Chapter 15: Stay

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Wrote this listening to Blue& Grey 🩵


Warnings: Self harm‼️

"You seem unusually happy lately," the man said.

Namjoon tried to hide his anxiety by squeezing the stress ball even harder. "I'm alright. The company's doing well, so I guess I'm happy," he replied trying to sound as normal as possible.

"Why haven't you been answering my calls, my little lamb? Have you found someone who is more interesting?" The man's tone shifted suddenly, even through the phone Namjoon could imagine the look he has on face, he was angry and upset.

Namjoon hesitated for a moment, then lied, "No."

"Good. Keep it that way. You know the consequences if I even suspect otherwise!!" the man warned.

"Yes, sir," Namjoon responded obediently.

"Excellent. We'll meet soon. I didn't get my fill last time, so this time I'll stay for a few days. I'll inform you of the dates. Make sure you keep yourself completely free for me. Understand?" the man demanded.

Namjoon's anxiety intensified. His heart raced as he recalled past encounters and the fear they brought.

"Did you hear me, baby boy?" He asked again when he didn't receive any reply from Namjoon.

Namjoon nodded frantically, his fear growing as he muttered, "Yes, sir, I will.!!"

Namjoon placed his phone on the table,  absentmindedly poking at his inner cheeks as he was consumed by thoughts of Jungkook. The idea of the man finding out about Jungkook, let alone the fact that he had kissed Jungkook and was considering a relationship, sent shivers down his spine. He knew the man well enough to anticipate a violent reaction, one that might make him regret every decision he had made.He knew the man won't even hesitate to hurt him and even Jungkook out of anger.

But right now, he was more worried about meeting the man again. He couldn't bear the thought of the emotional and physical torture that awaited him. Sweat started forming on Namjoon's forehead and his hands automatically moved to the same healing wound on his hand. He began picking at it, causing fresh blood to seep out as he scratched at the scabs. It seemed like a way to distract himself from his racing thoughts. Just when the sweet and stinging pain was beginning to calm his nerves, the door opened, startling him back to reality. He quickly grabbed a tissue to cover the wound, suddenly realizing what he had been doing.

"Joon!!" Jin burst into the room, his face flushed with anger. He reached for Namjoon's hands, clearly concerned. Upon seeing the old wound that was still open and bleeding, his worry intensified.

"What the heck are you doing?" Jin asked, gripping Namjoon's hands, his eyes fixed on the bloody fingertips.

"Joon, you're hurting yourself, aren't you? I knew it! Shit!! " Jin tried to look close into the area of the wound

Namjoon quickly pulled his hands away, feeling defensive. "No, it's just a wound," he muttered, trying to conceal it.

Jin sighed  "It's been there for who knows how long. What are you doing, Joon? I'm not an idiot. I see these things. "

"Just leave me alone," Namjoon said, annoyed.

Jin's frustration elevated as Namjoon once again denied the need for help. He had always known about Namjoon's mental health issues but had faced only resistance whenever he tried to address them.

"I won't leave you alone!!" Jin replied, keeping his voice down to prevent anyone outside from overhearing. "This is the last straw. You're getting worse. I'm taking you to a doctor right now, and I don't care if our friendship ends because of it. You need help!!." He said while reaching for his phone.

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