Beginning of story

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⚠️TW⚠️: Swearing words.

< 3rd person's POV >

It is 6 o'clock in the morning and you haven't wake up yet. Not realising the alarm has already rings for like 8 time. You live alone, in your own apartment. You are already in college so you have to start live alone, although you would sometime visit your parents without words, you just came straight to their house.

And there it goes, the 9th alarm rings. You've finally woke up.

< Your POV >

I woke up with a loud sound from my phone. And it's getting annoying, not gonna lie. When I grabs my phone, I noticed that it's already 6:12 AM. I was hella surprised, why didn't my alarm ring quicker?.

I went straight to the bathroom and take a quick bath, I put on some comfortable clothes that I could find. It's literally my first day in my new college! How could I be late? I don't want to cause any trouble in the first day.

( I hope this clothes are comfortable enough for y'all )

Once I'm out of my bedroom. my cat walks towards me and climbs on my pants, asking for a pat. I grabbed her and gently put her down before I gets late even more, I give her a little pat in her back.

I left my apartment and lock the door, then I run my little legs to my campus. It's not that far away from my apartment, you can get there in just around 5-8 minutes. While I'm jogging to my campus, I saw some other girls around my age walking so stunning. I don't mind them much, not until they shouts my name.

"(Y/N)! Is that you?" One of them shouted, I stopped my jogging and turn my head. She was smiling and waving at me. She has this beautiful hair colour, it's a mix between pink and green. It was gorgeous! I could never see this anywhere. 

As I was just standing there staring at her, she walks towards me happily with the other girl tailing her. "Oh my! You're so pretty! You're really (Y/N) right? I'm not wrong, right?" She talks and asked some questions in one breath. 

"Uhm.. yes.. I am (Y/N)" I reassure her. Her smile grew and her eyes widen "Eeek! You are a lot prettier than I thought!" She screeches, with so many happiness. Yet the other girl was just smiling at me, her eyes were so gentle. 

"Nice to know you, (Y/N)-San. I'm Shinobu" She finally said something, her voice were as calming as the ocean. But.. she is really tiny. I won't lie, it's like she's still a middle schooler. But I won't think further about her height, it's none of my bussiness.

"Oh.. Nice to know you, Shinobu.." I said, but after that, the gorgeous looking hair girl grabbed both my hand and smiles very happily "My name is Mitsuri! It's so lovely to know you, (Y/N)!" She shouted, she looks so confident and happy. I wish to have the same confident as her.

"Mitsuri-San, we're going to be late. Let's talk later in the campus, shall we?" Shinobu said while gently grabbing Mitsuri's arm and smiles so beautifully. Mitsuri let go of my hands, and smiles at Shinobu "You're right! Let's go! Together!" She shouted happily, and started grabbing both my hand and Shinobu's

We walked together while chatting, she seems to love talking so much. It feels like she's been talking all the time without being replied at all, I don't know how to answer her as we just met today. But I don't know about Shinobu, she just smiles at Mitsuri without saying a word.

We both walk and talk until we've finally arrived at the campus "This is the campus! Let's get inside, (Y/N)!" Mitsuri shouted happily, while smiling at me, a literal angel.

When we stepped inside, it was so crowded. Damn, this place is where i'm going to everyday? I'm not going to like this. At all. It's so noisy and so many people. I'll just go to this place without drawing any attention. Or so that's how I thought so.

Mitsuri started humming some songs, her voice is so angelic I might actually fell for her. But that is a no way. I bet a pretty girl like her already have a boyfriend, or even a fiancé. All of a sudden, Mitsuri gasp with happiness, her cheeks turns really red. As if she saw someone so pretty. "Obanai-San!" She shouted happily while running into someone.

I noticed that the person in question is a guy, he seems to be shorter than Mitsuri. When Mitsuri stands next to him, he quickly looks at me. With so much hatred. I didn't understand at all, but hey. His eyes is so beautiful, he got this Heterochromia condition. But yet, he's staring at me with so much anger.

"He's always like that, so you have to get used to him staring at you with so much anger. He tends to get jealous easily" Shinobu snaps me. I turned to look at her "What do you mean by that? Are they dating or something?" I asked, not quite catching what Shinobu meant "They're planning to get married after college" She answers shortly. 

Dang, that's what I just thought before.

All of a sudden, a sound of a bell rings really loud. That shit scares me a lot since middle school. "Ahh, the bell rings already! It's sooo tiring for me to walk here and there!" Mitsuri said, complaining to the man that has Heterochromia. "I'll carry you." That's what he said, really. "Oh Obanai-San! You don't need to! You're so sweett!" Mitsuri squeals.

I was about to turn to Shinobu and asks for direction, but she was nowhere to be found. Crap.. the hell am I suppose to do? Should I go to the headmaster? Wait.. no, there's already a schedule for which class will I be attending. 

I quickly searched my bag for the schedule, and.. I got History? Which class is which? I looked around and saw a wall magazines in my left, I immediately runs over there and search for a map. Found one, and the history class is..

"You're going to be late, what are you doing?" I was startled by a very deep voice, sounds like a male. I turned to my right, I have to look up to see his face. He got this angry looking face, and a glowing red eyes. He seems to be pissed that I'm still outside my class, but sir I'm trying to find my class!

"Oh uhmm.. well.. I'm looking where the history class is.." I answered, although his face did not change at all. It's like he's already putting a hate on me "Are you new?" he asked, while eyeing me up and down. I feel judged.

"Yes, I am new. I just moved here.." I replied, not breaking an eye contact. The more I stares into his eyes, the more glowing his eyes became. It's scary yet amazing. "Tch, follow me. History, right? We're in the same class" He said, while turning his face from me. Then walks away really fast.

I have to run to follow him, yet he was just normal walking, not even seems to speed walking. His body was bigger than mine and surely can crush me with his hand. I followed him here and there without a word. His aura is so intimidating that it makes me hard to say any words around him.

"We're here" He breaks the silence, once I look away from his back, I noticed a very big door in front of us. He opens it by pushing them, gently. He then turns to me and giving me a side eye. "Get in" He said, then he walks away. What's up with this guy?

Author : I'm so sorry if my English is bad, it's not my first language but i'm trying my best, and thank you for reading! I hope you enjoyed <3

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