5 - You and Him time

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⚠️ Swearing words ⚠️

As he was glaring at me, I stares at him back, as if challenging him. He doesn't move a bit from his seat, and kept his red glowing eyes on me. "(Y/N)! If you keep staring at him like that, he also won't stop staring at you" Shinobu pulls me by my hand to sit next to her.

I did sat right next to her, but I still felt Sekido's glare from afar and it's making me shivers. "Don't worry, I won't leave you until he's not angry anymore" Shinobu said, smiling at me calmly "I don't trust you that much, Shinobu" I replied, taking a quick glance of Sekido and then looks away quickly before my eyes met his.

Shinobu stays silent for a while, and then continues to eat her foods.

Seriously, what am I going to do?

! ꪻ꠸ꪑꫀ ᦓᛕ꠸ρ, ꪖᠻꪻꫀ᥅ ᥴꪮꪶꪶꫀᧁꫀ!

Finally! All the classes is done, now I can go to the library peacefully, running away from Sekido. But wait a second... Isn't Sekido's place is the library? I just remembered it, thanks god I haven't walk my ass to the library.

Although, I don't really think Sekido is at the library right now. I just heard that he had a meeting with the other student's councils. Ooh! That's right! He's having a meeting right now, I can go to the library!

With the feeling of safe, I walk my legs to the library happily. As I make it my way there, I quickly opens the door quietly, still a little bit scared that Sekido will be in the library. But as I went inside, no one was there. So I quickly assume that Sekido is not in the library.

I went inside further and starts looking at the nicely arranged shelfs, I think Sekido rearranged them before he have his meetings. I went inside more and sees one book that peak my interest. I quickly grabbed it but all of a sudden, a large hand grabbed mine.

I quickly turn to see who it is, and it was Sekido.

"Uhmm.. Aren't you in a meeting right now..?" I asked awkwardly, he's just glaring at me "I walked outside of the meeting room because it was too annoying, then I saw you walked into the library so I quickly followed you" He replied, while pulling my hand and making my body get close to his. 

"What- You can't just do that!" I said, while turning my whole body to him "Yes I can and I just did it" He replied, he's still glaring at me and his eyes are even redder than usual "Are you still angry..?" I tilt my head slowly, not wanting to be so awkward.

He stays quiet for a while, and then sighed at me. Letting go of my hand, but yet not moving from his place. He just stands there, like he's waiting something from me. What did he want from me?

He stares at me for a very long time. I thinks really hard of what should I do with him, or for him. I couldn't think of anything at the moment, I just want to clear my mind by reading some books. He stays quiet, not saying a single word, but he's no longer glaring. It's just a calm stare.

I then finally snapped, maybe he just wanted an apologise from me? For sleeping in class? Alright, maybe that's what he wanted. "I'm sorry, Sekido-San" I said, a little bowing my head. He raised one of his eyebrow and crossed his arms. He's looking really cocky right now.

"Sorry for what, (Y/N)?" He replied, while lifting his head a little, looking down on me. "I'm sorry... For sleeping in class and not paying attention" I replied, a little irritated by the way he stares at me.

"And...?" He answers, another? What else? What else did I do wrong? I tilt my head again slowly, and starts to think what did I have possibly done wrong "Aren't you going to apologise for not asking permission to me about your lunch?" He asked "It's literally the punishment of you falling asleep in class" He continues.

I raised both my eyebrows, that's also a problem I guess "Oh well.. I'm sorry for not asking your permission, Sekido-San" I said, bowing a little again, smiling at him. All of a sudden, he scoffs and then turns his head away from mine angrily. He then turns his head back to me slowly.

"Alright, next time I found you falling asleep in classes.." He replied, glaring at me, giving me a literal death glare. "Ok! Ok! I won't..." I said, backing a little bit from him. He stopped glaring at me, and then grabbed the book that I wanted to grab before.

"Here, have it, make sure you put them back tomorrow" He said, while offering me the book that he's holding. He's looking really beautiful while doing that.

I nodded at him, and then takes the book gently. I stares at him for a while, who's also staring at me. "What do you want now?" he asked, raising one of his eyebrow.

"Nothing.. It's just.. Never mind" I replied shortly, my mind is really blank right now I don't know what to do (it's literally me)

He then sighed and walks away, I think he's going back to his meeting.. But I really want to talk with him more. "Sekido-San.." I accidentally called his name out loud, he stopped quickly and then turns around to me.

"Yes, (Y/N)?" He replied, and then slowly walking towards my direction, approaching me slowly "I-" I was really speechless at the moment, he literally stops right in front of me, our body and faces are only a few inches away.

"What do you need?" He asked again, putting his hands in his pockets, waiting patiently for me. "Can you stay with me a little longer..?" I really said. I am literally cringing myself right now. He raised his eyebrows and then turns his face away from mine quickly.

"Tsk, say it quicker will you?" He replied, then he turns his face back to mine and then nodded slowly. I was really happy that he nodded at me, although I don't really think of his meeting anymore. We both read some books together and talks about it until it's late.

"Oh no! It's already late, what about your meeting? I'm so sorry!" I talked in one breath, He only glance at me and then scoffs again "No need to be sorry for that, I don't really like the meeting's topic anyway" He replied, then he patted my head. 

"You should go home, it's getting really late" He said, and then grabbing the book I have on my lap and putting it back to where it's from.

I quickly stands up and starts cleaning the mess. We both gets out of the library together, and few students are walking outside the campus. I'm guessing they're one of the student's council.

"Go home. Now." Sekido breaks the silence, and his face looks so worried. Must be the students staring at the both of us. I really don't like this.

But what can I do? He's telling me to go home, and I can't make him more angry than that.

But I really love it when I'm around him.




I'm sorry that I haven't updated in a long time. But I hope you enjoyed this!

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