Chapter 27: A Secret Mission and A Step Forward

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Happy Valentine's day to all..🩵🩵🩵


"No, it's literally your job!" Jin said, slamming his hands on Soobin's desk annoyed , but the assistant ignored him and focused on meticulously filing his nails.

"Sure!! I work for Namjoon ssi, but I'll handle it if you can snag me one of those limited edition shoes we're promoting," Soobin said casually leaning back in his chair.

"I swear, you are the bane of my existence" Jin muttered, frustration evident in his voice. "All I asked you was to make a call, Soobin..., You are literally chilling now !! barely even doing your real job."

" Are you paralysed? Do it yourself..or ask your assistant!!" Soobin replied

Jin huffed loudly "Why do they even keep you around?" He questioned in frustration

Soobin leaned back in his chair, unfazed. "Because I'm awesome " he replied with a smirk

"You're asking for trouble " Jin warned, a sigh escaping him. "One of these days, someone's going to slap you , and I'll be there to witness it..laughing !! " he said emphasising the last part

Soobin shrugged nonchalantly and continued to file his nails, seemingly unbothered by Jin's words.

Jin was on the verge of giving up on his hope and leaving when he noticed Namjoon stepping out of his office, looking like he was going somewhere.

"Hey, where are you headed?" Jin asked

Namjoon hesitated momentarily , as he was caught off guard by Jin's unexpected presence there . He was hoping to slip out quietly without anyone knowing "Just out for a bit," he replied, trying to sound casual.

"So, where exactly are you going? You don't have anything scheduled for the next two hours," Soobin asked as he heard the exchange. "I thought you were planning to work here at the office."

"Now the minion wants to work " Jin said rolling his eyes at Soobin who frowned at him.

Namjoon chuckled lightly at the sight of his assistant and Jin engaged in their regular bickering session. "I'm heading out for lunch " he stated simply, hoping to satisfy Jin's curiosity and keep the conversation brief. However, instead of easing Jin's confusion, his response only seemed to deepen it.

"For two hours? Are you having a meeting that I don't know about?" Jin asked, genuinely puzzled by Namjoon's extended lunch break. It was unlike Namjoon to leave the office for such a long period, especially without prior notice. He preferred eating his meals in the comfort of his own privacy on normal days, unless he had a scheduled meeting or appointment.

Namjoon shook his head, keeping his demeanour as casual as possible despite the internal panic he felt. He definitely didn't want Jin to find out about his plans.

"No meetings " he confirmed trying to deflect Jin's nosy questions.

Jin creased his brows and looked at him  "Then where are you getting lunch... on Mars? Why the two hours?" he pressed with suspicion evident in his tone.

"Mm..None of your business " Namjoon shot back sighing

Jin's frown deepened as his suspicion only grew as he realised it wasn't Namjoon's therapy day either. "It's Tuesday!!" he pointed out, indicating that he had caught onto Namjoon's sneaky behavior.

"Yeah... it's not" Namjoon nody, trying to sound nonchalant as he began to walk away. "So, you guys continue whatever it is that you both do... Bye! " he added quickly, eager to leave before Jin or Soobin could inquire any further.

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