The Day Before the End of The Road

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Disclaimer: I do not own the Twilight or Supernatural character. I own my characters and the timeline. 

Elaine's POV

Carlisle and I pull into our driveway. The rest of our mini trip was uneventful, we didn't even bother to leave the room much after that night. Although we had planned to sightsee while we were there, we decided that the sight of each other was enough. 

I sigh as he throws the car into park, he looks over at me, concerned as always. 

Although the rest of the trip went off without a hitch, Carlisle was still Carlisle and I was still me. We weren't going to change, he was still going to be wildly protective, to a fault and I was still going to be wildly insubordinate. That was just who we are. 

He did however state that he could not keep going the way we have. He was still very upset about me leaving and disagreed strongly about the idea of testing out my powers. Dean was also on the fence about this but they had agreed that if I felt it needed to be done, the Winchester brothers would be here after the battle to help with what I need. 

I was excited to see my godsons. 

Carlisle looks like he wants to say something but stops, I slowly get out of the car, pulling the door open and softly shutting it. 

Tomorrow was the battle. Tonight, Edward, Bella, and I were going to set up a campsite to keep her out of danger. When I spoke with Carlisle about what Felix had told me about being in the field after the battle, he automatically did not want me anywhere near the field. I fought the good fight but after he threatened to lock me in my room for the battle with Edward's help, I took what I could get. 

" Hey, ma." Jasper waves as I walk up to the porch. Carlisle has already unloaded the truck and is making his way up to greet Jasper.  " Did you two have fun?" 

Carlisle nods and smiles at his son, carrying the luggage in. I also nod and add "Would have been a whole lot more fun if your father didn't take me off the battlefield for tomorrow." I saw Carlisle shrug as he set the luggage down one the floor inside of the foyer. 

" Well, if you could manage to stay out of trouble for more than 20 seconds, maybe I would reconsider it." I roll my eyes and he turns back, taking the suitcase up the stairs. Jasper is chuckling but does not add anything more to the conversation. 

I sigh and walk in the front door. Edward and Bella are sitting in the kitchen, and Bella eating a warmed-up waffle, it looks like Alice didn't cook her breakfast, which was probably for the best. 

I smile at them. " How are we doing, guys? Feeling okay, Bells?" 

She shrugs, looking nervous. All things considered, I think she is taking the whole thing fairly well. Nervous is a good response to have when an evil army of vampire newborns are coming after you and will stop at nothing to see you dead. 

I want to shiver at the thought but keep my composure in front of Bella, no need to freak her out more than she already is. 

"I am okay. I'm not totally excited about the camping part of the evening but it will be nice to spend some time with you, Edward, and Jake."  She says, taking a sip of what looks to be hot chocolate. Edward must have gone shopping in preparation for her being here the last couple of nights. I would have to get the details on the proposal from Bella later tonight in the tent. I cannot believe my little brother is getting married. After all this time, Bella would officially be part of the family. 

"We'll be okay. Let's just hope you guys planned ahead and picked a good spot." 

That would be essential in not freezing to death. Although it is summer in Forks, we are getting a storm later today, I have a feeling it will be a cold one. Carlisle will not be happy if I don't come home with all ten fingers and all ten toes, he almost lost his mind the other day when I came back to the hotel room as cold as I was. 

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