Chapter 3-Worthy

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❗️❗️Warning : Trauma, rape ,Child abuse ❗️skip if you are uncomfortable

Flashbacks are in italics


"Hyunggggg" Jimin ran to his Namjoon Hyung's arms as soon as he spotted him outside his office.
Namjoon hugged his youngest brother with both arms and smiled wide. "Oh god!! Did you gain more muscles or something? It hurts! What are you doing here?"
"We haven't seen you in ages, Hyung," another voice answered, and he saw his other brother Hoseok walking towards him with a smile on his face.
"Hoba.."  Namjoon smiled back at him and gave him a quick hug.

Park Hoseok and Park Jimin were Kim Namjoon's stepbrothers. Yes, they had different surnames, even though they had the same father. He was the product of a one-night stand his dad had with a woman during a vacation; his mom kept him a secret until he was 9 years old, fearing for her life .She thought If someone knew that she - a poor nobody had a baby for the famous park tech heir, they would try to harm her and her child. But she had no other choice left when she found out about her last stage of cancer and finally found the courage to show up in front of his dad and give him to his care. Soon after that, she passed.

Even though it created a stir in the family, Park Jinyoung's wife Haewon accepted Namjoon as theirs and took care of him as his own. Park Hoseok,  their eldest son, was just 2 then and she later gave birth to their son, Jimin, after many years. Hoseok loved Namjoon as his own brother and always looked up to him for everything. Even though he was accepted by them, both their parents extended families always frowned upon him. So when he got older, he refused to accept the CEO position his dad offered him; he even refused to take his inheritance and started a small business with his roommate and best friend while he was still in college with a sum he borrowed from his father. But soon, his luck changed, and the company blew up, making it major in the fashion business world. What started as a small shopping site is now the biggest online fashion shopping site, and they even produce their own branded clothing and accessories too.

"Mom was asking about you. Why aren't you coming home?It's been months!" Hoseok asked, walking into Namjoon's office, while Jimin clinged on to Namjoon's arms like a kid.
"I'll come. Tell her that I'm good." Namjoon answered
"We miss you.." Jimin pouted.
"I know, Chim. I'm just a bit busy. We are launching some affordable athleisure products soon, and it's been a bit hectic."
Jimin nodded and looked around " where's that gorgeous assistant of yours? "
Jimin is a flirt and almost everyone falls for his charms easily and he has been eyeing Namjoon's young assistant for a while.
Namjoon pinched his cheeks " Chim don't..!! i like him..he is an excellent worker, I don't want you to distract him"
" Ok!! Dad!!!" Jimin rolled his eyes earning a laugh from Namjoon.

"So you are going out with Yoongi again?" Hoseok asked as they entered his office.
Namjoon sat on his chair and sighed, "I'm sorry, hoba. I hate having these strange people in arms just for the look of it. I know you are seeing him. Are you okay with it?"
Hobi smiled and began to answer, but Jimin talked before him, scoffing, "Pff!!! "It's good..!! at least one night I can sleep peacefully without hearing these two doing it.."
Hoseok looked at him with big eyes and said, "No one asked you to stay at my place. Don't you have your own home?"
"Your place is near my Uni, and mom said it's okay if I stay with you!" Jimin said
" Well for studies..!! should i tell mom that you are staying there so that you can bring your one night stands there?!"
Jimin's eyes popped out" Don't you dare.."

Namjoon knew the one thing his brothers loved more than anything else was to bicker. Considering how different both of their personalities are it was a common occurrence
Namjoon threw a pen at them "Stop fighting idiots!! .Hoba , How's the work going? Dad said , you will be speaking at the Annual Tech Conference. That's great news!!" He said smiling

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