Chapter 34 : New Beginnings

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Jimin's eyes gaped seeing the pictures of Mingyu's new apartment on his phone. "Wow! How can you afford this apartment?" he asked impressed by the luxurious space as he swiped through the pictures

Mingyu grinned seeing the disbelief in Jimin's face. "You like it? You can stay over now if you want to... I don't share my room with Jungkook anymore!!" he said happily  kissing the side of Jimin's head as they sat in the campus cafe waiting for their food to be served

Jimin nodded "Yeah, it's really nice! Ofcourse!! It's in a very posh area too" Jimin replied, biting his lip nervously as he glanced at Mingyu.

"Hyung, are you sure you can afford this? This looks really expensive..Actually I didn't mind the last place... i never said anything like that right!! I'm sure my mom will let me have my own place soon, so it's okay if you..." Jimin trailed off, his concern evident in his voice.

Mingyu cut him off by pulling him into a kiss, he knew Jimin had changed a lot of things about  himself and compromised a lot for being with him and he felt incredibly lucky for that affection the younger showed..especially after knowing taht Jimin was known as the spoiled rich kid and and all these changed clearly showed how genuinely interested he was in the relationship. There was not a day where Mingyu hadn't thanked jungkook for bringing them together even if it was not his primary motive " Don't worry, it's all good! I wasn't proud of myself for bringing you to that dirty place."he said as he broke the kiss.

Jimin smiled "It's okay, I didn't care about all that anyway..If you feel good about this then its fine with me. But did you get a new job? The rent for this place must be really high! Don't tell me ypu will be overworking yourself!" he asked, still concerned about Mingyu's financial situation.

"I didn't, but someone helped us get this. It's basically the same rent as our old place, but it's much better," Mingyu explained.

"That's nice! Ohh..!! Is it Jungkook hyung's boyfriend who helped? You mentioned he had a boyfriend now. Is he rich?" Jimin inquired, curious about the entire thing

Mingyu chuckled. "Well, you would know."he muttered

"What do you mean?" Jimin asked, puzzled by Mingyu's cryptic response.

Mingyu smiled sheepishly, he know Jungkook woukd end him if he said anything to Jimin "Oh, nothing!! Yeah he is rich!! " he replied casually , scratching his head

Jimin smiled hearing him"Nice! That's sweet of him to let you move in too. He must be a nice guy" Jimin commented, unaware of the true identity of Jungkooks benefactor.

Mingyu's smile faltered slightly.He know keeping the secret that his best friend was dating Jimin's brother was not at all easy..especially since they both are experts in comfortably forgetting the fact they their relationship is still a secret..Mingyu had lost count of the times he had to physically pull away to keep them from kissing in the college campus..and it's only been a week or two since they both have started officially dating" You have no idea!! " he muttered under his breath making sure that Jimin cant hear it

Jimin gave the phone back to his boyfriend and pulled on his sleeve "So, when can I see the new place? Can we go now? My classes are cancelled for the day.."he suggested eagerly.

Mingyu coughed suddenly, caught off guard by Jimin's unexpected suggestion . He knew he would have to plan his own funeral if he took Jimin home now, as Jungkook had strictly warned him not to bring Jimin there for a few hours. "Oh, not now... there's some pest control stuff going on. Yeah, so..." He trailed off, hoping Jimin wouldn't press further.


"Oh, fuck!" Jungkook sweared sharply under his breath, his heart racing as Namjoon lifted his hoodie and began planting a series of warm and wet kisses along his midriff. The fact that Namjoon was still dressed in his suit for work added an unexpected layer of excitement to the whole situation ..His mind was going crazy imagining a lot of dirty things..and he couldn't deny the warmth coursing through him, though he kept all  that to himself , not wanting to overwhelm his boyfriend

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