left.

He was blue,
He was purple,
He was cold,
He was stiff,
He was unconscious,
He wasn't breathing.
His heart stopped.

I started to feel really tired, and really cold.

Moments later, I slipped out of consciousness.

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