10 - Unfinished Confession?

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TW : Swearing words

After the date yesterday, I've been thinking of him all the time. Replaying all the moments and words that he has said to me. I am really lost in my mind, I kept ignoring people calling for my name, accidentally. I can't keep my focus every single time.

"(Y/N)! Why do you keep spacing out?" Mitsuri calls me, she's the only one who's been able to keep my focus. "(Y/N) are you not feeling well?" She asked me, Her face looks really worried I felt bad. "I'm fine! I just have some thoughts.." I replied, looking on the floor.

I haven't seen him anywhere either. "(Y/N), Do you want to grab something sweet? I think you need something sweet..?" Mitsuri snaps me again, but she do know how to lure me. I nodded happily at her, she then reply with a big smile.

We both starts walking at the nearest supermarket. As I am looking at the cake section, I felt a glare from my right. I didn't have the courage to turn to my right, so I just walk away acting like there's nothing bothering me. 

"Ah! (Y/N) Look! There's lots of cakes over there! Let's go there!" Mitsuri chirps, she seems really happy about it. And so am I. 

"Uwaah! There's so many flavors, which one is your favourite?" Mitsuri looks here and there, I like all type of cakes so I can't really decide which one is my favorite. "I'm fine with any of them, I guess" I reply. Looking at where so many colorful cakes are.

"I think I'm getting this one!" Mitsuri pointed out on the most colorful cakes. It has so many creams in it. I'm not bothered but it's just making me sort of concerned of Mitsuri's type of cake. "What about you, (Y/N)?" She turns to me. 

"Hm, I haven't figured it out yet." I said walking away, she hums happily behind me carrying that creamy rainbow cake. While walking, my eyes caught something quite bright. It's a cake with quite bright red. Which I guessed it's a red velvet.

I walks towards where the red velvet is and pick it up. The prize wasn't so expensive. "Oh? Do you want that one, (Y/N)? I'll pay it for you!" Mitsuri walks beside me, looking at the cake and then me. "Hahaha, I can by it myself, no need to worry about it" I smiled at her and walks to the cashier, also gesturing to her to come walk next to me.

While waiting in line, I noticed that Sekido is at the cake section too. With.. Iguro? Could it be.. A double date?! "Oh! It's Obanai! Let's go over there!" Mitsuri walks away from the line. I couldn't do anything so I just walk behind her back. 

"Mitsuri? You're here too?" Obanai noticed her immediately, probably because her hair is shining a lot in the crowd. "Yeah!" She reply, both of them starts walking away and became a lovebird. Sekido just glares at them and continue looking at the cakes. Until he noticed me.

"(Y/N), you're here" He walks towards me, right after he noticed me. "Yeah, I'm just following Mitsuri around when she noticed you guys are here" I shrugged my shoulders. He nodded and looks at my cake (the red velvet cake one) "You buying that?" He asked, pointing at the cake. "Yeah, I'm hungry and I thought that I wanted something sweet" I lift up the cake a bit.

He stares at me for a while. Staying silent. "What's wrong?" I asked, tilting my head. "Let me pay it for you" He snatched the cake from my hand and went to the cashier, walking away really quick as if he's trying to run away from me. "What? No! Give it back!" I shouts, running towards him.

As I was about to snatch it back, he lift it really high "Let me" He said, walking away. Is he a stubborn type? "Sekido! I can pay it myself!" I ran after him. "No. Let. Me." He glares at me, looks really serious. Not angry, or pissed. Just really serious. I decide to just let him pay my food.

After he pay my food, we walk together to find somewhere to sit. "Have you done the homework?" He ask, I couldn't process his question well. "What?" I turn to him, he turns to me as well "The homework" He repeat "What about it?" I asked, still not processing.

"Have you done the homework, (Y/N)?" He repeats, but with calling my name out. "Oh! The homework, yeah, I'm half of it" I replied, finally understanding him. He nods several time "If there's things you don't understand, let me know, I can help you" He said. "Are you done with the homework, Sekido?" I asked him.

I know he's the top student and he's the president of council student. But I didn't know he'd lend a help to a person. "Yeah, I finished it right after the teacher gave me" He replied. His face is somehow proud about it.

"Oh~kay, Mr.Top Student!" I said, laughing at how cocky he is right now. I did not expect him to be cocky either. Or maybe he just never show his cocky side in the campus?

"(Y/N).. Wouldn't you proud if you have a top student boyfriend?" He asked, all of a sudden. I stopped walking and stares at him, he turns to look at me too. "What?" I didn't process his question again. And it's really crowded here.

"If you have a top student boyfriend, would you be proud?" He asked, looking down on the floor. He turns really red, his pointy ears became red-ish either. A top student boyfriend? Is he referring to himself? Is he gonna ask me to be his girlfriend? Wait. No. Don't be so happy yet, probably he's asking my opinion on someone he wants to date.

"Uhh, Yeah! I'd be really proud." I reply, why do I sound really upset? He looks up to see me, his face expression is really unpredictable. It's like he's embarrassed, stressed, worried and other stuffs being mixed together. 

"You'd be really proud? Even tho, people are distancing themselves from that guy you're dating..?" He looks less stressed by my answer. It's like he seems got a new hope. "Yeah! I'd be totally fine if everybody is distancing him, I'd try to help him communicate with other. Who'd know he's just a shy person" I nods happily. I'm quite upset tho.

"Well...There's this one girl.." He looks down on the floor again. I know it. It's another woman. "Oh, Who is this girl?" I asked, looking down on the floor too. Feeling really upset.

"(Y/N), I like yo-" Right before I can hear him finishing his sentence, Mitsuri screams really loud and starts running at me, pushing Sekido away. "(Y/N)! You wouldn't believe what just happen to me and Obanai!!" She cried, really loud. I took a glance of Sekido, His face is just really angry and really stressed looking at Mitsuri. 

Gosh this is scary.

Mitsuri decide to just pull me away without looking at Sekido "(Y/N)!" Sekido shouts, I was about to stop following Mitsuri, but she's hella strong. I couldn't do anything but kept on running with her. I couldn't process Sekido's words before, is he saying "i like you" ? is he saying another woman's name? Yoshino-san? What is he trying to say? 

We got were Mitsuri leads to, it's just a dead rat that Iguro seems to accidentally stepped on. Just how hard is he stepping on that rat? "Obanai just kill a rat!!" Mitsuri shrieked "Mitsuri, please calm down. It's just a rat... I didn't mean to step on it!" Obanai tries to calm Mitsuri down, feeling bad too after seeing how much reaction Mitsuri gave.

I stand there, dumbfounded. Of course I'm still thinking of Sekido's words. Is he trying to confess? What is he trying to tell me? Why is he asking me those questions? Is he okay? What is he doing right now? Will he be chasing me and explain everything? Should I go back to him before he gets even more angry? What should I do?

What did he mean by those unfinished words?




I'm so sorry for not uploading for a really long time, I haven't got the idea to write so I let it sit like that, but here it is i hope u guys enjoyed! Please tell me if i spelled something wrong or if my grammar is wrong, thank you! 

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 15, 2023 ⏰

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