Chapter 25: Pup

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This is a cute and fluffy chapter..I need some energy after all that angst😊

" Wake up Jungkook " Jungkook's snores echoed in the room as Namjoon tried to wake him up, shaking him gently. The younger spend the night inNamjoon's apartment for the first time and the next morning Namjoon woke up as usual to go on with his daily routines, but Jungkook didn't . It made Namjoon wonder if he is one of those people who doesn't plan their days meticulously . Namjoon woke up , went to the gym and returned and got ready for work but Jungkook showed no signs of waking up. He heard his phone repeatedly ringing, what sounded like alarms but Jungkook surprisingly slept through all 10 of them.

The younger stirred in sleep , annoyed by the disturbance "Hmm...fuck off, Gyu."he mumbled

Namjoon sighed, brushing Jungkook's hair from his face. "Jungkook, it's Namjoon, not your friend. You're late, and I don't prefer you using such language with me. Please, wake up," he insisted, glancing at the clock and realising Jungkook was already running very late for his class.

"5 minutes," Jungkook muttered, covering his head with the blanket once again.

"You said that an hour ago. Come on, wake up," Namjoon urged, moving the blankets away and tugging at Jungkook's arm. However, as soon as he released it, Jungkook fell back into bed, snoring.

"Okay!" Namjoon huffed, placing his hands on his hips. "I didn't know it's this difficult to wake up young men. Maybe I need to research this more."

Namjoon lowered himself and moved his lips towards Jungkook's ears " JUNGKOOK!!" He yelled loudly

Jungkook who was still in deep sleeep jolted up  with big eyes ,hearing the loud voice. His eyes widened even more as he saw the CEO in front of him.

"Namjoon hyung, what are you doing in my place?" Jungkook asked totally confused.

"It's my home, and you slept here, remember?" Namjoon reminded him.

"No," Jungkook yawned, his eyes fluttering once again as sleep attempted to claim him.

Namjoon frowned, wondering how Jungkook could forget where he slept. "Okay, fine.!!mmm...That's not a very good thing to know—not being aware of your whereabouts. Now, I'm worried for your safety. But i will discuss that later..right now have to get up and go to your class, and then to work."

"Do I?" Jungkook said, laying back in bed and snuggling into the blanket once again.

Namjoon closed his eyes shut sighing seeing him once again back in bed "Yes, Jungkook. "

The younger buried his face into the fluffy pillow "You said you will pay me fees, right? Please do that..and let me sleep. I love this's soft, feels like I'm sleeping on clouds," he said, snuggling into the bed and blankets ,once again with a satisfied smile

Namjoon groaned and  lifted him by the shoulders. "Jungkook, I will gladly pay your fees, but you still have to get an education. And I think it's all sleep talk, and you really don't want me to do something like that . Also, if you like this bed, I will buy you a similar one today."

Namjoon stared as Jungkook fell back into snoring, seemingly able to fall asleep in seconds. "Jungkook," he called loudly again.

"Hyung, please,..let me sleep!"Jungkook mumbled, getting up, scratching his head, and yawning.

Namjoon pinched the bridge of his nose. "I can't believe I'm doing this so early in the morning.Wake up!!!You don't have time to go to your apartment to get changed, so please wash up, and I will give you clothes."

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