Chapter 14: Party

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I do not own The Twilight Saga or any of the Twilight characters. I only own my characters, and the timeline.
Elaine's POV
After Carlisle and I's dance, we are forced to go change into ,more parent appropriate, outfits by Alice. Since we are the ones who will be playing the adult roles at the party.
I change into my most mom-ish  outfit, and walk down the stairs to see Carlisle in a very dad-ish  outfit.

 I change into my most mom-ish  outfit, and walk down the stairs to see Carlisle in a very dad-ish  outfit

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I smile at him, and I take a seat on the couch next to him

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I smile at him, and I take a seat on the couch next to him.
"You look gorgeous."
He whispers in my ear as he takes my hand.
I wince a little, my head pounding at every noise. He rubs my hand.
I couldn't stop thinking about the book Irina had given me. It was on my bed right now. I had spent all night thinking about it. Carlisle, knowing this, try to distract me from my thoughts.
"You know, we don't have to make an appearance at the party. We can just stay upstairs, maybe watch some movies."
I raise an eyebrow at him, then shake my head.
"If we don't, people will talk about how there was an unsupervised party at our house. This family is already talked about enough, I want this party to help us feel more accepted."
Carlisle laughs.
"Why? We'll just leave in a couple years anyways, why the need to feel accept by the townspeople?"
I roll my eyes.
"Townspeople? You sound like they are chasing you with pitchforks and trying to burn you with holy water."
I sneer.
"If they knew what we are, don't you think they would?"
This makes me laugh, and soon, he is laughing along with me.

Bella's POV

The party is in full swing, music is blaring and a disco ball has been hung tastefully from the ceiling. I wonder around, looking for anyone who isn't too busy drinking our dancing. Elaine stands by the stairs, holding a cup in her hand, watching the crowded room of teenagers.
"Lane!" I yell, hoping it is loud enough for her to hear over the loud music. Luckily for me, she does hear and starts over to me. She smiles over to me and hugs me.
"Hey, Bells. Enjoying yourself?"
She asks.
Elaine has never been a party person, or so she tells me; it's one of the many things we have in common.
"What do you think?"
I ask back, Raising my eyebrow at the beautiful woman.
She chuckles, and then sets her drink on a nearby table.
"Come on, I have something to give to you."
She grabs my hand, and I raise my eyebrow her again, but follow to where she pulls me.
I trail behind her as we make our way through the crowded house. Teenagers all around us grind on each other and sway to the music.
Elaine rolls her eyes when she sees two girls getting frisky in the corner.
"Alcohol. It does wonders." She says in a hushed done. I don't reply, but chuckle a little.
We walk out the back door onto the Cullen's deck. The stars are shining and I can't help but look up.
"I wanted to get away from the music and all that so I could give you your present."
Elaine starts.
"Lane, you didn't have to get me anything."
"Now listen here, young lady. You're like a daughter to me, and you just graduated high school, a present is customary in this situation."
I laugh at the olden way she phrases her sentence but nod.
Then, I wait for her to continue.
She puts a hand to her left ear and takes off what looks to be an earring. Then she moves to the left one, and takes it off as well.
"I want you to have these," she says as she drops both earrings into my palm. "They were my mothers. She bought them back when I was a young girl. When I was married, she gave them to me; Now, on your graduation day, I give them to you."
I look at the earrings in my palm that is now shaking a little. I can't believe that Elaine is giving these to me.
"Lane, I- I don't know what to say. I can't take these, they are beautiful, but won't you miss them?"
Elaine put her hand on the back of her neck,
"Darling,  Bella, one thing you do learn how to do as a immortal is to let go of things. People, die and possessions waste away. My mother loved those earrings very much, and she loved me. I love you them very much, but not nearly as much as I love you. You can take them, and you will. Just promise me one thing?"
Elaine asks, and I nod, still shocked that she feels so strongly about me. I would never get use to the time of love the Cullen's offer their family members.
"When the time for your wedding day come, make sure that you wear them."
I smile brightly at her, almost in tears from the emotion in the moment, and whisper,
"I promise."
We hug, them Elaine pushes me towards the door and tells me to go inside.
Elaine's POV
I stand on the deck, looking out at the raging river. I love the way the water was so violent, yet so gentle. It looks like it could rip someone apart, but at the same time,  I know  that it wasn't deeper than her hip.
I was thinking of this when I saw a figure walking out of the woods.
I gasp a little, knowing  I  have no time to alert the others.  I  would have to deal with this intruder alone.
I look around for anything I can use as a weapon.
Suddenly, I remember that I put on high heels when I got changed earlier.
I pull the shoe off and hide behind the wall of the house, waiting for the intruder to come up the deck. When I hear footsteps coming up the stairs, I swing my heel high and look to see none other than Sam Uley.

Sam's POV
I know this is crazy. I am the leader of a pack, I shouldn't be sneaking around like a teenager, but I have to see her. My imprint. I need to know she is okay. I haven't even gotten to see her since the accident.
I walk up the back steps to the Cullen's house, knowing it will be unlocked because of the party going on. Right when I am about to reach the top of the stairs, something jumps out from behind the wall. It takes everything in me not to shift in surprise, but then I am glad I didn't. Standing in front of me, holding none other than a high heeled shoe, is Elaine Mason.
"Sam! What the hell are you doing in my back yard?"
She asks, out of breath.
I roll my eyes and grab the shoe from her.
"I came to talk to you, what are you doing out here alone?"
He asks.
Elaine rolls her eyes.
"I can take care of myself."
"I can see that."

Third person POV
The crisp night air made Riley's jacket sway a little in the wind.
He watches as the wolf and half human, half vampire women converse.
This close, he was this close to killing her. If that Sam guy wouldn't have been here, it would have happened. Then he would have gained all of  Victoria's love. When Violet had come back and told them Elaine was dead, Victoria was the least to say proud, and Riley became jealous. So, he proved to Victoria that the woman was indeed alive. When he showed her this, Victoria was so mad that she killed the girl on the spot. Riley wondered which will destroy the woman more; learning that Violet was never her long lost daughter, or learning that she was now dead. All he did know as that he would kill Elaine Mason, and once he did, Victoria would be all his. Forever. 

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