Chapter 32 : You and Me

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One of the first scenes that came to my mind for this plotline.,,and the rest story was formed after this☺️

"Get to the point, hyung!" Jungkook said cutting him off with a frown and moving further away from him

"Ahh.." Namjoon fumbled over his words, his gaze shifting uneasily as he struggled to articulate his thoughts while Jungkook sat there impatiently biting on his lips.

"Are you going to talk or just going to sit there staring at my face!! Hmm?" Jungkook asked , his doe eyes widening in question.

Namjoon shook his head "I... I need to talk!"he finally stammered out

"Then talk!!" He replied bluntly and Namjoon instantly knew he was not just upset but angry too and that was a first and he probably deserved it all, atleast according to Jin.

"Yeah I..ehh..  Sorry !!" Namjoon apologized making Jungkook snort and shook his head.

Namjoon hesitated once more, his mind racing as he tried to find the right words to convey his thoughts. "Jin told me... I need to start with a sorry!!" he confessed

Jungkook's eyebrows furrowed in disbelief . "Jin? Oh!! the one in front of whom you made me look like a hooker?!" His words were laced with a hint of intented sarcasm

Namjoon's shoulders slumped slightly,making him exhale hard "So that's actually what you felt... Damn!!Jin hyung was right"he murmured, realising the impact of his actions.

"And you didn't realise it?!" Jungkook's disbelief was evident in his voice

Namjoon sighed and wiped his sweat drops away from his forehead "Jungkook, please don't be angry... I'm really sorry!"Namjoon pleaded, his eyes reflecting a mix of regret and sincerity. "I don't know how all this works..I don't even know what i am supposed to do now..please believe me !" He looked at the younger apologetically

Jungkook bit hard on his lips staring at the CEO , but as he saw the vulnerable look on his face his frustration softened slightly, replaced by a sense of understanding. "I'm empathetic towards you...but you could have treated me like a friend, at least!!"he remarked, his tone softer now "And you could have explain to him later... maybe atleast call me a friend you hooked up with or something..I know it was an uncomfortable position we got caught in, but he's your best friend, someone who is like your own brother... I felt so—" Jungkook paused,his words cut off as Namjoon reached out gripping his arms.

"Sorry, it was not my intention to hurt you or belittle you! You know me right!! Jungkook I respect you so much, I would never ever do that.. Please don't hate me!!"Namjoon interjected with his voice laced with sincerity as he offered his apology.

Jungkook exhaled loudly, as his initial frustration started giving way to a sense of forgiveness. " I don't think I can hate you... so it's okay!! Especially not when you look like a kicked puppy...But yeah,  you could have handled that better" he shrugged as his gaze softened more and he gave Namjoon a small nod of acceptance.

Namjoon let out a sigh of relief. "Oh, thank god! I was going crazy thinking you would hate me and never talk to me again. The way you looked at me...god it got me scared!!" He confessed  sincerely" Please never do that again!!"

" I wanted to, i really did...but I guess I can't!! " Jungkook said

A small smile graced namjoon's face , his dimples popping out of hiding "I'm really sorry! I panicked and I didn't know what to say... and I really thought..." Namjoon's voice trailed off, his expression reflecting his genuine confusion .

"You thought what?" Jungkook pressed

Namjoom gulped down, contemplating what to say to Jungkook and how to not mess up for the second time that day. He huffed and composed himself before continuing "Okay!! don't hate me for this, but I  talked to Jin about us because he was pushing me and also because I didn't know what else to do " Namjoon confessed, his words rushed with nervous energy

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