Part 16

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Tw: abuse, self harm mention, talk of hospital, mentioned suicide

Tommy pov:

It's been a week, my brothers are coming to visit me everyday, I even met Puffy. She seems nice, Wilbur and Techno likes her. I've been getting better physically, my wounds are starting to heal up, I even got the stitches out. I'm getting discharged today. I'm waiting for the papers to be signed by the doctors so I can leave.

"THOMAS SMITH! You are free to leave!" A nurse shouted from the hallway, I made my way out of my hospital room into the hallway where Niki was waiting for me.

"Hey Tommy. How you doing kid?" Niki asked, I didn't speak to her a lot, since she just dropped my brothers off and left.
"I'm fine." I replied maybe a little meaner than I meant to.
"I get you don't know me Tommy, but I promise I will never hurt you. I know you were probably told this many other times, but I mean it. You are safe with me, your brothers are safe with me." Niki said, she tempted to put her hands on my shoulder but I flinched away before she could.

"okay. Can we go." I asked, looking down at the ground.
"Yes we can Tommy." Niki said before beginning to walk to the car, me following her close behind.

The car ride was silent, no word was said. I was looking out the window the whole time, letting my thoughts wander, maybe that wasn't the best idea.
"We are here Tommy." Niki said soothing me a smile.

We got out the car and walked up the door, when it opened, I saw Techno standing there with his arms out, asking for a hug, and I leaped into his embrace.

"You are here Theseus" Techno said, hugging me, when he let go, I was pulled into another hug which was Wilbur.
I looked at the woman behind Wilbur.

"Hey Tommy." Puffy said. I just nuzzled into Wilbur's chest more.
"Wilbur, can you show him his room?"  Puffy said, I felt Wilbur nod.
I was suddenly felt myself getting picked up, I realized Wilbur picked me up.

"PUT ME DOWN" I yelled at Wilbur, who immediately set me down.
"I'm sorry Toms." Wilbur apologized before leading me into a room.
"This is your bedroom, unpack everything you have. I'm in my room it's to your left, Technos too" Wilbur said, and left the room.

I put my things aside and I fell onto the bed and before I could realize I fell asleep

Nikis POV

"The kids are all up?" I asked, looking at Puffy.
"yep. Why?" Puffy asked, looking at me concerned.
"I found a foster family, who is willing to take all 3. His name is Philza minecraft, single father, his wife died of cancer a few years back." I explain it to Puffy.
"That's good isn't it?" Puffy asked.
"It is..can he come here? He lives like 30 minutes away." I  asked.
"Yeah, I'll call the kids down." Puffy replied, before she disappeared up the stairs, I called Philza.

"Hello?" Philza asked.
"Hello! It's Ms.Niki. Are your Mr.Minecraft?" I asked.
"Yes, but please call me Philza."
"Okay, well then, Philza We spoke about you being interested in fostering and adopting 3 kids" I explained.
"Ah yes!" Philza said.
"We found you a family, 2 twins who are 19 and 1 boy who is 15. They all have a hard background as far as we know." I explained.
"I would like to meet them if possible? I don't mind the ages, it wouldn't be an issue." Philza explained.
"Yes it's possible! If it's convenient for you, you can come meet them now." I replied.
"It is! Where should I go?" Philza asked.
"Its ***** 21." I said.
"I'll be there! Thank you." Philza said.
"Bye." I replied.

I saw everyone going down the stairs.
Everyone sat down and all the eyes were on me, I began to speak.

"I made a few calls and I found a family who is looking to foster you three. All of you would go together. His name is Philza minecraft, he lives like 30 minutes away." I began to explain.

"What would that mean, how would that go?" Techno asked.

"Basically, he's coming here. He'll meet with you guys, he'll have about an hour to do so. After that he'll decide if he wants to foster you guys. If anything were to go wrong, he would abuse you guys, abuse hard substances, you guys will get my phone number and able to call me whenever.
I will also call weekly on sundays to make sure you guys are okay." I explained it to them in more details.

"'re saying we can be abused..?" Tommy looked at me terrified.
"No, I will not allow it." I said

"Okay. As long as we stay together." Wilbur said. I saw Tommy lean onto Wilbur and Wilbur leaned onto Techno.

-time skip 30 minutes.-

There was a knock on the door, all of them separated from one another, but Tommy seemed on edge and terrified. He was glued to Wilbur's side.

I walked up to the door and opened, and I saw a middle aged man with blonde hair.
"Hello..I'm looking for Ms.Niki?" The man said.
"That would be me, come on it Philza." I said inviting him inside.
"Please just call me Phil, it's easier." Phil replied, as he came in the door, he took of his shoes and his coat.

"Alright, the kids are in the living room with Mrs.Puffy. She's currently fostering them as an emergency placement." I elaborated and I walked towards the living room.

As we entered, I saw Tommy sink into his seat, holding onto Wilbur a little stronger. Me and Phil sat down infront of them.

"Hello, I'm Puffy." Puffy said, holding her hand out for Phil to shake.
"Phil" He replied and gladly shook her hand.
"We will leave you guys to it, we are upstairs." I said and I saw all of them nod.

Me and Puffy made our way upstairs.

Tommy pov.

He seemed nice, but Dad seemed nice. It's only the matter of time before he will start to abuse me.

"Well hello, I'm Philza but you can call me Phil." Phil introduced himself.

"Can you guys tell a bit about yourself? I'll start.
I stream on twitch mostly minecraft and I have a hardcore world" Phil explained.

"I'll go next, I'm Wilbur I have my own band called Lovejoy. I Write Songs." Wilbur said.

"I'm Techno and I have 3 published books, I'm writing the 4th one." Techno said.

"I'm Tommy." I said blankly and didn't say more.

"Nice to meet you guys. I've heard about your band Wilbur! You guys are pretty talented.
Techno if we get the chance do you mind showing me your books?" Phil asked and praised the others.

"Of course!" Techno said proudly.

"Let's not forget about Tommy, he has amazing grades." Wilbur hopped in the conversation.

"Proud of you mate!" Said Phil. 

They continued to have a conversation about something, I didn't really pay attention to what they were saying, I was deeply lost in my thoughts.

I wanna get them into a safe environment, then I can leave.
I just wanna leave, I'm a waste of space.
I will see if this Phil is good enough to take care of my brothers. If so, I can leave finally.
I won't cause any more issues, I can't fuck up a family again, I can't send another parent to jail.
I deserved every last hit I got, maybe even more.

Suddenly I hear the door open, and Niki stands there.
"Well, the time is up! Did you make your decision Phil?" Niki asked with hopeful eyes.

"Yes! My decision is...." Phil said.


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