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"good morning class,
we'll be doing pair
activity. the 1st and
2nd column will pair
up, the rest follow
that manner."

the class was diverted into 2. one of them being extremely happy with it while the other sulking about their partners. y/n was indifferent about it. she was paired up with the quiet guy-- saiki kusuo. just at the corner of her eye, she spotted a dark blue haired girl who has some sort of flowery aura around her.

damn that new girl— what was her name again? l/n? why does she get to do pair work with saiki?

y/n simply adverted her gaze to somewhere else and followed her classmates by moving her tables to her partner's one.

"the project you will be
working on is a presentation
on the different prefectures/islands
of japan. i'll be assigning them 
individually. you should highlight the 
different features of it and
some of the popular and
iconic food/ attractions/
scenery. deadline is this
friday— 2 days from now."

the students talked amongst themselves for a plan. some were groaning about the sudden project work while some were excited with it. a specific student stood up to express his excitement. that student being that same red headed boy.

"hairo-san, please take
a seat. i appreciate
your enthusiasm."

the teacher gave a small smile while the boy exclaimed a yes.

saiki kusuo was bewildered by the girl. he couldn't read the mind of l/n y/n. there were some static in between with him trying to read her mind and her mind. he didn't mind her presence... yet.

she had not said anything and all saiki could do was wonder. why couldn't he read her mind?

as the teacher went up to the girl and the pinkette, a light gasp leaving her.

"my apologies, i didn't
know that there was a
new student here.
i'm fujimoto ayakawa,
your social studies teacher."

y/n looked at her teacher in a daze. what do i reply her? she thought.

she blinked once, and then twice.

her social studies teacher laughed it off and then continued.

"the island that you
two will be working
on is Shikoku."

the teacher then left, with a trail of thoughts left behind her.

should i change their pairing... putting 2 quiet kids in class. saiki-san does hand in his assignments on task. i shouldn't be too worried right? why did no one tell me that there was a new student?

with a sigh, fujimoto-sensei continued her job.

back to l/n y/n in her small bubble with saiki.

"how do you want
to split the work?"

"i can do the
attraction area."

y/n knew in the back of her head; Shikoku has four prefecture and is known for its Buddhist pilgrimage route.

"then i'll do the

"is that enough for
the presentation?"

"to barely pass it."

y/n thought; i just need a pass.

"you can add
another component
if you want."

shaking her head, y/n objected the idea.

"too much work."


with a simple nod from both parties, they knew that they had a shared goal.

just pass.

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