Chapter 2: Just curious

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"Are you sure?! "I can go alone."
"Joon, you know how it works." Seokjin said, creasing his forehead.
"Common, select one. Or do you perhaps want an actor? Are you tired of these models?" he asked while pushing some photographs in front of Namjoon.
Namjoon huffed seeing the spread and looked at Jin desperately, "Can't you come with me?"

Jin smiled and shook his head. "I have a husband. Thank you! and we both are invited too, and that's why I asked if you wanted Tae to hook you up with any of his actor friends. That actor Enwoo has been eyeing you for a while. I'm sure he will agree in a heartbeat if you ask."

Jin's husband, Kim Taehyung, is one of the top K-drama actors in the country. He modelled for their company "Shopping Dose," , one of the biggest online clothing stores that Namjoon and Seokjin co-own, once, and that's how they met for the first time. It was love at first sight for both of them, and within a year of meeting Kim Seokjin, certainly grabbed the headlines for not only being one of the hottest businessmen in the country but also for winning the heart of the heartthrob of the country.

"I can't hyung. I can't do this fake smiling thing again." Joon sighed

"You need a date. This comes with the life you chose. You are known as the most eligible bachelor and the hottest CEO. Of course you need a date. Most importantly, if you don't have anyone in your arms, you will probably be approached by random people who think they have a chance. Do you want that?" Jin questioned putting his feet up on Namjoon's table.

"Eww, that's...gross.Take your dirty feet off my table." Namjoon said, frowning.
" Seriously!! That's all you could concentrate on.!! I said a million reasons why you need a date, and all you are worried about is that my pristine and not dirty feet are on your desk?" Jin said, taking his legs back.

"First off all, put your leg up on the desk or on the ceiling—I don't care—but in your own office. Secondly, you said one reason, and yes, I agree with you. So the best option is Yoongi; he will come with me," he said, wiping the spot Jin's feet touched with wet wipes.

Jin laughed, seeing his actions. "You know he is kind of hooking up with your brother, right?"

"Yeah, but he is our friend; he knows me, and Hobi knows it too, so please ask him," Namjoon begged.
"Ok..whatever you wish..these charades will end the day they come out with their relationship. You know that right! It will be a fun day for the media. 'CEO Kim Namjoon previously dated his brother's boyfriend' ."
Jin said dramatically in a reporter voice and gave his signature wind shield laugh. Namjoon couldn't help but smile. He knew that might actually happen, but he was desperate right now and didn't have any other options.He was not interested in taking some random model or actor with him just for the sake of visuals.

Jin put on his shoes and stood up to leave.
"Find a boyfriend for god's sake. You are getting old," he teased.
"Fuck off.." Namjoon said, smiling
Jin laughed and picked up the files from Namjoon's table.
"Heyy!! You want to come home for some homemade dinner? You have been eating junk for a while now!" Jin asked

Namjoon was surprised: "Taehyung is cooking now?" The actor is known to be good in many things but not in his cooking skills. Namjoon knew that Jin was the better cook out of all of his friends, and he had survived his college life with a full belly mostly because of him.

Jin nodded. "Yeah, since we decided on adopting, he has been on a cooking spree. Something about feeding children homemade meals. I'm way too busy these days to make fresh meals, so he said he wants to step in."
"How is it?" Joon questioned
Jin shook his head. "He has his moments. I can't say it's all good."
"Why can't you hire a chef?"
"We will come to that eventually, but I'm letting him try. He is way too enthusiastic about it."

Namjoon laughed, shaking his head, "Enjoy.!! your baby..your fate!"
Jin sighed loudly, "Anyways..I'll tell Yoongi..and don't stay up's already 10..go home and get some sleep. We have to meet the Japanese investors tomorrow; I don't want you tired for that."

Namjoon nodded and watched Seokjin walk away to his home to his hisband. He knew he wouldn't go home anytime soon,as he wouldn't be getting much sleep, so he decided to work late and go home only when he absolutely should.

Namjoon was immersed in work; it was 11.30 already. His stomach growled loudly; he was waiting for the pizza he ordered from a regular place that opens till midnight. His shoulders were killing him from sitting in front of his computer for long hours, so he decided to take a break. He stretched and disregarded his waist coat, loosened some buttons on his shirt, and lit a cigarette to relieve his stress. And then walked and leaned to the huge window in his office that faced the city to watched the world doing its thing peacefully.

He saw couples walking hand in hand..friends giggling and laughing while they go to their homes..he left out a deep breath with a small smile, and jist then the pizza delivery stopped by..Namjoon sighed in relief. He observed the delivery guy curiously as he removed his helmet, his dark, wild, messy hair springing free from under it. He had a ponytail on. He shook his head like a wet puppy to get his messy bangs out of his eye. Even from this distance, Namjoon could see that the guy was very handsome. It was not clear but he knew several tattoos adorned his body.He saw him bowing down to the security and entering the building. after a few minutes or so, the guy came out and drove away in his worn-out scooter.

Soon, someone knocked on his door.
He asked him to come in and saw his assistant, Soobin, coming inside with the pizza box.

"Sorry you had to stay up late because of me," Namjoon apologised.
Soobin smiled at him and said, "It's okay, sir, I actually found the reports you asked for. Do you need anything else?" "he said, giving a few files and the pizza to Namjoon.

"No,Thanks. Soobin,l ssi" he said, thanking his assistant and taking the pizza from him.
"Did you eat? Want to share?" He asked
Soobin bowed to his boss and shook his head. "No sir, I had dinner earlier. You please enjoy."
Namjoon nodded while Soobin began to exit the room.
"Soobin ssi, the delivery..." he suddenly asked
Soobin turned back, hearing Namjoon, and raised his eyebrows. "Yes sir!!"
"Is the pizza delivery  made by the same person every time we order?!"
Soobin creased his forehead, thinking, "Usually there are two it's someone new..any issues, sir?" He asked
"Ohh no, just curious. Go ahead. You can go home; don't wait up for me. I'll be leaving soon after this, and you can come in tomorrow a bit later. There's no need to come early; just reach by the time of our meeting." He opened the pizza box and smiled at him.
Soobin nodded happily and went out, wishing him good night.

He is a good boss!!

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