4 - Sekido's angry?

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⚠️ Swearing words ⚠️

Should I sit next to him?.. I stared at him for a while when he was taking notes, although I do know that he took a few glance at me, giving signals to 'just sit beside me, you got no other better place anyway'

But the silence was so loud, everyone was staring at me. Giving me a dirty look for some reason. after a while, Sekido sighs and then grabs my arm, pulling me to sit beside him. I sat right next to him, a little bit falling to his arm because of the power when he pulls me.

Half of the girls started talking about me, and the guys were just laughing "I know I told you to stay away, but right now, I feel like sitting next to you so just shut up" Sekido breaks the silence between the both of us. He doesn't look at me at all, he just kept on taking notes.

The class begun and I'm getting sleepy, even so I kept on taking notes. I don't wanna fail my class, I mean, who wants to fail their class? After a while listening to the lecturer, I decided to just put my head on the table for a while, my eyes is so hard to be opened right now. So let me rest for while.

I thought I could have some sweet nap, but as I started to close my eyes, I felt a smack on the back of my head. I quickly got up and saw Sekido's hand behind my head "Sleeping right in front of me, (Y/N)?" Asked Sekido. I completely forgot that he's the president here.

I only stares at him for a while and he was staring at me too, glaring at me. His eyes were glowing, it was so mesmerising. "Look front, and listen, if I catch you trying to sleep again, I'm going to make sure you won't be getting any lunch later. I will see your notebook later" He said, turning his face away from me. 

Man, this is boring. I still tries to listen to the lecturer, I want lunch. But hold on, just because he's the president doesn't mean he can control someone's lunch, right? I took a quick glance of him, I noticed that he was highlighting his notes. It was bright red, like his eyes. 

I decided to peek his notebooks a little bit, trying to see his handwriting. He doesn't seem to be suspicious at all, instead, he gave me his notebook. Did he think I can't see well? "Is the lecturer too fast for you to write down the entire subject?" He asked, staring at my notebook instead.

"Were you not paying attention?" He asked again, started glaring at me "What? No! I am paying attention. It's just uhm, I was curious what highlight did you use.." Of course, lying, and that lie I just did was so dumb. But he's not even suspicious, at all.

He stares at his notebook for a while, and then at the highlight he just put. He grabbed it quickly and then handed it to me "You want to borrow it?" He asked, putting it next to my notebook. Well, I thought he's the type of guy who got trust issues. But he just believes me that easily.

"Oh yeah, thanks" Is all I said when I grabbed his highlight, he stares at me for a while and then gets back to taking notes. Did he actually believes me? 

! Lυɳƈԋ Tιɱҽ !

As the classes I have is finally done, I quickly went to the cafeteria. Running away from Sekido, I slept in front of him in the second class, but he didn't wake up me. And when I woke up, he was glaring at me. Just staring at me blankly, not saying anything. As the bell rung, I run my ass to the cafeteria.

I manage to get there safely, there I saw Mitsuri from afar, she's my angel! "Mitsuri!" I shouted her name, she quickly turns right to me and smiles brightly "(Y/N)! Come here!" She shouted back, while waving at me.

"His Love.." Hantengu Sekido x Reader !ModernAU! KNY/DSWhere stories live. Discover now