Part 22

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TW: Suicide attempt, Hospital, ICU, unhealthy coping mechanism, self harm, major character death, yelling, mentions of drowning.


Phil POV

It was 4am me and Techno were about to leave the event we attended, when my phone rang, I picked it up, which catched Technos attention.

"Hello?" I ask.
"Hello! I'm looking for Philza minecraft?" The voice asked.
"That's me, who's calling?" I asked, I was standing now, so was Techno.
"North Carolina police department.  I'd like to inform you, that Thomas Smith committed suicide, his brother Wilbur smith, tried saving his life, which landed both of them in hospital, sadly Thomas didn't make it. Wilbur is still in the ICU." The voice explained.

My heart dropped.

"What- how- no no no no no" I rambled.
"I'm sorry Mr.Minecraft. They're in the South Carolina hospital." The voice explained, and hung up the phone.

"Techno, we're going now." I stood up and raced to the car.

"Phil? What happened? FUCKS SAKE" Techno raised his voice at the end.

"I'm sorry, but Tommy is gone, Wilbur tried saving him, it landed him in the ICU." I explained, as I started the car and began driving.

"What? Tommy- no. You're joking, he's not dead!" Techno rambled with having his voice raised.

"I'm sorry, I wish I was." I told him, he turned away and began sobbing.

-Time skip to arriving in the hospital.-

We rushed into the hospital, pushing everyone out of the way.

"We're looking for Wilbur smith?" I asked the receptionist.
"Relationship to the patient?" Receptionist asked.
"I'm his foster parent, the man behind me is his twin." I explained, just wanting to get this over with.
"Okay, he's in room 4 on the Intensive care unit." The receptionist replied, and we walked away.

Techno was now quietly crying beside me, we walked to the elevator, waited for it to come, when it did, we entered and went all the way up to the ICU.

We got checked once again, then led by a nurse into Wilbur's room. Techno sat down beside Wilbur's bed, but I went outside to ask questions.

"What happened..? Why isn't he awake?" I asked, looking at the nurse.

"According to the police and the EMTS, Tommy jumped off a bridge, and Wilbur leaped after him, and he got a hypothermic shock from the coldness of the water, he pulled his brother to safety, before he slipped out of consciousness. He should wake up when his body returns to normal temperature." The nurse elaborated.

"Why didn't Tommy make it? If Wilbur pulled him out?" I asked, the nurses eye darted to the floor.

"He was late, Thomas was already gone, when Wilbur pulled him out of the water. The impact he hit the water with, broke numerous amount of bones, if that didn't kill him, he  drowned. I'm so sorry for your loss." The nurses avoided eye contact and with that she left.

Tommy is gone,
Wilbur thinks he saved him,
He jumped off a bridge to save him,
Tommy is dead.
I didn't see the warning signs.
He was so happy.
He was laughing.
But now.
He's gone.

I took a deep breath before entering Wilbur's room.

"Will he wake up..?" Techno asked, looking up at me.
"Yes he will, when his body's temperature returns to normal." I explained.
"So it's a waiting game?" Techno asked.
"Yes it is." I told him.

"I can't believe he's gone. He happy." Techno mumbled it out.
"I know. I cant either." I replied.

3rd person POV

3 days since the the accident.

The days have been going really slowly, Wilbur still isn't awake, when he should be. They're taking him up for further testing. Phil had to call the social workers, telling them that Tommy had died. He will be questioned, and social workers will speak with Techno and Wilbur when he wakes up, to see if this house is still suitable for fostering kids.
Techno didn't leave his brothers side, not even for a minute. The nurses are treating him like a patient, bringing him food and water.

1 week since the accident.

Wilbur woke up a few days after, he was confused at first, but then regained memory of the events. He haven't said a single thing, he just cries and cries for hours, he refuses food. He overall lost his sparkle. Techno is still refusing to leave the hospital, Phil stays with him, not wanting to leave them, not in this state.

"Wilbur he's gone." Phil said to the brunette.
"What?! No. I- pulled him out! He- he was with me!" Wilbur now was yelling.
"Wilbur I'm sorry but he's gone." Techno stepped in.
"YOU GUYS ARE LIARS! I WANNA SEE HIM PLEASE" Wilbur screamed, demanding seeing his brother.

This was the last conversation that was said between the family, before Wilbur refused to speak. Phil was arranging a small funeral, just them and the case workers.

2 weeks after the accident.

Wilbur was discharged from hospital, he still hasn't said a word, but the house fell into a depressive state. Techno shut himself into his room, only coming out to eat. Then there was Wilbur.
Wilbur refused to eat, get out of bed, speak. He fell into the same rabbit hole as Tommy with self harm, he relapsed daily after his discharge.
Phil was staying strong for his boys, he can't fall apart. Even when he wants to, he will stay strong for his boys. He is sure that they'll be okay again.

The funeral was held on a rain Sunday. It was a small funeral, but everyone who was there meant something to him, that all that mattered.

Thomas Smith
Gone too soon.

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