Chapter 33 : The Boyfriend Privilages

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Excuse the mistakes please

"Keep it and call me anytime you want to scream or yell asking me if your boyfriend is crazy."

"Is he crazy?!" Jin's ears were bombarded with Jungkook's screaming from the other side of the phone. He jolted back and shook his head to compose himself and let his assistant, Hana, leave the room and picked up his phone once again.

"I was expecting a call, but not this fast... How long has it been? Two days? What did he do?" Jin asked with a smile

Jin listened to his best friend's new boyfriend screaming and yelling on the other end, feeling a sense of frustration wash over him. He sighed and put his phone down, running a hand through his hair.

"This idiot!" Jin cursed under his breath, rubbing his temples in annoyance.


In about an hour Jin was standing in Jungkook's apartment, caught between the angry glare of Jungkook and the confused expression of Namjoon

Jin sighed after a while "Okay!! You can't force someone to move, Joon"Jin said, shrugging. "This is his apartment, he works and pays for it!! I don't see what's wrong about that!"

"Exactly!!" Jungkook chimed in, his frustration evident in his tone.

Namjoon shook his head. "Yes!! And I respect him for that but Jin ,look at the condition of this place! How can I not say anything? I can't let my boyfriend stay in this place knowingly? "He tried to reason

Jin surveyed the apartment once again, he remembered that the first time he visited ,the place was in a bad condition and it is not much different now either..he watched the clutter and mess and cleared his throat to face Jungkook once more, his expression softening slightly. "Well, Jungkook..."

Jungkook scoffed seeing Jin fold in so quickly and interjected, defending himself. "Hyung, I pay for it, I live here. What's wrong with that? I've been here for years... I'm still alive and well. You met me while I still live here...and also not everyone can afford big places.! " he said giving an angry glare towards Namjoon

Namjoon nodded firmly"Indeed! You were here before we became a couple. But now that we are, your living conditions matter to me. And fortunately, I'm more than capable of providing you with a comfortable lifestyle. There is no need for you to shoulder all the financial burden alone. We are partners, after all." His tone softened as he continued"And about the apartment..big places aren't the priority, but tidiness definitely is! I know you take pride in keeping things organized, Jungkook. This mess doesn't reflect your standards." Namjoon's gaze shifted to Jin trying to emphasize his point meanwhile Jin was observing the exchange with visibly growing frustration.

"He is infact very organized !" Mingyu interrupted , offering Jin a bag of chips.
Jungkook knew Namjoon was right. He couldn't stand the mess in his apartment..except for Mingyu everyone else were really nasty and it had irked him a lot .

Also he could feel a flutter in his heart whenever Namjoon referred to him as his boyfriend. It had only been a few days, but Jungkook noticed a significant change in Namjoon's behavior towards him. Namjoon was all about taking up the caring older boyfriends role aand he found himself enjoying the attention and care Namjoon was offering, though he never acted like he did

"But just because he's my boyfriend doesn't mean he can decide for me!" Jungkook said again

"Point!!"Jin seconded

Jungkook nodded "yeah This is my place... I don't need to move! I'll find a better place when I can afford it!!"he continued

Namjoon acknowledged Jungkook's sentiment by nodding. "But the new place will be your place too, Jungkook. You can have your independent room... and I think, since you are with me now, I would like that. What if I want to stay over?"

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