71) King of Hearts [2]

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"I'll look at these people and see the way they've grown, the way they've changed. None of these people have remained the same, all except for me."

===Gabura Sachi===

The second after the doors shut, all the lights dimmed in the lobby, basking us in darkness. We all turned on our lanterns and flashlights. The luminosity wasn't ideal, but we were far from being masked in total darkness.

Twenty minutes have passed since Niko walked through the door, and it opened again.

We emerged from our seats, craning our necks, expecting to see Niko return.

It was only Rafferty.

"Oh." I huffed, sitting back down. "It's you."

He shrugged, crouching down near us. "I got bored. They w-weren't really doing anything, too idle. So, I thought I'd take a break and check on you guys."

"Rafferty... If I may ask." Aoyama leaned forward, rifle still aimed upwards in her hands. "What was everything about in the Ten of Hearts? If you're a citizen, why did you actively help us solve the game?"

"I w-wasn't playing in my own game." He said. "It w-was the King of Diamonds' game, actually."

Zakū turned his head. "What? Why would he make a Hearts game?"

"He was more of a Hearts player, it makes sense." Maeda said.

"I was playing for my own survival too." Rafferty said. "The only game I had assistance for w-was the Eight of Spades. I could've died in the Ten of Hearts; I was fighting for my life too."

"What about the Nine of Hearts?" Judumai asked. "If you're a citizen now... How did you..."

"Me and Hideo played it... W-Well, I cannot answer that question. Not yet."

"You were all players at one time too, weren't you?" Ashikaga asked. "You and Hideo were players in the last cycle of players, and cleared all the games, which is why you both became citizens."

"So the question is whether or not we have a choice to stay." Zakū said.

Rafferty shrugged. "I'll let you all mull it over. In the m-meantime..." He glanced at his watch. "I should probably get back to observing them. I'm surprised none of you have w-wondered off. Maybe you all have finally progressed past your constant rumination."

With a chuckle, he dusted off his pants, returning through the doors. Niko's progress bar was about halfway, while the woman's meter was about a quarter full. The man's meter was nearly full.

"I think he's about to beat his challenge!" Benkei said.

"Hopefully..." Tori said. "But what if he only survives but doesn't clear it?"

Then, the man's bar turned red, draining back to the bottom before fading to a gray. With a blip, his name vanished from the billboard.

"Never mind." Tori sighed. "There he goes... May he rest in peace."

Ashikaga shivered, clinging onto herself. "It's so cold in here..."

My flashlight traveled up towards the wall, where, between several dozen small monitors, was a massive vent, pumping out cold air.

"It's definitely intentional." Aoyama said. "The coldness simulates chills. Keeps our anxiety high and our body in a constant working state to maintain temperature. We can't think straight if our bodies are so pumped-full of adrenaline."

"And the darkness too." Aulia groaned. "What's even the point of shutting off the lights?"

"Again, psychological." Zakū piped in. "In the dark, we're more alert and anxious. It's evolution."

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