Chapter 24: One Step Closer

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‼️Disclaimer: I lack medical expertise and knowledge regarding therapy sessions. This writing is based on limited research for creative purposes, and it may not accurately reflect the actual therapeutic process. I acknowledge the likelihood of errors in this area, and I apologize for any inaccuracies.

Additionally, this narrative does not offer genuine solutions or recommendations for real-life struggles. It is essential to consult professionals for appropriate guidance. The portrayal of therapy sessions involving Namjoon in this chapter may not be similar to actual therapeutic practices.

The first parts is full of therapy conversations ..Incase anyone finds it boring skip to second part

Please ignore the mistakes 🙂🙂


"I do not want to be hated by you, Jungkook," Namjoon confessed, his voice filled with vulnerability as he sat in Dr. Chen's office during their joint session.

Sniffling, Namjoon continued with his gaze fixed on the floor. "I don't think I have it in me to go through that. I know I'm putting you in a lot of pressure. It's not easy carrying this secret or being my friend. You don't have any responsibility to handle me, but you coming into my life... it changed me. I've never been happier. It's not that I have no one who loves me; I do have my family and friends. But this secret is killing me from inside, and keeping it from him has slowly taken away parts of me. I don't know why or for what reason, but something in me is making me trust you. It's slowly making me feel human again."

Dr. Chen motioned for Jungkook to ask more questions.

"You did all this just for me?" Jungkook asked, his eyes tearing up.

Namjoon nodded, gripping onto the chair handle. "Maybe... I don't know, but I know the reason I came back here is you. The reason I decided to open up is you. You have shown me so much kindness, Jungkook, and it has made me feel seen, loved...respected. Even while we were physically close together, you showed me how different everything was than what I'm used to. It feels strange, but I felt like you value me," he expressed.

Dr. Chen turned to the younger "Jungkook, how have you been dealing with the information Namjoon shared?"

Jungkook ignored the question and shook his head, his gaze fixed  at Namjoon. In that moment, his mind echoed with only a singular thought "You are so stupid!!!" the words escaped his lips in anger

Namjoon and Dr. Chen met with Jungkook's gaze visibly surprised and  taken aback by his sudden outburst.

"Jungkook, please," Dr. Chen began to talk, but Jungkook cut him off.

"You should do it for yourself, not me!!! And what in the world made you think that I will hate you? Huh?" Jungkook expressed his frustration.

Dr. Chen let out a breath and sat back in his chair, closing the notebook he had open, choosing to observe the interaction between the duo

"Please trust me... I'm sitting here with you, am I not? I don't have any intention to leave you, no matter what it is. Until, of course, you say you don't need me anymore. And yes, of course, I respect you, and I always will. And don't ever think that no one loves you enough for you to be accepted with everything you went through," Jungkook continued with a voice filled with sincerity

Namjoon's eyes overflowed as Jungkook's understanding words penetrated the walls he created for himself. The realisation that someone could truly understand his struggles brought an overwhelming mix of emotions with in him which challenged all the self depressing beliefs he had held for so long.

"What do you think about what he said, Namjoon?" Dr Chen asked, noting how silent Namjoon was

Namjoon looked up at the doctor first and then he met Jungkook's gaze"I'm afraid of being a burden to Jungkook, of tainting his life with my problems... putting him at risk.I won't be able to forgive myself if i ever put him in any kind of danger"

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