The Final Countdown

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Elaine's POV 

The ringing in my ears intensifies the difficulty I am having with concentrating from exhaustion. The warm, thick blood that is now covering the back of my head makes me feel a little warmer than I previously have. I see Riley saunter towards Bella, I sway a little when getting off the rock, trying to regain enough balance. I pull my hand to my head to feel how badly I am hurt. I press up against the wound to see my hand is caked in the red liquid, wincing but praying that something will get Riley's attention away from Bella, I am granted my wish. A wind blows through the clearing and even though I do not desire the taste of blood as I once did, even I can smell it. It's strong enough to get Riley, Edward, and Victoria's attention, even if just for a moment, the two stop fighting, Edward looks over to Bella for a moment, to check and see if he was somehow mistaken about the smell and this was her scent. Then, the realization seemed to hit him like a ton of brink and he was turning quickly to me, terror in his eyes. He caught Victoria before she could come get to me and they were off fighting again in the background but I wasn't so lucky with Riley. He was in front of me in a flash, hand grasping my throat, choking me tightly. I grasp at his hands, trying my hardest to pull away from what was about to happen. Vampire venom didn't seem to work on me anymore in the sense that I would transform but it did hurt still to get bit. Now that I was bleeding again, I did wonder if he would be able to kill me by sucking me dry, an answer for once, I did not want to find out. I feel his mouth get closer to my neck, his teeth brushing onto it. Carlisle had once done this same exact thing in an effort to mark me, profess to the world that I am his and his alone. On the right side of my neck,  I still had faint scars from when he did so, this added an extra feeling of violation to the act like it shouldn't be done by anyone else. I waited for the pain from his teeth to enter my skin and was not disappointed. It felt like coals on my skin, making me feel like I would never have to complain about the cold again. 

I let out one more horrified scream, this one louder than the last, this time, not being able to control myself or think of the consequences if anyone were to hear. This time, it sounded less like pain and more like dying and I knew the effect this would have on Carlisle if he were to hear it. He had heard a lot of things but he had never heard me scream like this. 

Carlisle's POV

Agony is the only way to describe it. The only word to begin to describe how I felt when I heard the next scream. Alice was still searching for what was going on up there, trying to read some sort of future to be told. She had decided that the other scream from earlier was Victoria's and stated she had seen a flash, a moment of Edward getting the upper hand, although she was unsure of why. We had thought that would be the end of it until we heard the last scream. Now, I was being held not only by Emmett and Jasper but by a transformed Sam and a very nervous-looking Derick, who I immediately felt bad about bringing into this. 

Suddenly Alice pauses in her attempts to comfort me and is pulled into a vision. I stop pulling at my captors momentarily so that I can see what Alice has learned. 

She pauses, looking up at me with a little sadness but mostly looking relieved. 

"What's going to happen, Ali?" Esme whispers to her, as I look at the both of them, I cannot help but thank God for Esme, one who is so selfless she would help us, even though we might not have been the family she has dreamt of having. 

"I see Bella, she has an idea. She's going to make a distraction long enough to get Riley off of-" She starts but then stops, looking at me. She doesn't want to say something that might trigger me. Something that might make me strong enough to run. 

She chooses her next words carefully, "I can't see part of it, which makes me think Seth will be waking up soon. I do know though, everyone will be alive at the end." She seems not nearly has happy as she would like to be and I cannot help but wonder why. 

This Won't heal( Third Book in; Edward Cullen's Older Sister)Where stories live. Discover now