Chapter 5: Lust

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"Tell me again, what am I supposed to do?" Namjoon asked Jimin, who was clinging on to his arms while they walked towards the mall.
"Hyung, please  convince mom. She will definitely listen to you," Jimin whined.

"No, I'm not letting you go with some strange men to a strange place. What if something happens to you?"
"Hyung, my friends are with me. It's a tour group." Jimin pouted

"Jimin, you are only 19. These are older boys. No way. It screams booze, drugs, and sex.!"
"I won't drink, I promise," Jimin said, giving his puppy dog eyes to Namjoon.
"Seriously! You won't drink. That's all you are promising?"

Jimin groaned and let go of Namjoon's hand. "Ahh, you're so uncool..."
Joon nodded, laughing, "Yeah, I am..!"
Jimin mocked his brother and sighed, "Okk!! Fiiineee!! Then can I please have that handsome assistant of yours? I have been eyeing him for a while, but you won't let me talk to him."

Namjoon gave a death glare to his brother, "Jimin! Please buy whatever you want. I need to get back to work."
"Ok, can you at least tell her to give back my credit card so I can buy stuff without disturbing you?"
" Chim, you literally maxed out your cards for months."
"I told her to get me one of those high limit ones she won't hear."
"Jimin again, you are 19..and you are spending too need control. Why do you think I am at a mall on a Wednesday afternoon when I have a whole ass company to run? If you are responsible, I wouldn't be know Hobi will never let you do this, isn't that why you are always coming to me?"

It is well known that among his two brothers, Namjoon had a soft spot for Jimin because, being 16 years older than him, Jimin was always his baby .He spoiled him rotten since he was young and was always the one he leaned on when he landed in some kind of trouble with his parents or Hobi
He pouted, "Hyung! I love shopping!! Is that so.."

"Ohh Jimin.." a familiar voice called out, making them turn their heads back.
"Sunbae!!" Jimin's eyes lit up as he ran towards the voice.
Namjoon cracked a smile when he saw the owner of the sound.

"Hiii, what are you doing here, Sunbae?" Jimin asked Jungkook, who was soaked in sweat. Jimin noticed a few cardboard boxes that were unloaded from a truck near him.

"Do you work here?" he asked pointing at the nearby shop.
Jungkook nodded. "Not regularly..sometimes!! When there is need!" He smiled and noticed the large frame of a man who was walking towards them.

Jungkook creased his forehead, he looked familiar and he tried to remember the face.When Namjoon removed his sunglasses, he quickly recognised him.
"Heyy Smokey!!" He smiled wide with his bunny teeth out.
Jimin frowned, not understanding what was going on. "Smokey!!..!!! This is my older brother, Sunbae."
"Ohh!!! But what about Hob? What was his name? The brother who always comes to pick you up! The one who smiles a lot?"

"Ohh, that's Hoseok Hyung, my other older brother. I have two. This one is the oldest and the bestest!!." he smiled
"Ahh.." Jungkook opened his mouth, nodding in realisation.
"But Why do you call him Smokey?Do you guys know each other?" Jimin asked, darting his eyes towards Namjoon, who was standing there staring at Jungkook without even blinking.

"We met while I delivered food!" Jungkook answered
Jimin's eye went wide. "You do food delivery too?"
"At night," Jungkook said, smiling.

Jimin nodded, totally impressed ; he himself never worked a day in his life, the perks of being the baby of one of the richest families in the country.

Jungkook noticed the way Namjoon was looking at him, and he realised that he never asked the the person's name.
"I didn't quite catch your name, Jimins Hyung!!"
"Namjoon..Kim Namjoon." Namjoon extended a hand towards Jungkook.
Jungkook gulped, hearing his deep voice and his dragon eyes piercing him,A hint of smile hidden on his lips.

Jungkook shook his hands and was shocked by the strong grip Namjoon had.
"Hyung owns the 'Shopping Dose'. You know the app and website," Jimin said, which broke them apart.
Jungkook scratched his head. "Ohh yeah!!!! I once bought a Tshirt from there! Really good," he said, biting on to his lips.

Namjoon stared at how he was playing with his lip piercing in between. A smirk appeared on his face, which Jungkook didn't miss.He didn't know why he felt nervous around the elder.

"Ohh, Hyung, I see something I like in that store. You guys talk..I'll come now. Give me your card." Jimin snatched Namjoon's wallet from him and ran towards a store across the street, leaving Namjoon and Jungkook alone.
Jungkook's eyes followed Jimin, but Namjoon's eyes never left the younger.

"You're in university?"" He asked, making Jungkook turn back towards him.
Jungkooks doe eyes went big "Yeah, I'm a liberal arts major." He said still feeling nervous , his heart was beating a bit fast. Namjoon's gaze was a bit overwhelming for him
"So you are Chim's age.!!"

He shook his head and said, "I'm actually 22 ..I got in to university late. But yeah, I'm his senior. I'm a year senior."
Namjoon folded his hands and tilted his head smiling"I thought you were an actor!"
Jungkook laughed, "Ahh, that..!! Dreams... I'm actively auditioning for roles."

"Heyy, you !!!don't slack, off!!. I'm not paying for you to stay and talk.!" A big man yelled from near the truck.
Jungkook bowed to the man as a sign of apology. "Yeah sorry..!!" He yelled back, "Nice to meet you, Jiminssi's brother. ..i have to go now. Work calls!" He said that and went back to his job,carrying some boxes from the truck to the shop.

Namjoon watched him for a while, and he walked to the store where Jimin had run off to. While Jimin went crazy with his credit card, buying clothes and shoes ,he watched Jungkook lift boxes and carry them effortlessly in and out of the store , through the glass doors of the store.

Despite looking like a bunny with an innocent smile, Jungkook had an amazing physique under, he noticed it by the way his muscles flexed while he was lifting boxes and by a little peek of his abs he got when Jungkook lifted up his shirt to wipe off the sweat. Not to mention the tattoos and piercings that adorned his body. Namjoon got a good view of them today.

He unconsciously licked his lips, looking at the man. He knew Jungkook was way out of league for him being young and handsome and most probably would have a girlfriend or boyfriend or several admirers.

But for the first time in his entire life, Namjoon felt a longing,...a desire. He realised how his body reacted to the man, and he knew it was very physical.... Lust!!


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